Saturday, December 28, 2013

From the sublime..
(begun Sunday 29th December at 3.30am..)

As patient as Job, he'd tried everything to get it to work, and in the end all it had needed was a good old plug reset, and bingo! the sound was restored... That harddrive is a magical thing, and they've kindly loaded it with so much good stuff to watch that I'm in danger of having my butt welded to the telly chair...  We're only up to Episode six of Game of Thrones and so far, I still prefer the books.  In between all the knights and dragons the erotic content is more risque than anything this old crone could imagine, believe it or not..
The telly series is another story, and there's enough of the prude left in me to be quite startled by the amount of sex and nudity they've managed to slot into each episode..
After the initial shock had worn off, I find myself amused at how cleverly the Director manipulates his audience, and the GameWrecker had stayed wide awake to watch three episodes in a row this afternoon, as a result.

After yesterday's blog update I'd gone to bed last night anticipating the worst.. One doesn't express one's disappointment over our Boys in Blue's behaviour, without some form of retribution taking place, and over the years that's exactly what's happened... As it was, I don't recall surfacing during the night to any unpleasantness.. Au contraire.. Someone had woken me some time after 2am and had treated me most kindly.. So kindly in fact, that soon after 3am I'd been that confused that I'd made my snivelling escape from Cloud 9, and here I am at the desk...

Astoundingly, after all this time it would seem these yobbos are finally practising a modicum of caution..Do they seriously think that I'll omit to mention the increased number of whacks to my skull and that lately-arrived deep pinch buried in the back of my thighs?  The term thrombosis flits into my cooked head, just as it has flitted into my Tormentor's minds recently... Why, it was only a couple of nights back that I'd been settling into bed when Someone had seen fit to first create that deep unpleasant pinch, and just a minute later to set my heart going like the clappers... The GameWrecker had been there at the time and I'd chirped out loud immediately, whereupon my ticker had settled back down to it's normal rate...

By now there are more than enough of you hit & run specialists out there who will recognise the specific wireless weaponry that's made it's appearance of late... The fibrillating heart-rate that would've been used repeatedly to weaken Glen Nayager's heart, and to finish him off before he could spill the beans.. Those deep jabs to the base of my skull or to my temple, seldom in the same place, or even the new and most unpleasant pinch set deep in the back of whichever thigh they're going after on that occasion...
These thugs seem to feel that I need reminding of my extreme vulnerability, and I find that quite sweet..
After all, I've been blogging for years that I'm fully aware of how I may be felled permanently in a second, by a remote code being tapped into a nearby smartphone or laptop...

When godschild had asked me once if I was ready to go, I'd replied without hesitation in the affirmative, but (and ain't there always a but?) I do believe I would only leave willingly were I able to give credit for my demise to the correct quarter...
Has Someone already produced the one and a half million asking price for the Chickencoop next door?  Has it been carefully and repeatedly explained to the Sadist that it would be best if he were safely relocated from the area before I was taken out?  Appearances are everything in this climate of lies and secrecy, are they not, and there are at least a few of Agent Balliram's fawning Graduates nearby, who are willing and able to avenge him at the drop of a hat..

LATER at 4.35am

Where is Hope House?  Somewhere up in Westville?  Is that charitable institution already fully wired to Sutcliffe's monstrous Smart City surveillance technology, and are those little one's unformed skulls being exposed to the same unregulated amounts of wireless as the toddlers here at St. Theresa's orphanage/mini base station, or for that matter the boys that are homed in the structure facing the Barnard Road cellmast?
It's an experiment after all, is it not, Sr. Petruccione?  An experiment that will cull the weak from those whose immune systems can tolerate the battering?  A weeding out that will ultimately leave a heaving mass of obedient sheep who will be controlled by a single Force?
Controlled just as the CIA spokesman had said publicly, by means of your electrical appliances, although of course that was just the tip of the iceberg, and the truth of the matter is that your battery-operated appliances are equally vulnerable to remote mischief... What the USA's Men in Black weren't about to reveal is their main objective, and that would be the ability to control your health, and to decide whether you live or die...

Any readers from the Francois Road area?  Do you recognize any of the three homes in THESE pictures?  Which one of them houses the Area Controller for that particular stretch of road?  The one with the odd finish to it's street-facing windows HERE?  I wasn't quick enough to get a clear shot of the logo on the Contractor's bakkie door, but the red-suited fellow up the top of that streetlight is a Smart City contractor for sure, and it's guaranteed that by the time he'd finished making those adjustments, more than a few of the nearby residents would've been feeling the affects of his work...
Migraines, nausea, and a sudden increase in joint pains will be the norm, and no-one will look twice at that innocent-appearing pole and the load that it bears...

Just as no-one would think twice were that young UK magician to be found dead of premature heart failure, were he to encounter one wireless frequency too many...
Already weakened to the point of emaciation by Crohn's Disease, I've no doubt that he's well aware that each illusion he creates could be his last..
Have you the financial means to relocate to that wireless-free town in Spain, or to frantically dig yourself an underground bunker as our friend Jacob is doing at Nkandla? Unlikely...

Never mind young Dynamo.. Right here and now we are all living in the greatest illusion ever created, although it's hoped that it will be decades before the Author's intention to control the entire world comes about..
As we here in Sherwood and Sydenham were one of the first, if not the first, to be rigged to this astoundingly advanced technology, you'd be forgiven for thinking that nine years later it would be operating seamlessly...
Wrong.  Despite the new waterlines being laid, there are still breaks everywhere, and Project Contractors may be seen working in the area on any given day of the week, as fresh scars are carved across each street in the suburb...

Enjoy the magic while you're able, and share your thoughts while you still can, without fear of reprisal... The so-called Security Bill is a joke, when two-thirds of South Africa already have groups of quantum laser program users up and running, and the water is being contaminated by fibre, across the land...
Will the White Hats win the battle of the airwaves, or will there be no such thing as Good or Bad at the end of it all?  Just one collective mass, easily controlled by a single Force?  Are you as thankful as I am, to still be around to witness all this magic?  Hopefully you will come to regard it as such, despite the implications..
I myself am now as good as the Walking Dead, and the side nearest Balliram's three aircon units shrieks in protest as I move, and I hobble when I walk...  Unpleasantness that is set to vanish shortly, only to be replaced by the red-hot poker applied to my cancer, once I've drawn my bath...
A specific combination of a frequency much favoured by the Peeping Toms who attend the bathtime Matinees...


Sunday 29th December 2013 at 7.23am.