Sunday, June 30, 2013

(begun Sunday 30th June at 4.30am...)

A surprise party for me?  How delightful!  Except of course that the party was probably for the enjoyment of the Druglord's supporters, and I was to be the pinata once again...
And so it was, that around 1.15am this morning, that I suddenly swam up from a deep sleep on a wave of deliciousness, that had rapidly turned vicious... Had King Cole called for his 'Fiddler's Three' to assist in providing the entertainment?  An unpleasant and thankfully brief beating, that had ended with a savage double knife to the back, before my molestors were temporarily satisfied...
Hopefully, someone will relay those lickspittle's courage and heroism back to the one they seek to impress?

I've not talked much about this latest wireless weapon, as my limited vocabulary can't do it justice..
As a weak-willed and self-gratifying Ass, it's recent introduction has come closer to finishing me off than the entire bouquet of killer frequencies he has at his disposal... That is, until the little gang-bang demo laid on for me in the early hours of today... Will you insist on seeing the footage, and will he shrug it off as irrelevant?  Don't take no for an answer, and you might get to see for yourselves how that bit of brutality dropped the scales from my eyes, and how I'd reacted...  A warning to sensitive viewers - There's a fair bit of cursing in that clip, but as it was totally justified, I'd appreciate your viewing the uncut version...
Those grubby little Physics students who egg the Sadist on to greater depths, will no doubt claim that my reactions were predictable, and that any lost ground will be easily reclaimed, but I guess we'll have to wait and see on that score...

One things for sure.  That each time this startling new frequency is unleashed on me as I lie on the Sacrificial Altar at bedtime, it is always presaged? by a savage knife to the back from the direction of the Chickencoop.  Probably means squat, as by now you'll have come to realise that my Controller has his home set up as a bounce-off station, and he most certainly doesn't have to be in residence to carry out these assaults...
He himself could be sitting comfortably up at his BIL's home in Garbutt road, and simply bounce his signal down and into ours, via the Chickencoop, giving him a string of alibis to 'prove' he is innocent of my latest accusations... The perfect cover for a dyed-in-the-wool coward...
Did he personally and actively participate in this latest mischief, or did he merely orchestrate the Suckers who dance so willingly to his bidding?  Hey, your guess, folks...

I've lost track of how long it's been since all that sewage effluent was deliberately run sideways onto our property... Two weeks? Three maybe?  Whatever.. I'd sat out on the verandah yesterday at mid-morning and listened to the sporadic cascades of water falling freely into the bottom of my Excellent Neighbour's yard, and I have to wonder at the structural damage it's surely causing...  Do you have access to google maps live?  You may care to hover above godschild's zinc-roofed booster shed and zoom in to tellus what you see?  Don't be put off by all the trees, as they'll all be well on the way out by now...

You yourself are a Believer, and you find it impossible to grasp that the truly Devout would condone and participate in criminal behaviour and acts of violence against their fellow man?  Ah - Then you've not yet been approached by the Recruiting Officer in your area..?
May I suggest for your own safety, that when they do finally come knocking on your door, you set aside your moral integrity and swallow down the bullshit Sales Pitch they'll be bearing, without a murmur?  Perhaps it would be easier if you told yourself that good will triumph over evil in the end, and that like Yogesh Naidoo believes, working from within is the only way forward?
The fact that the Experiment Authors have used your faith to trap you, isn't something you should dwell on.. Just sign the dotted line, give your offspring over to the Experiment Tutors, and for heaven's sakes, don't question your children for details of their forays into your neighbour's homes...

I've no doubt at all that your kids will be encouraged to withhold such information from you anyways, as such details may at times distress you, and therefore it's for your own good you're children will lie to you... Besides, lying by omission in order to avoid stressing out the old folks can't be such a bad thing, surely?   Your offspring would never keep any criminal acts or behaviour from you?  I wouldn't be too sure of that, as I myself have set a fine and very public example of what can happen to a dissenter, and it ain't pretty...

Anyone else picked up on the black sludge in the air?  See HERE by our courtyard door, where there's a steady drip from the eaves, down onto the stone path beneath?  See the stone directly under that drip? Pitch black, slimy gunk, that has it stand out so blatantly from the rest?   I'm willing to bet that were you to query this particular aspect of fall-out, you'd be shrugged off smartly and told that it's of no great significance...  Though I've no explanation for it, I feel that it is important, and that if you have the means to find out more about it, you should..  You have too many other things to worry about?  Sure you do, and that's the whole idea.. Juggle with the rand until you're crippled financially, and engineer crime to the point where you're so stressed out you'll fall on the first life-saving opportunity that comes your way...

A Neighbourhood Watch project that will cost you no more than several additional outdoor lights placed about your property?  If it's going to keep your family safe from harm, then why not join?  Will you be given a rundown of exactly how it operates?  Will you be told that a nearby Area Controller might access the privacy of your home to check up on you, but that these visits are rare, and won't affect you in any way?  Will you allow your youngsters to attend tutoring classes, where they will be taught to use the computerised Laser Program to hack into resident's homes, whether they're a member of the Watch or not? Hacking that is vital if a chain is to be formed to carry the blessed signal.    If you know what's good for you, you'll do just that...

Will you ever come to realise the enormity of what you've done, simply by signing on to a wildly sophisticated version of a Neighbourhood Watch?  Your lot are all good, clean, christian folk, as honest as the day is long, and it's just unfortunate that we here in the Zone appear to be firmly under the control of downright criminals?  When it comes to gullible naivete, I take the cake and that's a fact, though I've come to see that many of you are not far behind...
When you're sold the Sales Pitch for this astonishing Safety Net, is mention made of the Intelligence Department's investment in the scheme?  Sentech and SITA's participation, perhaps?  The small core of policemen at each Station that will also have access to your privacy once you've joined?  Has it been explained to you fully, that once your home is accessed, everything you say and do during those unseen visits will be recorded for posterity and stored in a data bank in the sky?  Everything.

Has it been described to you that more than one invisible visitor may access your home at any given time, and that it's certainly not restricted to the Area Controller himself/herself?  That if your Controller wishes to bring company along into your home, you'd be none the wiser, although such an idea would be tossed aside vociferously as balderdash?  *winks at Eleanor....
Has it been explained to you that your Controller's stealthy arrival in your home will cause the power supply to fluctuate wildly, and that this could affect your health over a period of time?
(They left that bit out, did they?)
Maybe you're a full-blown diabetic who perhaps has problems with ulcers, but you've signed on to your version of the Neighbourhood Watch anyway?
Do you not find that in specific areas of your own home, your ulcer causes you agony?  That oddly enough, it's after dark that your pain becomes unbearable, as the airwaves are opened wide to accommodate all your fellow members?  Are you perhaps prone to back problems, as is the unfortunate Missus D over on Jan Smuts Highway? In that case, do you also find that your pain and discomfort doubles once the streetlights go on at dusk?
Although there's no backing out of this wondrous scheme once you've joined, do you not question why the need for such secrecy, and why this devastating technology is being touted as perfectly safe, when it's obvious it's not?

Did your Recruiting Officer give you any indication of how long it would take before genuine results could be seen?  Once the Ruling Party is overthrown, everything will change for the better?  Did it occur to you that by the time that happens, the Opposition's own recruits will be every bit as dehumanised and callous as their counterparts?  It doesn't really bear thinking about, so you'll plod on and say your prayers, while you activate the specific lights chosen for the next ferreting session?   There are those of you good people who forge forward blindly, refusing to accept that for every bit of good you do, your efforts are being undermined by the official mischief-making team, and that you're running on the spot simply to survive...

Will Balliram's name be mentioned to the visiting Men in Black, as an outstanding soldier of the Yellow Army, or do I over-estimate the prowess of the sadistic bully next door?  Do us a favour Chip... Pat him on the back metaphorically, that he may at least be good-humoured enough to treat his victims kindly for a day or so?  Thanks, and peace...


Sunday 30th June 2013 at 9.47am.