An ongoing saga of self-absorption and paranoia (which beats the heck out of the Real World.)
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Cell-tower lamps?
(begun Saturday 20th September at 6.45am)
It's still blissfully cool out, although the promised cold front has so far failed to materialise in this neck of the woods, and yesterday's brief downfall was a joke.
It seems my Master's insecurities may have overcome his better judgement this morning, and my attempts to connect to the Internet have so far been unsuccessful. 'Error 718: The remote computer did not respond' message suggests that Kevin Halliday's iBurst signal is once again being withheld from his paying customer at the whim of a powerdrunk Project Area Controller.
Has anything changed since my squawks of outrage yesterday? The offence that I've taken at the inclusion of the GameWrecker to the physical brutality that is rife in our home and out? The old man is still limping this morning, and it seems that Agent Balliram is loth to relinquish his latest target.
I, on the other hand, encountered not so much as one ache or pain to my neck, jaw, and ear during all the hours I spent in my TV corner yesterday. Alas, I see that 'truce' had ended when I'd logged at 1.15am of an assault to my jaw and head, and another at 2.45am... By 5.30am an enthusiastic quantum elf had been drilling away at the front of my forehead and I'd gotten up for the day.
Could it be something more than simple spite that had me denied internet access earlier, or is there a wide-spread problem with iBurst? Alternatively, could the mail I found in my Inbox from the MastFighter have anything to do with my connectivity this morning? Would you care to see it? Sent from Medical EMRRFSA.
18th September 2014
To: Mr Colin Matjila ( interim)
Mr Tshediso Matona ( incoming )
Eskom CEO
Mr Sifiso Dabengwa
MTN Group President and CEO
Mr Sicelo Xulu
Acting Managing Director
City Power Johannesburg
Dear Sirs,
It is of great concern that your companies have demonstrated a total disregard for the fundamental rights that South Africans are entitled to as enshrined in the Constitution.
Eskom consistently advises us on the shortage of electricity with nightly messages, yet thousands of cell towers add dramatically to that drain.
This is now being compounded with "cell tower lamps" being dotted through neighbourhoods.
MTN has taken the opportunity, in collusion with Eskom and City Power to avoid any form of public participation as to people being subjected to additional electromagnetic radiation next to their homes.
What frequency and modulation is being transmitted from these lamp antennae? How is the electricity being measured or charged for, as there is no separate connection? How will the obvious surges in power with usage be catered for?
Who will be responsible for the loss of property value for the houses that have had the misfortune of a placement of a lamp tower next to their homes, as has been shown with cell towers, where between a loss of 35% - 50% can be expected on the value of properties. In some cases properties next to towers have not been sold at all and have gone to auction. Surely the company involved should be responsible for that loss.
Judging by the placement of those that are up already, there has been total disregard of sensitive planning.
There are thousands of studies demonstrating the biological impacts of electromagnetic radiofrequency, not just on human health but on the whole environment.
Two hundred leading scientists attended the international BIOEMS conference in Cape Town recently to present papers on the impacts on health from wireless technology and electrical fields.
Researchers presenting during the conference described electromagnetic radiation (EMR) as affecting gene expression, a mechanism for EMR being causal for cancer, infertility and possible mutations in foetal development. Cancers related to cell phone usage are well described in the literature in respect of tumours in children and adults in sites on the body where cell phones have been carried.
Several studies show significantly increased cancer rates near cell masts.
Studies also demonstrated in human volunteers the possibility of wireless radiation affecting the physiology of the skin, which is the largest exposed organ of the body. People being affected by EMR (ELF/MW) often present with skin that is rashing, burning and itching.
Further papers dealt with the effects of electromagnetic fields on animals. Hynak Burda discussed the study of magnetic alignment in vertebrates and showed how cows orientate their bodies along lines that reflect the earth’s magnetic fields.
Uwe Greggers who presented a study on the “Reception and learning of electric fields in bees” was asked what this might mean for mammalian migration and even human health. His answer: “I would certainly never live near a wireless tower”
Following the conference, the EMRRFSA hosted the first EHS workshop, which saw sufferers from diverse and socio-economic backgrounds attending. Professor Frank Barnes of the University of Colorado was a guest, learning about EHS sufferers in South Africa and the difficult journeys they face. Many of them became EHS following exposure transmissions from cell towers. The first case of medical disability in a man suffering from EHS in South Africa was registered by doctors in 2013 ( Vivian and Johansson, BMJ Open 2014)
The telecoms industry is to be held accountable for rolling out technologies/ transmissions that have not been proven safe. It is unfortunate that they continue to ignore the impacts which they are fully aware of.
Swiss Re, a Fortune 500 leading insurance company, in its Sonar Emerging Risks Report 2013, warned the industry that “unforeseen consequences of electromagnetic fields” could lead to a raft of claims and significant liability losses having placed electromagnetic fields in their high risk category.
Who is liable for illnesses that are reported near these lamppost masts? Has City Power indemnified MTN against health claims, or claims regarding loss of property value? Does City Power carry insurance against such claims? The telecoms industry certainly has never been able to offer up public liability insurance documents on health and property loss, nor will they offer a letter saying they guarantee any loss of health near their antennae.
Having seen how City Power dealt with the issue of their smart meters radiating in unintended ways in Blairgowrie, causing massive interference to electronic equipment such as car immobilisers and gate openers, how can they possibly be trusted with the widespread implementation of microwave towers? City Power has
never even revealed the most basic facts of what occurred in Blairgowrie, despite years of attempts from the public just to find out what happened.
Optic fibre from backbone into home, office and school directly should be the focus of the telecoms industry and our government, as people’s right to health and a safe environment, takes precedence over the development of unsafe communication technologies.
Perhaps the solution for quick change is for it to be compulsory for each Chairman, CEO, and the managing board of directors of all South Africa’s telecom companies to have a mast erected 30 metres from their children’s windows transmitting LTE/Wi-Max/ 3G of all the service providers. The same should apply to the Ministers of Health, Environment, Communication, Education and Outdoor Advertising Department of Development Planning, who are ignoring the rights of the public.
Communities have a right to choose and not be ridden roughshod over.
Kindly acknowledge receipt of this communication and we look forward to a response at your earliest convenience.
Yours sincerely
Tracey-Lee Dorny – Chairman Advocate Vicky Benjamin
Dr. Jenny Gardy – Medical advisor Dr. Lauraine M H Vivian – Medical Researcher
South Africa South Africa
The GameWrecker insists that none of you will spend time reading that missive and I hope he's got that wrong. I'd replied to Tracey requesting that she send me a picture of these so-called "cell-tower lamps" that I may attempt to hunt some down and post the pictures here for you.
I'll stick to my guns and insist that none of us here at No. 8 had suffered any adverse affects whatsoever from being in direct line of sight to the Barnard Road mast in Mayville, for all the years prior to it's inclusion to the Smart City quantum Project in 2004/5.
That had been about when the shit had begun to hit the fan bigtime, starting with Basil at No. 4 getting nailed while working out in his garden. The first time it happened had been on the 15th November 2005, if I remember rightly, and they'd drained the fluid off his brain only for that exercise to be repeated on the 15th December 2005, just one month later. Funny enough, he'd been working in the same patch of garden as before, and down he'd gone again, like a stone.
My good friend was as tough as old boots and had recovered only to move down to Marburg some years later. Marburg - Where the quantum laser neighbour spying upon neighbour project is already making itself felt, hey Janneman? #spits
With the inclusion of that letter, this update has run away from me... There's a whole bunch more stuff to share with you, but I guess I'll leave it until later, and just hope that we are given an iBurst signal when I try.
Friday 20th September 2014 at 11.16am.