Wednesday, April 17, 2013

(begun Tuesday 16th April at 7.50am..)

What a pleasure!  I've just discovered in my slow and bumbling fashion that I can after all, share with you the printouts in my nine photo albums..  That my Panasonic takes a fairly decent photo of a photo, as long as I remember to deactivate the flash.  Passable enough at least, for you to identify what it is I would share with you....

LATER at 11.20am

I'm being hammered full-on as I sit out here on the verandah, and that ache has been increased to reach from my ovaries to my navel.  What courage and heroism it must take for the Yellow Army Officer at No. 6 to rummage through his arsenal of wireless weaponry and select one that's powerful enough to stop this doddering Fool in her tracks...  I suspect he's not alone either, as every now and then a nasty jab to the side of my neck would suggest he has a back-up proxy to keep him company, or to carry the can of his guilt...

Wednesday 17th April at 3.45am

Where was he when that text should theoretically have landed in his Inbox?  Holding forth at some glittering event, wearing his latest creation, while busily being Everyone's Friend?  Has he somehow managed to avoid being implicated in the Manase Report, or is he as keen as his erstwhile buddy Sutcliffe, to keep the lid on that telltale document?  At least until the final rework and edits have been done?
Would you have me believe that Logie escaped unscathed, when first the Town Clerk began employing his pal Frankie's laser technology to ferret out every last little secret held by his colleagues and employees?
In all the years he's put in at City Hall, was the ex-City Manager not able to find anything on Mr. Naidoo that he could use to create a Leverage File?

Not so much as a trip abroad donated by a grateful Tenderer for Logie's positive input?  A time-share in some larnie resort, perhaps?  How does our Speaker deal with the Fawners and Flatterers these days?  Has he learned the hard way to exercise extreme caution since the advent of the Surveillance technology?  Is he himself fully aware of the finer details and the astounding options now available to the New Army Eavesdropping Recruits?  Those young civilians that in every town and city across the country are daily being handed fake NIA security clearances that they may safely access their neighbour's homes to eavesdrop and record their private lives?

Is Logie fully aware of the 'cricket' at his own front gates, and does he know the identity of his personal Watcher?  Has he come to fool himself that they are acting as some sort of personal body-guard, rather than an Invader of his privacy?  Did he not feel the necessity to explain to his family that they're all probably on camera 24/7, due to the nature of his job?  Has no-one in his immediate family acquired Type 2 diabetes since 2005, or quite possibly been diagnosed with early onset arthritis?   So far so good, but if the Speaker is unaware of it, he should know that our Mikey will have something tucked away for a rainy day, no matter how much he denies it..  Should the wind change for the worse over at City Hall, and should our Logie decide to share some of his secrets with an interested party, it's guaranteed Sutcliffe will be all over him like flies on honey..

So - Did the Speaker get the Distress text I'd sent him at 8.38pm last night, or has he happily agreed that my sms's be intercepted and blocked?  What about the amiable Director for Safety and Security?  Do my texts frighten him, or is he able to shrug them off with amusement?  Those fake NIA monkeys and their Tutor had gone after me with a will yesterday.. Do I hear applause from a not-unexpected quarter?

Siya had arrived sometime after 3pm to have a go at fixing our landline, and I'd been up and down our 52 stairs several times as a result..
It was crazy.. The minute I'd step outside the back door that seriously nasty ache would simply vanish, and the minute I'd go back indoors it would resume... It's magic, I tell you.. *mutters...
The young Telkom tech had managed to get our line functioning again after an hour, and said he'd found a fault on the cable higher up the valley towards No. 16.. Whatever. He was hard-working and pleasant and we have the service back for the moment, and it will have to do....
The enormous levels of the Abdomen frequency hadn't abated, and if anything they'd increased by 7pm...
Did I try taking a pain-killer to ease what felt like third degree period pains?  Give us a break...
We three stooges, (Missus B.Snr., Sue the Book, and me) had already learned by 2006 that there ain't no pain killer on the market that can deal successfully with a wireless frequency attack... Nothing, nada...

Sure, you could get your GP to prescribe something powerful enough to knock you out, and you can hope that by the time you come round your Tormentor will have grown bored and moved on to his other victims, but in my case that seldom worked...
Were you in ours after 8pm last night?  Was it you that had suddenly decided to begin jabbing at one of my ovaries with a knife, to add to my misery?
Great.  Then you may claim the credit for the following Distress texts sent out at 8.38pm...'Any idea what it's like to be set up as 1 of Sutcliffe's illegal laser Learning Centres? Want to volunteer to be on the receiving end for once? No?  *sick..  Jane..'   Sent to Allen Spence, Holson Mbhele, Logie Naidoo and the Hawk, as well as my usual 'housewives league,' consisting of Val Cochran, Tamara Balliram, Cyril Bhagirathee, Alison Goldstone, and Vanessa Burger....

Again I have to question whether any of the recipients of those texts have any idea what I'm going through at that point?  Pain-wise?  Does the Super of electricity for Durban still feel a spark of grim satisfaction when and if he sees my number flash up on his screen?  Do the nearby recruits shrug it off and mutter that I deserve all I get?   Narcissus?  Does your papa remark on their arrival, or does he simply hit Delete and stay silent?
Is the Accounts Manager up at Mercedes in Pinetown still tempted to hit Reply, despite her husband's insistence she leave it, or has that little problem been easily solved by blocking my number from her phone?

Is my Area Controller sitting on a carefully hidden fortune as the result of his Consultancy?  With his cousin? on the Board of Directors at FNB, he'll not be short of financial advisors, so where and how does he hide his rewards?  Let's face it, business must be booming, and I gurantee not a week goes by without he's approached for his expertise and connections...
You need an untraceable electrical fire started for insurance purposes?  Could Balliram contact the Area Controller situated nearest your doomed business and talk him/her through the process of surging the most suitable jackpoint to obtain the desired conflagration?  Sure it'll cost you, but it's a drop in the ocean next to the million rand insurance payout...

A business competitor getting on your nerves? Can our Expert in the Field assist with the problem?  Sure he can... A few upgraded 'lessons' given to your enemy's nearby Controller, and bob's your uncle, the Pest's health can be forced south badly enough to have him relocate or shut up shop completely.. Easy...  When it comes to repeating myself I have no match, and I guess I've said all of this countless times before...

LATER at 5.20am

Do the criminals operating the technology use my updates here to tally up the scores from their achievements?  Do you get some sort of bonus mark if I so much as mention your name?
It would appear that unleashing the Throat Choker frequency back on my VC was never enough to satisfy the Crooks, and neither was again tampering with his Audi... How many costly water leaks did he say he's had to deal with recently?
When I saw his Comment yesterday, I realised straight away that I've not been paying enough attention, and that his waterlines were an obvious target to be added to the payback operations..

Odd how our sturdy old water meter also appears to be taking strain, when it suddenly sprang a leak this past week... *winks...
Would Neil MacLeod care to explain to us how it's done?  How, since laying the new water lines and making a few 'adjustments', individual ratepayer's water supplies can be accessed and 'managed' by the same Agent given control of their power supplies?
Oh come on Neil, don't be coy, FFS... You're in this over your crooked head, and the lies you've repeatedly spouted in the press put you almost on a par with your equally crooked buddy, Michael Sutcliffe...
Contaminating the Durban Harbour?  Polluting the seawater off the beach front?  Feeding us 'grey' water, and turning sewage into tap water?  I figure all of that pales up against the handing of our water lines to blatant criminals to manage...

How difficult is it now for a canny Controller to build up enough pressure in the lines to surge a specific point and burst those pipes?  It's a doddle, right?  You no longer have to send out teams after dark to weaken the points you need for a water runoff, and I'd bet that many of those 'breaks' can now be achieved remotely...
Surging my VC's lines until a fault occurs will be a piece of cake for Balliram to achieve, and will hit the Honourable Man in his pocket again...  A ploy that's always been favoured by the Rotten Apples, right Lazzie?

That kind fellow had come out yesterday and had left saying the leak on our meter was fixed.. Is it?  Already weakened, it wouldn't be like the Criminal next door to stop his efforts at this point, and you may watch this space to see if I'm right again...
Gobble, gobble, gobble, yap, yap, yap.. Some sort of weird therapy?  Do I feel any better having vented pointlessly for a couple of hours?  Indeed, I believe I do... You have a great day now..


Wednesday 17th April 2013 at 10.24am.