Sunday, April 21, 2013

(begun Friday 19th April at 7.10am)

Did a newbie to open-road tracking accompany us in the Polo yesterday?  Someone who has earned the right to advance from house hunting to hopping after a vehicle's occupants?  It was as if we'd been placed back in square one, and the levels of the Backfire frequency had hit me from the moment he'd picked me up at our gates, pretty much until I'd arrived home to a relatively pain-free house around 1pm..
Had she stayed on afterwards to have her efforts evaluated, and was my constant stream of recorded grumbles and curses in any way helpful?  *snarls....
Dickwad has been told to shift the responsibility to his erstwhile student's shoulders, and I've no doubt it's working, though neither Millie nor I are fooled for a minute... The King in the Land of the Blind can get away with anything, as it was he who set the bar for this disgusting behaviour, and there's simply no comparison available...
At 7.12am his house alarm kicked off, as he ostentatiously would have you believe he was accessing ours for the first time this morning.. What utter rubbish he is, to be sure... *yawns..

Saturday 20th April at 6am

Slacking? Moi?  Sure I am.. It's still coming down out there, and the temperature's dropped amazingly, so why not skive off?  I surfaced properly around 4am, and I'd rolled on over to discover that astonishing band of heat on the mattress, from about the top of my legs to my navel, and nowhere else... I've mentioned that weirdness before, and how it feels sometimes as if there's a bed of coals buried deep within Cloud 9.. I dunno why I'm telling you this, except that I find it fascinating...  Anyways, I was grudgingly allowed to nod off again, until just before 6am, when I'd staggered out of bed for the day... It hadn't hit me right away, but when I went into the lounge to tidy away the newspapers, the fruits of someone's diligent labours suddenly became all too apparent.... There was a reason for that belt of heat on the bed, and the deep ache that hit me in my right lower back as I stood next to the telly, explained it perfectly..

It's still uncomfortable as I sit here at the desk, though Millie's now joined in the chorus as well...
Intelligence gathering?  This mish-mash of civilians recruited from all walks of life are intelligence gathering?  I'd suggest the damage done to you when first they activate your lines and sneak into your home, fumbling about in your jackpoints, is in itself irrepairable.. But that's nothing compared to when they've settled in comfortably and bring out the wireless weaponry to amuse themselves, while your daily lives are recorded for posterity...
I've just grumbled out loud at the ridiculous wireless levels being employed in here right now, with the result that the nasty cap was dropped over my skull... Great... How many in here with me at this moment?  More than one, that's for sure.. First the hadedas, and then the heatwave five minutes ago, and their pinata swings invitingly in the breeze... *gags...

I see I've made a note to ask you whether the NIA is totally separate from the Police Service... Is the Intelligence Department awarded it's own budget entirely, or does it somehow come off the SAPS allowance?
If they're separate entities, how do they juggle the books to cover the enormous cost of keeping the Airwing chopper aloft as it goes about the Intelligence Department's business?

Now why did Dean MacPherson's name suddenly pop into my head, along with a picture of him whispering into Dianne Kohler-Barnard's ear?  Have I just bumped that young man up to something he isn't?  Martin Meyer then?  Now there's an interesting chap... Like the Lady of Aquitaine, he too has yet to accept my Facebook Friend request, made well over a week ago...  Why did I even ask?  His constituency covers an area of immense interest, and AFAIK it includes 343 Innes Road, The Kings House, and the Moses Mabhida Stadium...  Wouldn't you be keen to be on his Friend list?
Is Martin oblivious to all but the sketchiest of details regarding the Surveillance Experiment, and how it's supposed to topple the Ruling Party from power?  How does the Shadow Minister of Police get along with him? Has she met him, and does she trust him?  I've got this idea that of all those astonishingly young DA Councillors, Martin and Dean are the ones that will know the most details on the technology..
Has Meyer ever taken tea with Schabir?  Shared a quiet chat with our ex-City Manager somewhere where they wouldn't be noticed, or am I giving him credit where it's not due?  And as suddenly as those inexplicable thoughts scramble my head, they're gone.. Cheers...

LATER at 7.17am

How are the cable-stuffed stormwater drains coping this morning?  Flooding everywhere as the rain continues to bucket down, here in Durban?  Set to undermine any already dodgy areas and create more sudden sinkholes?
Man, I swear I just heard the Chirpster say that only the Crooked need fear the quantum laser surveillance technology, and if he truly believes that crap I've over-estimated him....
There's got to be a clique of Officers up at Westville Station just as there is at Sydenham, who are regularly patched into resident's lines, and who study the stolen footage recorded in the area.. Fact..
I would've thought that Birdhirst Road in Cowies Hill fell under the Pinetown SAPS jurisdiction, but nonetheless I've no doubt that Stephen can tell me whether the little roads running around the Amber Valley complex have their own 'cricket' alarm systems at each gate?  Can I guess?  I'd have to bet that's in the affirmative...

Would your average resident in that peaceful-seeming area be delighted to know that each time they, or a visitor, arrive at their door or front gates after dark, an 'insect' strikes up nearby?  An 'insect' whose sound swiftly alerts a nearby Monitor?  Would those residents feel reassured by this invisible monitoring, or would they question the increased crime in their area, and just how it's being carried out when that section is so heavily wired with surveillance technology?   Just what is Chief Clark's attitude towards the concept of cowing and terrorising the population into accepting this Big Brother technology?
Has he gotten used to the idea, and accepts it as a necessity, and a means to an end?  godforbid....
Only criminals need fear this wondrously invasive experiment, Stephen?  Then what about Sue the Book, the Arendses, and ourselves?  Are we then classified as criminals?  What about those loyal CPF Members who were deliberately hunted and abused via their powerlines and the lasers, when Nayager was running the Station?  What about the ongoing attacks against my Honourable CPF VC, that have had him hospitalised twice?

Is it possible that an intellectual such as yourself has less trouble employing selective mind blocks than say, a plank like moi?   That you simply refuse to accept that you've been conned, and take offence when it's suggested?   The mere idea that any of the Good Team could infiltrate the Rotten at Dodge City and ultimately turn the tables on them, leaves me gasping for breath.. It's worth a shot?  And just who is set to suffer while these inane games are played?   Certainly not the Seriously Rotten, who hold all the cards in this rank deck...  Your lot will triumph in the end?  Has it occurred to you that in keeping the company of the Foul, you might just end up compromising your own integrity, as appears to have happened in our area?  Just asking...

On the dark mornings that Di Kohler-Barnard joins her sister for a theraputic run, does she drive or walk out of her front gates?  Hopefully the latter. Were she to come to realise that yes, there is indeed some sort of insect that kicks in nine times out of ten when she's near the entrance to her property, who could she approach to clarify the situation?
Chief Clark?  Would he deny any knowledge of such technological wizardry being employed?
Does Missus KB have all her windows shut, day and night?  It might pay her to crack them open a tad after dark, and to listen out for the shrill squeak, purr, or whistle, of some unidentifiable beastie that persists in bursting into song each time she's in front of a particular window...
It might also pay her to remain silent on the matter for some weeks, until she's absolutely certain that what she's hearing is no live creature at all... Will she then enquire who it is that's operating those Noise Assisted Transporters?  Who it is that's enhancing her conversations and relaying them back along with her image to an enormous data bank in the sky?  Someone she can trust wholeheartedly, or someone who could just as easily arrange for her to be hijacked at her front gates, were that order to be given?

LATER at 9.15am

When I'd attempted to boot up the PC ten minutes ago, I discovered that the monitor is being blocked from loading, and that despite repeated plug switches, it refuses to load... The reason for our denial of access to the interwebz this morning?  Did Balliram have a later night than usual, spent abusing a variety of citizens over their lines? Or is it possible the Shoulder Spies didn't much care for the two names I've singled out to chat to in my early morning scribbles..? I'd made very little attempt to conceal my words as I wrote, which could be the cause of our screen not loading... *winks..

A new bird had arrived nearby at about 9am, and it sounded sort of like a woodpecker (that I'm familiar with) on steroids... It's noisy tapping set the two four-legged twits into a frenzy of yapping.. The sound was so intriguing that it got me off my butt and outdoors with the binoculars... I'm darned it it wasn't coming from Telkom's white wireless box now partially hidden behind the overgrown trees down at the corner of our property.. In the blink of an eye it took up it's noisy tapping in the withered mulberry tree directly in front of me, although I'd certainly not seen it fly by... Conclusion?  Like I said to the GW once I'd gone back indoors, chances are it's one of Balliram's clever remotely-operated 'toys' that he bounces about from point to point to wind up the dogs...
A variety of odd birdcalls that can sound mysteriously from as far down as No. 2's boundary wall, back up to beyond us at No. 16, using those wireless boxes and any special bounce-off points daubed about on the tree trunks...


Sunday 21st April 2013 at 12.04pm.