Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Getting the hang of it..
(begun Monday 24th June at 10.05am..)

It went over at around 9.50am, and this time I didn't bother to read the banner it was towing.. It did as tight a circle as it could manage, with all that fabric dragging behind it, and as it headed off north, there'd been a brief flash of light under it's nose.. The morning sun hitting something metal on the fuselage, or one of the Airwing choppers onboard computers, gobbling up data from the ground below?
Has it been co-opted into use, to at least keep up with some of the Experiment's operations, previously achieved by THIS SAPS chopper?  I'll take a flyer (!) and say that's a yes...

Our toilet cistern has been surged again, and has begun it's steady leak out into the courtyard.. The GameWrecker had muttered earlier about the lack of water pressure, and when I'd gone up top to check, sure enough, there'd been a run-off down by the stop street, and the evidence was there for all to see.  A white bakkie was tucked in up against No. 5's steep retainer, and a driver sat behind the wheel, no doubt 'managing' the wastage....
Agent Balliram's driveway is strangely clear of all three vehicles this morning, although what's tucked into his garage, I can't guess...
Does the poor sod attempt to have my Good Neighbour believe that my claims that he's acquired himself a full-time live-in proxy is yet more unadulterated balderdash? (curtseys to Missus Poulter).  It doesn't matter, as long as she factors in the very real possibility that she herself is being closely watched...

LATER at 11.35pm

An odd hour for me to be up chatting with you?  I'll get round to the reason in a minute..
Apparently, today was official Run-off day here in the Zone, as reports began to filter through of resident's not having water.  Eventually we were told by a Water Department member of our CPF that a break had occurred over in Rippon road (where exactly it was, wasn't mentioned. Maybe outside of that other mini wireless base station at St. Philomena's?) much earlier today, and they didn't anticipate it being shut off until later tonight...
Such an almighty break it was, that residents in both Loon Road and Harris Cresent said they had no water.. *coughs*.. Once again I'm not buying that crud.. The water running across the stop street down the bottom here was hardly likely to have been connected to the break all the way over on Rippon, and I'd suggest that our Controller merely thought he'd hop on board the bandwagon and engineer a run-off of his own, that was probably overdue anyways...

Our pressure was still practically non-existent when I'd run the bath around 4.15pm, so that's a full day's wastage achieved  *applauds...
Although the initial report from the Water Department had given the stats as 6 standard-sized swimming pools of water being lost each day here in eThekwini, I see rpm at mybroadband had begun a thread quoting 4.03 as the amount..  By next month the authorities will no doubt be claiming it's even less... I'll stick with the initial report if you don't mind, and I'd hazard that at least half that amount is being run down the roads here in the Zone alone..
Despite that for the first time in weeks, the Sadist's driveway had stood empty, his shiny new electric-blue Beemer was pulled in smartly by 3.30pm, in good time for the Bathroom Matinee...
Oddly enough, I'd managed to run a bath, albeit slowly, and the geyser had grumbled and groaned pitifully as it tried to fill afterwards... *finger

While Professor Stefanus Roux's contribution to the removal of your right to privacy and good health is touted as perfectly safe, each day that passes shows that's not the case at all..  A single more destructive and wasteful operation could not be found anywhere in the world right now... The harm it's causing to the population as their immune systems become disabled by the huge amount of unregulated wireless frequencies, allows that they fall prey to all manner of ailments... I've no doubt at all that irrepairable damage is being done to the environment as well... Where are the toads, why so few bees, and those behaving strangely?  Why are the termites not maturing into flying ants, and for that matter, where are the ants themselves?  Will my otherwise healthy-looking grenadilla plant ever produce actual fruit?

Water is precious Mr. MacLeod?  You would be a downright Liar were you to declare your ignorance of the necessity for the deliberate loss of so much water..  You and your colleage Allen Spence appear to take turns in laying much of the blame on illegal connections.. Se GAT!  The waterlines have to be flushed regularly, as they're now so crammed with Sutcliffe's fibre optic cabling that I guess this could cause a massive pressure build up of sorts...
The load-shedding and blackouts are for no other reason than to attempt to recoup some of the huge losses incurred by the wireless Experiment's necessitating the need for so many lights to remain active 24/7, and to make it safer for the techs to achieve hasty adjustments in areas where the power has been switched off deliberately...
Angry? Me?  I think rather more irritated that so many of the public are aware of this specific corruption and yet they've been brainwashed into silence...

Why am I up so late?  It went like this:  In the general hubub and chatter that kicked in straight after our CPF Meeting had closed, I'd taken her aside and asked where he was.  Is he ill again with the same problem he had a few years ago? I'd guessed.. Affirmative..  I asked quietly that she tell him I was familiar with the particular frequency employed to exacerbate his agony, although in my case it's scar tissue that bears the brunt of those assaults, and in his, it's much worse...
Standing there speaking in lowered tones amid all that noise, did I think my words went unheard by the Listeners up at Sydenham SAPS?  Not for a minute, as the neon strip light just two feet away flickered endlessly...

Turns out that Balliram didn't have such a good day after all, and it could have been for a number of reasons... My reminder to my Excellent Neighbour that every word said both inside and out of their home was being sucked up avidly by Balliram and his handy full-time proxy?  My spoken out loud intention to blog the water runoff down at the stop street?  The cheering text that had arrived unexpectedly to tell me that I was a good person, or the conversation I'd held with several of our CPF Members on the matter of cellphones being remotely activated to enhance and thieve your off-air conversations?  Take your pick..
I'd gone to bed just before 10pm, and had had my ears crushed and my feet set alight some time later..
His real message had been delivered at 10.55pm, when the same frequency I'd been discussing with her earlier this evening, suddenly hit me full on..

So unpleasant was it, that I ended up sitting on the side of the bed reading my Kindle.. At 11.20pm it had if anything, increased, and I sent out my Distress texts so that they may be aware of my discomfort...
By then of course, I was wide awake, and had decided it was a good enough time to come share with you here...
It's now 12.25am, and I'm going to try heading back to the Sacrificial Altar.. He's stopped the worst of his sadistic nonsense for the moment, but let's see how I get on...

Tuesday 25th June at 6.20am

The sound that carries over here this morning, includes the freeway traffic, as it's late, but aircon or not, my inner ears are literally vibrating to it... Should I put a warning up?  This update is not for sensitive viewers?  I figure if you're a regular here, you have a strong stomach anyway, and if you're relatively new, you're going to have to man up or move on...
This is the Real Deal folks... However demented I may come across, mine is probably one of the only true accounts of how the Lord's Neighbourhood Watch arrived here in Sydenham/Sherwood, and the devastating results since it's installation...

An inarticulate and harrowing tale of the mischiefs that can be wrought with ease, by those in control of this astonishing technology..  Fingers crossed you'll accept both my whines and my rabid fascination with Roux and Petrucciones remarkable Look and Listen surveillance technology, and forgive the occasional blunders I sometimes make as I stagger along trying to make sense of it all... Errors BTW, that I do attempt to amend as soon as I discover I was wrong...
Did the sadistic Brute of an Area Controller cease my punishment after I'd gone back to bed this morning at 12.30am?  He did not.   It hadn't been long before he'd picked up where he'd left off, and by 1.45am I'd forced myself to rear up and log the time..

Once again he'd employed the devastating Abdominal frequency, only this time he'd grouted my womb and ovary area, until I recall muttering aloud that I felt I was bleeding copiously onto the bed.. Of course I wasn't, but the pain was such that, that was how I'd  felt at the time...
Stood up next to all his other wireless weaponry, it was quite something, and I imagine a similar attack could be directed at a male's bladder and kidneys with equally remarkable results...
By the time I woke, just after 6am, there'd been not so much as a pinch or dull ache in the area, to remind me of what I'd been put through...
It's been suggested that Mind Control is to be one of the spin-offs that this jolly band of savages are after, and I'd be the last person to know how successful they are in this area...

LATER at 7am

I've just been up to the street to find no sign remains of yesterday's runoff.. While several giant lamps continue to burn over on the Howard College MTB, and the enhancer in the booster cage nearest the little church at St. T's is still glaring out across towards Harris Crescent...
Are East London's water problems only just beginning, as the Experiment throws itself into top gear down there?  It's a certainty that by now the Planners already have several pods who've been practising their skills with the computerised quantum laser progam on their neighbours for some time, but once the installation kicks up a notch and water becomes contaminated, and runs freely in the streets, they'll have to come up with some major excuses to fool the residents, and keep fooling them...

It's now 7.09am, and godschild has just called to say his power is off, and that the cable has been cut between ours and No. 14.. Something they'd said, that the criminal Controller hadn't cared for, or more likely, done that more careful adjustments may be made to our streetlight in particular?  See - I'm getting the hang of this at last...  Peace..


Tuesday 25th June 2013 at 9.01am.