Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The demo model...
(begun Tuesday 23rd April at 4.15am...)

Just the one Martial Hero in ours this morning, or are there a couple of the sniggering spies about?  Step it up Jannie?  Be careful, but step it up?  Geez dude.. There's enthusiasm and there's enthusiasm... Is there a problem?  Man, and there I thought the object of this exercise was to show just how much of the truth I could reveal without it causing so much as the tiniest ripple of alarm... Wrong again?

THIS little SAPS fixed-wing that had buzzed me on hmm.. I'll have to check, appears to have been replaced by a somewhat different looking aircraft... I googled images of fixed-wing planes and only found one that was similar, and it was described as a reconnaissance plane.  Have SAPS got many of those, or is it just the one based down here?  It was heading East to West at a fairly high altitude, and I couldn't see it's colours or markings, but I figure following the same exact route on two consecutive mornings is more than enough for my assumption to be correct... Going about the Experiment's business for sure...

Before I sat down here at the desk I pulled the lead out of the single jackpoint and shut the little side window that looks out onto the Special Operative's three aircon units.. They're dead silent, but who knows, maybe, like the overheads and streetlights, they continue to emit stuff even when they're ostensibly switched off...  I took a dump ten minutes ago, and I swear that one of them followed me into the loo.. Something that surely requires more dedication than usual, and adds fuel to my theory that the Creep has been ordered to increase his mischief... Grossness....
Want to crow to your wife or mom that you sat in on the old Idiot while she evacuated her bowels this morning? No?  I didn't think so, you Oinkers....

As a rule (not that there are any in this monstrous game), the Shift Monitor waits until I'm sitting here at the desk before he or she unleashes their Tutor's chosen delights.. Not so this morning, as that truly nasty skullcap was plonked on my head even as I ventured to unlock and open the front door before 4am.. Keen, much?
I'd googled the DA's Dean MacPherson yesterday, and amongst other things it had come up with the row he and Warwick had had with Tex Collins over the Manase Report.. My brakes had literally screeched at that point..
If, as I've been quick to suggest, the young Councillor is fully aware of Roux and Petruccione's surveillance technology, surely he too would want to suppress any evidence that could be revealed in those documents?

Ye gods, but it's tiring trying to second guess myself... He's after having the Manase Report released in it's entirety, and either he's confident that all references to Roux's 'communications' system have been satisfactorily hidden (though godknows how) or he isn't fully on board the Project after all...
Has anything changed since that public spat with Collins?   Has Macpherson since come to hear of the wondrous plot to oust the Crooked in the Ruling Party, and was he told to stop drawing attention to what could be a damning document for both the Seriously Rotten and the purported Good guys? I'm stumped to say the least...

My invisible company has quietened down considerably as they strain to peer over my shoulder and read my scribbles.. Unpleasant Abomination that she is, Millie can be counted on totally, and if she says we've got company, we've got bloody company....

LATER at 5.08am

I've just been through to the kitchen to deal with the chicken livers, and a great bout of dizziness struck me.. So ja, I'll stick with my assertion that my tormentors have cranked it up a notch or two...
Dare I speculate that it's my recent inclusion of our Shadow Minister of Police that's led to my upgrade?  My determination that she comes to learn of EVERY aspect of this wireless wizardry, and doesn't allow herself to be brushed aside by lies?
Once KB has grasped the enormity of the manipulation that's already blanketing the country, will she still manage to keep a smile on her face and plod on, doing her personal best?  If she comes to realise just how the fine line between Good and Seriously Bad has become blurred to the point of non-existence?  To someone with a fully functioning brain that realisation should come as a hammer-blow, surely?

The only reason that I've survived, despite being able to see the bigger picture (which BTW, ain't pretty), is due to my innate stupidity and the inability to focus on anything much for any length of time... Is someone out there actually paying attention?  Is there a chance that someone would wade through my ramblings and whisper into Dianne's ear to warn her?  Is that the reason for the serious assault I endured this morning at 1.15am, when I was woken by my ovary area being squeezed in a vice-like grip?
My attackers hadn't stopped there by any means, and if you were in ours with the Pig earlier on, you may award yourselves fat points for your success....*vomits copiously...

I'd studied the most recent pictures I've taken of the Raftery Road mast, now sans any incriminating satellite dishes at all, and ja, it looks very much as though the last remaining dish has been replaced with another of those small, innocuous-appearing white plates.. Do they, as I think they do, serve the same function as the dishes, and will many of the local masts in the area soon sport wekkers diligently removing the dishes to replace them with the harder-to-spot plates?
Do yourselves a favour and drive down Harris Crescent and grab yourselves some close-ups of that little mast just so as you'll see what I'm on about... Impossible to guess at it's real size, but I'd say like 20"X20", and the original plate faces back up the Crescent towards Garbutt and The Gatehouse...  If it is what I say it is, it's quite a break-through, and well worthy of adding to your own photo collection.

Why the bright blue paint adorning the tops of these two fire-hydrants HERE and HERE?  Since when did the Muni wekkers need those lengths gone to, to identify a fire hydrant, FFS?  Should I make a note to check for others similarly marked?  Blue is after all, the colour most favoured by the lasers, and I'd hazard this latest means of such obvious identification is tied in with the computerised control of individual water lines...
Did you get to watch the Carte Blanche insert on the Tracker jamming devices that are doing the rounds out there?  Were you impressed?  I'm willing to bet those fairly cumbersome devices are easily obtainable in every province, but that their function is now achievable somehow, through the use of Roux and Frankie's wireless system..

Your vehicle's onboard computer can be easily hacked and manipulated by these Controllers, and with a plant or two at every Agent's place of business, a booster can now be added without your knowledge, the next time your car is in for a service... *waves at Alpine...
A booster that will enhance the signal from the Operative tracking you, and enable them to cause any amount of mischief remotely, even without the jamming device shown on telly...
The Cowards nearby grow restless as the sky lightens, and the frequency in my ears has changed at least four times in the last ten minutes... *eyeroll...
Dead hairs, DJ?  Yeah, right....  The first of the hadedas have just sounded the alarm as Pigman opens up the airwaves, and I must go switch off the lights and pull back the curtains...

Come lads... Give us a miracle today.. Give us a reason to carry on despite the increased overnight assaults.. You're watching, Snowman?  Man, I'd love to know what you're thinking right now, but truth be told (unlikely) it'd be wiser to keep your thoughts to yourself...

LATER at 6.20am

I'd opened the courtyard door onto the glare of Balliram's signal enhancer HERE, and immediately I took a strike to the shin just below my knee.. I'd hobbled up the first flight of stairs wondering how I was going to make it to the top, when the pain disappeared completely and as swiftly as it had arrived, and it didn't return... Magic...
As the Demo Model for the Surveillance technology, I've been treated to what I'm guessing is the entire bouquet of options available to those controlling the laser/wireless surveillance system.. Hands up how many of you continue to laugh off many of my assertions as impossible and non-existent, simply because you can't find mention of it on the Internet?  *chokes...

A secret, known to dozens in each neighbourhood, but a seriously limited one... Were a graduate of the Hacker 101 course to attempt to investigate more details of this astounding technology online,  I very much doubt they'd be successful.. The Recruits will be told so much and no more, just as the ShaikBoyz themselves were conned at the outset, right, Mistuh van Zyl?
Careful ommissions to each segment of society persuaded to hop on board the Information Theft Highway has met with resounding success...
It's way too late to have second thoughts at this stage folks, and the very day you allowed yourself to be shown how to hack illegally into your neighbour's private business, was the day you were marked forever, and I doubt you're even aware of it...

It's 6.35am, and I've just taken an almighty thwack to the side of my neck nearest Balliram's aircon units, so I figure he's impatient for the morning Bathtime Matinee... Who am I to keep the Sicko waiting? *shuffles off obediently...

LATER at 7am

Thanks to Telkom's young Siyabonga, I was able to use our now interference-free landline to call Missus B.Snr. down in Marburg, last night... Expecting the worst, I'd asked whether she'd had the results of her colonoscopy yet, and shed replied in the affirmative, saying she'd been given a clean bill of health.. And the diagnosis on the cause of the excrutiating pain she endures on occasion?  The doctors didn't know.  
Of course we do, don't we, Balliram?  Rezah? Janneman?  A particularly foul frequency that if employed frequently enough, could easily trigger the growth of a cancer on the colon, right?
Cut the cackle, and wear your Cowardly cloaks with pride...


Tuesday 22nd April 2013, at 10.33am.