Sunday, October 27, 2013

Beautiful creatures..
(begun Saturday 26th October at 7.38am...)

*It's now 7.50am Monday morning, and I tried booting up the PC at at 7.20am only to encounter a nasty but lame powerplay, and the monitor refused to load... I shut down and left it until the GameWrecker got out of bed, and when he tried booting up there was no problem at all.. Rather not have Ian Halliday's name and the part he plays in all of this skullduggery, dragged back onto these pages? Too late mate...*

A tad too much joie de vivre for some Big Tosser's liking?  I'm not supposed to be actually enjoying myself?  Whatever.  The sky began to fall in bigtime soon after 3am, once I'd gotten up to read the newspapers, and I'd been sitting in the loo at 3.15am when the light had dipped briefly, announcing some Sicko had joined me in that little space...

Monday 28th October at 3.45am...

The last time someone had come to take a reading in ours, our powerlines were conveniently 'stolen' just hours before her arrival, and there'd been nothing to measure, and no means of recharging her device... Had there been a way of measuring what was let loose in our home for pretty much the entire day on Saturday, I guess even you hardened sceptics would've been surprised... Some older people do tend to dwell over-much on the various ailments that arrive in later life, and if you think that's what this is, I suggest you sit this one out..

Course, I can only guess at who it was that had so willingly and loyally assisted the Knob in achieving those crippling levels of pain, and the only answer I could come up with had knocked me into the Slough of Despond for the rest of the weekend...
From 7.15am on, on Saturday, the right side of my face, neck, and ear, had borne the brunt of that systematic assault, and despite my distress texts to both Spence and Mbhele, and logging my situation on my FB status, those levels had been kept unwaveringly high...
Who was it that had egged the cowardly Sadist on, to go for broke like that?  His chommies huddled up at Sydenham SAPS? Either of his Mentors, Michael Barnabas, or Jannie van Zyl?
Mike Sutcliffe's erstwhile colleague and partner in crime, Neil MacLeod?  Would our Agent Balliram in fact be offended by the suggestion that he'd been ordered to assault me in such fashion, and would he proudly insist that it had been his decision alone?

It matters not.  The fact remains that those I'd clung to in vain as having managed to retain a modicum of their innate goodness, participated fully in the horrorshow that ensued... And that is what had literally knocked me into a shattered silence for the rest of the weekend... At some point I'd foolishly thought that a bit of manual labour could distract me from that onslaught, so I'd gone out with the pushmower and cut the front lawn, but the pain hadn't disappeared for a second...
At 10.45am I'd finished the job and was back indoors, and in desperation had sent a text each to my Excellent Neighbour and to godschild at No. 10, asking whether they could do anything about the levels being pumped into our home.. Silence..
Orders are orders in this scurrilous army, and I myself am a clear example of what can be done to you if you're perceived as an enemy...

I'd been huddled in my TV chair in the lounge at around 1.30pm, when I'd suddenly picked up the sound of a rough but persistent wireless song.. Was it right in the room, or was it floating in through the open windows from No. 10, just a few yards away?
Almost like a combination of water and air being forced through a tap is about the best way I can describe it, but your RF experts will know exactly what I'm referring to...
A sound I've heard often enough as I lie on Cloud 9 in the dead of night, although it's slightly different to the background hum my ears are picking up right now, as I sit here at the desk...
A hum that was clumsily activated less than five minutes after I'd sat down, and that I suspect emanates from at least one of the three aircon units a few feet away to my right...

Whoever it is on Monitoring Shift at this hour had callously cranked up the Backfire frequency straight off, and I'd gotten up to shut the little window between us, and to pull the plug from the jackpoint behind me, and switch it off... Almost immediately I'd taken a blow to my right side, as the Knob hastily compensated for the minor loss..
The sound of that faint but distinct wireless song in my lounge on Saturday had hit me harder than all the pain to my fillings could've hoped to achieve, and I'd literally spent the entire morning in bed yesterday, in an attempt to escape reality... silliness....

When you were first recruited and told you'd have to work alongside criminals, I'd have to bet you never thought for one minute that you'd ever sink to their levels...
Even as I scribble here there are those who'd thought the Trojan Horse scenario was a fine idea, and that they had the skills and patience to fool the Corrupt into regarding them as co-workers and friends... To what end?  For how many years since, have you sat on your hands patiently watching and carefully saying nothing, as these inhumane tortures are taking place across the city?  What does that make you?
All along I've warned of the means that would be used to trap you.. Of how simple it was to arrange for your retrenchment, or for your precious car to be stolen, before someone you trust would offer you a lucrative position and quite possibly a deal on a replacement vehicle that was so good you couldn't refuse?
Your relief at this bail-out is so great that you won't feel the chains as they tighten about you, and you're totally oblivious to the sticker on your forehead saying OWNED...

LATER at 4.55am

The weather had been okay on Friday, so I'd headed outdoors and mixed up some more of that rockset stuff in an attempt to shore up some of the worst cracks in the stone walls and paving.. The GW had pointed out a growing fissure in the concrete floor of the courtyard, and hard taskmaster that he is, he'd nonetheless said later that I'd done a good job.. By the evening all but the very centre of that particular patch had set rock solid.. The first thing I'd noticed on stepping out into the courtyard early the next morning, had been two gouge marks dug across my patchwork by something really sharp.  You couldn't ask for a finer example of the childish spite resorted to, by these Rainbow Warriors... *gags...

You like that title?  I found it on my FB Timeline the other day, where it had been contributed by the fresh-faced young DA councillor for Ward 31... It looked for all the world like some glossy loose-leaf flyer produced by the likes of Mweb, to be distributed among the youth here in the Zone just prior to their next recruitment drive, on behalf of the Smart City Project..
As much as I'd like to believe that romantic bullshit, I see it as nothing more than carefully worded propaganda... The earth will be ruined before the Warriors arise to ultimately save the day?  Do you stop to think for one minute WHO it is behind the destruction of our natural resources, or do you simply tell yourself it's the Ruling Party and the Corrupt Trough Feeders that have led to the poisoning of our oceans, rivers, and countryside?

You're the Intellectuals and yet you refuse to see those Men in Black's involvement, along with their good buddies at HAARP?  How you're being herded into pens that will leave you anything but the romantically termed Rainbow Warriors you've been led to believe you are?
You haven't the time or the inclination to face that possibility right now, as you've a child to educate and payments to make, and financially you're still sailing bloody close to the wind?  Just the way your Controller prefers it, and should you so much as whisper one word of dissent that's anti the Party line, it will be heard, and retribution will be exacted...
Will your fervent prayers keep you safe as you willingly participate in the torture of honest people?  Who's to say, in this New Age of technological miracles, and the steady desensitisation of your morals and integrity...
All this endless yapping from an unpleasant and criminally stupid old fart merely serves to strengthen your resolve, does it not?

In a perfect world, when the purple-crested loerie arrived in all his splendour on the birdbath yesterday morning, I could've called my Excellent Neighbour and she could have hung over the wall to capture that bird's beauty in a way that I'm not capable of doing.. (godschild tells me she's a photographer BTW...)
Such small hurts that count for squat when you consider the bigger picture.. Hurts that nine years later, should bounce off of my kevlar, but don't...
There's still a great deal of beauty out there folks, and I suggest you enjoy it while you can..

LATER at 6.25am

I'm due to send out my list of CPF Meeting reminders at 7am, so I've just checked to see how many I have left.. Turns out I have R47 airtime, but no text bundle at all... After the nonsensical manipulations made to my Nokia brick a fortnight ago, the GW had finally managed to establish that I have 258 sms available in total, and he'd saved that message accordingly HERE..
As I've barely used my phone in the past ten days, let alone sent anything like 258 texts, you'll forgive me if I cry foul?  Your input Jannie? *checks the vodacom Strategist's nose...  My antique is OWNED by your protege?
Has the Unfortunate Sod next door been growing increasingly restless and sullen this past month?

Did you and your cohorts seek to cheer him up by giving him the freedom to do his worst in ours on Saturday, with no fear of repurcussion?  As long as he ensured his nearby Graduates were involved, and the credit/blame could be shared?  Did it work?  Was the sadistic Psycho temporarily assauged after that blood bath?  I'd have to guess that's a no...
Although the appalling fillings/lymph gland attacks were kept to a minium yesterday, I'd awoken some time during the night to a huge ache on the same side of my face that had been the target for Saturday's ministrations.. Has your Expert in the Field abandoned his hopes of achieving an ovarian-related cancer in favour of some little nasty cropping up in my throat?  Your guess folks...
Sometime within the last three weeks I've acquired a strange rash behind each of my knees.. I choose to refer to it as a radiation rash, and I wear it with pride as a symbol of the excess now employed by your beloved Chickenking, at his Master's behest...

You have a good one, and


Monday 28th October 2013 at 8.48am...