Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Private lives...?
(begun Monday 6th May at 7.45am..)

You'll have gathered by now just how much I enjoy my often wild, sometimes deadly accurate speculation, and here's more of the same...
RentaLandy?  Does it belong to a rental company? What's it costing him to keep it decorating his driveway? Does the franchise owner know it's there?  Unless the fellow is aware that it's good for him, and has allowed the use of it to be gratis?  Somehow I can't picture the scrawny proxy behind the wheel of that macho vehicle, but I suppose with a couple of cushions, he can get to drive all three cars from time to time...*winks...

What say you, O Frosted One?  Seems to be extraordinary lengths being gone to, if it's simply to confuzzle this old Idiot?  Seems to me he wishes to muddy the view to the outside world as well?  What exactly is it that the Coward is trying so hard to hide?  The fact that he continues to work both sides of the fence?  But you knew that already, FFS... Is it all in order to continue bamboozling the Good locals who've been recruited to the Yellow Army?  To back up the chicken-livered Coward's denials of personal violence and aggression?
I watched him pull the Landy out onto the pavement five minutes ago, to make way for the Missus' white Merc to head off to work.. He'd pulled it back in to the bottom of his drive, before swopping cars and leaving in his Beemer.. Two down and one to go?

Does his trusted Monkey recline in der Bunker, hidden from prying eyes?  A pretty good bet that's a yes... Is the young fellow one of Balliram's more trusted Graduates?  One that will follow his orders slavishly, without demur?  Do I have his picture in any one of my albums? One of THESE two pathetic specimens, amusing themselves watching Nobby struggle, as the pool net cuts into him?  THIS one perhaps, helping the Sadist adjust his gates?  When I'd headed over there by arrangement with Tamara to pick up Nobby's corpse, did I tell you he'd switched off his gate intercom, and that it was deader than a dodo?  Even then he sought to play games, though I hadn't hesitated, but had forced those stupid gates apart and gone down to find both Eunice and her employer milling about self-consciously in the kitchen...

Can I dare hope that the Pig was still picking off those red ticks, hours later?  The animal's condition had to be seen to be believed, and it wouldn't have taken much to finish him off overnight, to thwart any possibility of the vet saving him...You'd think those pictures alone would have many of you recoiling in disgust at the idea of working with such Scum, but apparently it hasn't worked like that at all...
Deliberate and wicked neglect, topped off by a wirelessed coup de gras, and all you do is duck back neatly under your rock of denial...

Did anyone claim the black and tan collared German Shepherd killed on Jan Smuts Highway last week?  My VC claims to have seen it out on the road before, so I'd have to guess it's another animal obtained purely for guard duty and no other purpose?
Was it too, shut out of the property each day, to avoid it's owners having to clean up the animal's faeces, as seems  to be the case with the magnificent beast that sits forlornly outside those larnie gates in Collingham Road? *gags...  To knowingly shut your animal out without access to food or water in what has recently been 30 degree heat, goes quite a way to showing your true character, but then again I'm just an opinionated old Fool.... Is TB's clear dotage on his own four-footed friend restricted to his dog alone?  Does he care less what happens to his neighbour's animals, and shrug them off as none of his business, as so many of you do?
Would the Wabbit stick his neck out to rescue a passing stray, or would he duck, (as I've done in the past), behind the 'extenuating circumstances prevent him from getting involved' excuse?

Tuesday 7th May at 4.50am

When I go outside and occasionally find that whatever devastating wireless frequency has been chosen for the day is heavier outdoors than in, does it not affect any low-flying aircraft's on-board controls?  Where exactly is this cache of weaponry to be found on the spectrum, and how come your average wireless afficionado appears oblivious to it's existence?  Was it someone at Sentech that was initially handed the keys to the Kingdom, and tasked to train up as many RF Engineers as they could, in the use of the wireless weaponry?   Did Petruccione realise straight away what he was working with?  Did he realise that the frequencies he'd be using were in fact killers? It was his lot over at UKZN that had kicked off the computerised laser 'game' at the start of our horrorshow, back in 2005, or even earlier...  When here in Harris Crescent, Balliram began enlisting recruits from many of the surrounding homes in the area...  I base my time frame on the fact that it was in both November and December 2005 that B.Snr. was struck down, and at the same time several of us began taking enormous strain with nausea and hand problems...

I'd aver that it was around then that control of our power supplies was handed to the criminal Balliram at No. 6 by Allen Spence, and we began to endure horrific assaults, overnight especially, as the Sadist practised accessing our homes and flooding them with the devastating frequencies... Was he bringing his students along with him even back then?  Prameet?  You'd have been among the first taught by the Area Controller, so just when did you start joining him on his illegal visits to ours, Sue's, and B.Snr's homes?  Bouncing off of Telkom's white wireless box on the pole down in the valley, to access even our bedroom and our most intimate moments?  Did Balliram keep that pleasure for himself and a few close friends at first? You bet he did...

Anyone begun to wonder at the increasing amount of electrical fires appearing in the press?Will you allow yourselves to be fobbed off with the cheap Chinese electrical components story, or will you come to realise that if you were to drive past that blackened shell, chances are you'd find one or more streetlights active during the day, and a regular water 'leak' running in a road nearby... A clear giveaway that Sutcliffe's 'surveillance' system is up and running in the area, and that accidents will happen.. It's guaranteed that if you were to knock on the doors of the homes surrounding the fire-damaged building, that at least some of them will have been experiencing weird pins and needles in their extremeties, or nausea and headaches, as the newly instated Area Controller fumbles his way into their homes via their powerlines..

Your geyser's playing up?  Your aircon unit gone on the blink?  House lights dipping much, and your kettle burned out?  Water leak on your property, or burst line in the road outside your gates?  All circumstantial?  Bullshit.  You've got company in yours, is all... You'd best just cross your fingers that your designated Area Controller is of good character, although the fact that they've already allowed themselves to be persuaded to break the law and invade your privacy is an early black mark against them.... Crime intelligence gathering?  Spare me... *chokes..
Are our Speaker's own offspring already cadets to the Yellow Army ranks?  When Logie gets my Distress texts (if they're not blocked), does he simply shrug and delete them, or is he fully cognisant of the physical damage that can be achieved by his ex-buddy's astonishing quantum look and listen technology?

I can promise both the Speaker and the Director of Safety this - That each time our power-drunk and vicious Area Controller, Collin P Balliram, loses control of his emotions as he did yesterday morning, their names will appear in my next blog and on my facebook page along with receipt of my pitiful texts..
Has our Logie already had to field any awkward questions regarding my post on his wall?  Did he admit that he'd come to discover our home had been illegally rigged up as a Learning Centre for the neighbourhood recruits to access, and to practise their laser skills, using Sutcliffe's 'communications' system? Or does he brush me aside as an old woman whose lost her marbles?
Does Mikey have a Leverage file on you as well, Logie?  How would you know if that Weasel had set his IT ferrets on you, to fish around for juicy titbits to use against you? Man, you'd be making a huge mistake were you to think you've got preferential treatment, and have been exempt from having your own privacy invaded...

That's not how this fantabulous scheme works at all.. When Sutcliffe first began employing the technology to invade his colleague's homes and offices, it was always with a view to controlling them with blackmail to do his bidding, hence my constant referral to his Leverage Files...
Does he have anything on you?  Something you'd rather keep under wraps, as you go about your privileged life, beaming from ear to ear?  Wouldn't it be great to turn the tables on that manipulative little criminal, and to come right out publicly and admit to any sins of the past, freeing yourself from Sutcliffe's shackles?  Oh wait!  You can't do that, as inevitably you'd come to suffer a sudden 'heart attack' or worse... Lordknows how many of you have seen the light by now, and have realised to your horror that it's too late to do anything about it...
That your children and your children's children (if they survive) will be recruited to the ranks of this Yellow Army as a matter of course, and they'll be encouraged to do away with compassion for their fellow man, as has happened to so many in our area...

BTW, the GameWrecker insists that the Landrover won't be a rental car, but is Balliram's latest gift to himself for all his hard labour... We'll just have to wait and see on that score, won't we.... I'll stick to my guns for the moment and aver that it's simply a red-herring, and that the Chop will vehemently deny that he has his own obedient Monkey/proxy hidden in der Bunker as a safety measure...

Our Shadow Minister of Police has a foot injury?  Hopefully it's as she says, a gym or running-related problem that will soon right itself.. Were she to begin to display any of the other symptoms I yap on about, pins and needles, headaches etc., she should be warned that her private life is being scrutinised even more closely than usual....

LATER at 7.47am

Whoever spread the rumour that trimming off all your unnecessary body fat would give you a running chance against these crippling frequencies, was a genius scamster... Some sort of weird idea that the thinner you are, the less soft tissue there is to fall prey to the frequencies?  Hah!   Her in Michan Road carries not an ounce of superfluous fat, and yet she lost both her knees... Her over there at Sydenham Heights is a lean machine, and yet she was literally crippled overnight, so I wouldn't be too quick to believe everything you're told.. I'd hazard that the Keep Fit fanatics are every bit as vulnerable to this new and astonishing weaponry as the flabbiest among us...


Wednesday 8th May 2013 at 9.24am.