Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Veiled threats ll

Veiled threats...
(begun Tuesday 2nd July at 4.25am..)

It had gone 3am, when one of the heroes had thwacked me from hip to hip with casual cruelty, before having me toss about the bed like an over-stuffed ragdoll.. I got the sense that they're already getting bored with this new game, and they're needing greener pastures to feed on... A whack to the neck and a jab to the side, and eventually the old bat heaved herself out of bed to go sit at the desk and present a slightly different target.
The first drops of rain have just started falling, and hopefully the muggy heat will start to lift a little..
My old man tells me he felt off-colour yesterday with flu-like symptoms, and naturally I'd pricked up my ears..
A side-effect of Freddie's streetlight upgrade, or a genuine bug picked up as he wheeled his trolley about the aisles?

*It's now 8.54am, and I'm attempting to update online.  Whichever wanker is on this shift has popped up the pink Error bar at the top and for a change, is leaving it there as I continue to type. Interesting.. New orders from above?* Edit made at 9.49am.  Could it be that blogger is so clever it recognised I already had an existing blog with the identical title and therefore it refused to publish this one?  Once I'd added Veiled threats ll to the title it published without a problem. Ahh, the joys of paranoia.  *
Apart from one sudden flurry of jabs to my left ear at 7.45pm last night, the pain and discomfort that arrived along with the pole adjustments seems restricted to my right side...  Would a process of elimination have me any the wiser?  Pull the plug from the wall-jack a few yards away to my right?  Tape a small square of sisalation over those empty holes?  Shut the window directly behind my TV chair and see if the level of attacks lessen in any way?  I've said often enough that even during a load-shedding/powercut the assaults continue relentlessly, so I'm not holding my breath on the possibility of dumbing it down somewhat...

My Good Neighbour appeared to have swopped his overhead lounge light for a wall light last night.  Something I've not noticed previously, but with their curtains carefully left open, it speaks directly to our two spotlights under the eaves, a few yards from me.  I should haul out the ladder again and cut back a couple of straggly acalypha stems I'd missed, and then their LOS to ours will be pretty much unobstructed and they can go to town, so to speak...
Since I cleared back those shrubs so drastically, the GW remarked that he felt our unfortunate neighbours could look out of their windows and see him shuffling about in his vest and undershorts.. The poor bloke has absolutely no idea that they're able to see far more of him than in his underwear, and that he's on camera 24/7 and I doubt he could learn to adapt and live with that knowledge, as I have done.

It's probably my lack of self-worth that has me coping.. *and a sudden spike of the Backfire frequency hits me here as I'm scribbling away at the desk at 5am..*
Yeah, I figure it must be pretty darned depressing to be stuck monitoring a less-than-attractive Circus Freak for so many hours of the day, and I console myself with the petty 'It serves them right'.. *chokes...
Okay.  So it's 5.01am, and some enthusiastic Twit has just hit Balliram's house-alarm and has probably managed to wake the entire household Tsk, tsk... The Pig, getting in from a night's wholesale slaughter?  He doesn't make mistakes like that unless he specifically needs an alibi, though I can't be bothered to get up and check...

Did my Monitor hear my chokes of mirth yesterday afternoon? I was in the Funny Pictures thread over at mybroadband and someone had posted a pic of Obama bending down to ingratiate himself with a small child.  The kid was looking at him and said 'My daddy says you're spying on us' to which the president replied 'He's not your daddy.'  So near the knuckle that I had to laugh.  The most personal of information sucked up and stored somewhere, that it may be retrieved and used against you if need be...
A nasty dull ache has just arrived in my chest only five minutes after the Chop has ostensibly returned home.. And now for something completely different, Agent Balliram?

Your hero Mike Sutcliffe used his quantum laser feretting technology to great effect as he built himself a stack of Leverage files, used to manipulate his colleagues and staff.. Do you still insist you've got nothing to hide? Fark, you could be in for a nasty surprise....
Our CPF Secretary had called me at 4.25pm yesterday.  Our landline hasn't played up in weeks, but once she'd begun talking about the drug bust over at Sydenham Heights, the familiar static interference had kicked in and grown worse, until we'd ended the call... Who was 'managing' our phonelines at the time, and why corrupt that call?  Any ideas, Agent Mean?

Will there be more rain scheduled for today, or was that brief shower sufficient to jump-start many of the different substances dotted about our yard?  A sudden growth spurt to the physcia grisea on the side path perhaps, or the green moss now dabbed on top of the walls?  The ache in my chest had disappeared as quickly as it had arrived, though chances are the Sadist was given a new wireless weapon last night, and I'll let you know if and when he uses it again...

Is there any way to tell whether the traffic to the Sydenham Community Close Facebook page has increased over the past month or so?  I have the feeling that it's visited by a whole lot of people.. People who are happy to leave it to the handful of regulars to speak out on their behalf..  Not so much due to apathy, as to self-preservation, right?  Already you've begun to be careful what you say, and who you say it to, correct? Was this caution something you've always employed, or is it just since your enlistment to the Yellow Army? Oops! I mean the Lord's Neighbourhood Watch?  An operation that's set to make liars out of the best of you, however straightforward and honest you may have been in the past..
Does my endless babbling ever leave you just a tad shame-faced and guilty?  Au contraire - I'd have to bet that it inflames you that a Thicko dares point out so much as one discrepancy surrounding this heaven-sent technology, and the clamours for my head will be growing louder by the day...

Who is Keith Downs, and what is his relationship to the Sydenham Community and the surveillance project?  Observer?  Participant?  Or merely a damage-controller like Telkom's Missus?  Will my request to have the poll he created, stickied at the top of the page, be met, and if not, why not?  Curiouser and curiouser... Edit:  I checked earlier this morning, and I find that my request had already been dropped to below the original poll post. Gremlins I tell you! *winks...
Who was it that saw the fault reference number that the Malvern/Bellair poster had put on her Facebook page with regards the week-long run-off on her verge?  Someone had made haste to call in that number and have a crew out there first thing yesterday morning.. My Controller himself?
Will the concerned resident be persuaded to lose interest in the operations being carried out nearby, or will she manage to take some fairly interesting pictures to share with us?

Illegal water connections are a big part of your department's woes, Neil?  Yeah, right.  Just as cable theft and illegal electricity connections are to blame for the power crisis, and are most certainly nothing to do with those huge banks of lights inside the Moses Mabhida Stadium that are running 24/7..?  You and your colleagues are working to rid this town of the corrupt Ruling Party, using means so crooked, they outstrip the actions of the greediest of the Trough Feeders...
What does that make you, Mistuh MacLeod?  Some sort of saviour, or a lying crook who's defrauding the ratepayers out of millions?

How are the plans progressing to wire up that godforsaken backwater hole called Pomeroy, Mr. van Zyl?  Has a new wireless mast gone up yet?  Anyone care to remind me why the Sisters were exiled quite so far away?  Looking out of the window here at the astonishing array of lamps running off the valley-facing nunnery wall, I'd be prepared to consider their move was for health reasons, though you can guarantee Pomeroy is due for an upgrade soon enough...  How's about my friends who relocated down to the Port Shepstone area?  Any fibre optics running to their nearest streetlight yet?

Garyvdh over at the mybroadband forum stepped up to the plate and threatened to do my head in with a seemingly endless flood of posts on today's methods of surveillance... BBB Gary, old man?  Did any of those wordy posts I'd scrolled by, make mention of the words quantum laser communications system? Hah!  The Telkom Strategist will have told young Gary to let it all out, as long as he's careful to avoid the truth of the situation here in South Africa.. More diversionary tactics, though for whose benefit is unclear...

There'd been a moment a couple of days ago when my Shift Monitor had been distracted, and I'd been able to change my Facebook cover picture without the minutes-long drag as it struggles for some reason to load... Double click on your choice and bingo, it's there before you immediately.  Whoever was on duty yesterday afternoon had made up for that lapse, and eventually I'd left it battling to load and had busied myself elsewhere... Does each choice I make have to go through some sort of screening process, before it's either loaded or refused, or is the decision entirely up to Agent Balliram to make?
Still getting away with the claim that the sphere photos are due to a fault on both my cameras?  I'd like to hope there are several Sydenham Community members who are already building their own collections of the orbs, despite any veiled threats of reprisal...

Peace julle.

Tuesday 2nd July 2013 at 9.38am.
Posted on Facebook instead at 9.42am due to the Pink error saving bar refusing to disappear.