Saturday, February 08, 2014

The nature of the beast...
(begun Friday 7th February at 3.55am..)

I reckon it's one or two stragglers on the Graveyard Shift that woke me soon after 3am with the Klingon hand sign, followed by some unpleasant attention to my calf, FFS.... Is it peculiar to the magical combo of wireless and electricity, or could any old EE who's been around the block tell you the reason why that's happening?  Sure, it's to do with one's circulation and the fact that the laser wielders can now pinpoint the area to fiddle with the blood supply, but the burning hand thing has been so consistent since Sunshine was given control of our lines, that I'm thinking both Al Spence and his colleague Mike Oliver would recognize it straight off..
As a diabetic, No. 4's pain would've been far worse than mine, and it's no surprise she would wake in the night, crying..  I've had it happen to both hands simultaneously, but more often than not it's been the right hand that threatens to burst into flame, although the introduction of the jabs to my calves and shins is fairly recent..

There was nothing the matter with either hand when they first woke me, and it had been some minutes later before the familiar sensation kicked in and I'd been flapping my hand over the side of the bed to put the flames out...  Now I'm up and sitting at the desk, my charming Shift Monitor has a red-hot poker resting on my cancer, and I guess that's an indication of the mood they're in this morning? What do they want from me at this hour of the day?
My version of the conversation I'd had with the Professor's wife, yesterday at the Farmer's Market?  The stolen audio not clear enough to make it out word for word?  My entry level Nokia had been in the bag over my shoulder at the time, but there's a chance the Statistician doesn't carry hers about her person.. hmmm..

When I'd turned into Jimmy Bellow's there'd been a unmarked doublecab 4x4 sitting by the first pole, and I hadn't been able to resist pulling up alongside him and giving him my terrifying smile and a good morning, as he'd had Project written all over him... Sure enough, once I'd driven down to the Clubhouse it was to find a couple of his wekkers busy by THIS light on the right, and although the control pole in the parking lot was burning as brightly as ever, I didn't see any of the other lamps activated...
She'd asked me why, when they'd set up our area as a trial zone, we'd been singled out as a student Learning centre, and I'd replied honestly enough that I was the Village Idiot and a gossip to boot.. An assessment I guess she'd already made for herself, but she was sufficiently intrigued to run the usual logical suggestions by me.. Weather pressure, susceptible to auto-suggestion, and I'd filled in the psychsomatic bit she'd left out..

Course it's highly unlikely she'll ever mention my offer to her husband, and it's a given that nothing will come of it, but man, you had to have been there to know how much I enjoyed that little wind-up session. Two Elite eggheads sharing the same home, and yet she knows absolutely nothing of the methods being used by the authorities to install and employ this advanced technology.   My Watchers can rest easy.  It was an enjoyable one-off, and I won't be broaching the subject again.. The mere fact that she'd admitted her husband was involved and that she'd referred to it as Monitoring, was enough to put me in a good mood for the rest of the day...

Had my Trackers enjoyed it as much as I had?  Did they get the encounter I'd had outside the copshop after 9am? I'd thought at first he was simply taking his charming pooch for a morning stroll, and the beast had me laughing as it strained at the leash to go after the guinea-fowl... I'd said his dog could get shot if it went after the Station's Mascot, and he'd turned to go up the steps into the Charge Office with me.. What are you here for? I'd asked.. He'd laughed sort of sheepishly and had said 'A sign-off', and we'd gone our separate ways.. Were the Watchers vastly entertained by that friendly exchange?  After all, they would've known the guy and the reason for his visit.  No matter what he'd done, I thought the pretty little dog on a lead was a really neat touch, and I'd said as much to the GameWrecker later on...

When I'd stepped out of the courtyard door just before 8am to embark on my solo shopping trip, I'd scanned the pathway and stairs in that corner, for the possibility of laser route markers placed there overnight.. There was a leaf on the second step that literally dazzled in the morning light, and I'd carried it carefully up to the garage where I'd taken some pictures for you HERE.
When I'd shown those results to the GW later, he'd said at first he thought they might be some sort of eggs laid gently along the centre of that leaf, but once he'd zoomed in on them, he was baffled...
More magic, created by the teams whose job it is to design all manner of portable natural-looking laser route markers?
The kidney weed that sprang up in the strangest corners of our yard seemingly overnight, and it's cuplike leaves that hold the diamond points of moisture long after the sun has risen in the sky?  And here we had a string of clear droplets that shone and sparkled in the light, only they were solid.  I'll go up later and check whether they've changed overnight, and of course you'll eventually get to see those pictures..

How does Spence refer to it officially?  An enforced change-over?  A change-over that began by getting rid of the loyal Graduate at No. 11, and recruiting her enemy at No. 5 instead, in order to close the holes in their story?  Once you've signed the dotted line, anything pertaining to the Blessed Project must be denied, not so?  Comparing my ever-changing symptoms that would match Sue the Book's so neatly, has become a thing of the past as a result..
I'd also managed to take a snap of our ex-CPF Treasurer's home as we'd driven by mid-morning.  A snap that shows THIS light under their balcony awning, burning brightly..No doubt something intended to delight me.     She'd been sent on a course run down at Electron Road a couple of days ago, and had said that it was on Health and Safety.  Right.  Who am I to disagree?  Altogether a tidy bit of strategy that I can't fault...

Saturday 8th February at 4.05am

Was that how it had panned out?  When it finally became obvious there was trouble in Paradise, and I'm guessing she gave him an ultimatum?  Hell, I could kid myself that the reason for the change-over was that he was drawing unwanted attention to the role of these quantum warriors, and that it was the authorities who'd finally said enough, but it's probably more likely the little woman has discovered she can dish it out, but she's not up to taking it herself.. Whatever.  It began with getting rid of the Newtons at cottage No. 11, and it's been downhill all the way since then..
Did the Graduate have any idea what was coming their way when she was ordered to have the creeper removed from both their back and front retaining walls?
Had she any inkling at all of the engineered torrential downpour that had been arranged for not long after those shaky bricks had their 'glue' removed?
That both walls would collapse under the sheer weight of the downpour in the dead of night, and damage her car, as the mud bank broke through their garage wall? Nice and dramatic, hey Balliram?  And they were duly told that the cottage was unstable and dangerous to occupy, and that they'd be given alternative accommodation down in Bartle Road?  A messy and unkind move, and quite possibly like I said, simply to allow Sue the Book's lad at No. 5 to be enrolled in their place... How do they feel now?  Were they not affronted by this shabby treatment, after their years of loyal service to the Project?

When Operative Balliram was informed that changes had to be made, if only for appearance sake, did his Handler nudge him and say that moving control from No. 6 to further away, would ensure that the levels would have to be increased, and that I would personally suffer more as a result?  Did this mollify the Sadist somewhat?  Naturally he would've been reassured that he still has full access to ours, and I can attest to the fact that his gate motor continues to play it's role in the unpleasantness I encounter daily, both inside and out of my home...
What puzzles me is the introduction of the Abdominal frequency after the Newtons had left... The weeks and weeks that I'd stagger about enduring phantom period pains, and the sensation that my womb was about to fall onto the floor, or that my (usually) right ovary area was about to explode... While it had been a relief to do without my cancer being ignited, this new weapon had been pretty unpleasant in it's own right...
With a great deal of callous practise, my Controller (and I'm betting a few select cronies) had eventually homed in on my uterus, and the rest is X-rated history... To those of you who choose to think that if anything, it's mind-games they're playing with me, I will tell you that's rubbish, and that it's physical and very real....

Had they thought I'd be too coy to share with you these new and below the belt experiences?  After the footage stolen of me in the bathroom was distributed to all and sundry?  That little chicken has certainly come home to roost, has it not, Captain Lazarus?  How would the good Captain S feel if he were to discover that your colleague Agent Balliram was visiting his pretty wife at night while she slept, or was in the shower? Would he shrug it off as a monitoring exercise and ignore it, or would his thoughts turn to a fatwa of sorts? He is just one of our Muslim community whom I dare say would react in horror and outrage were he to know of the options now available to the local quantum warriors...
Of the violations and abuse that are being carried out by many like my Controller, right across the Zone..
You have Balliram's word that this practise is restricted to a few deserving bitches like myself, and that the female residents need have no fear they will be included in this sport randomly?

Let me put it to you like this, Mr. Spence.. Until I or my family and animals are no longer tortured in my own home and out in my yard by the ridiculous levels set by your protege, I will treat your denials with the scorn they so richly deserve... You will have seen that I posted Part 2 of A Better Life for All on Facebook today, and it had been the sight of my innocent Sophie crawled right under my bed in the heat of the morning that had me setting aside time to bash out those words.. She hides under the metal framework of that ancient bed in an attempt to escape the devastating wireless levels, and for no other reason...   While I have proven to be a shamefully willing labrat for the Fiddler's frequency, I cannot condone what they do to my dogs. Bottom line.
It's not going to make a blind bit of difference whether Balliram relocates or not, until you get your bloody act together and adjust the levels that the crazed Psycho insists are required for the monitoring...
I'd even sink to sending Sutcliffe a Friend request if it were needed for him to read my Timeline updates, but I suspect he can see them anyways.. The best is yet to come Mikey, and that whole darned 2011 piece has the stench of the Smart City Project clinging to each page...

Don't you love it when I talk bolshie?  Like I think I've a hope in hell of holding a winning hand?  I have nothing, and I know it.


Sunday 9th February 2014 at 7.21am.