Friday, April 19, 2013

Beyond Redemption...?
(begun Thursday 18th April at 4.16am..)

Is that der Bunker's aircon?  Ja, it's been roasting down here the last few days, so it makes sense.. (Dear LORD, put pen to paper and my face is ignited! Small wonder I'm bloody irritable.)
It's a shame their big old noses can't sweep down and peer over my shoulder without the telltale heat and pain, but hey, it's only me, so no finesse is required at all...
It's typical that I've finally staggered onto Facebook just when we're being told the world is losing interest in the thing, and by golly, but it's a time waster...

Naturally I can't be sure where he'd posted that bunch of pictures I found yesterday, but I'll take a flyer and say they were on his own page, and not on his friend, the Shadow Minister Of Police's page...  Our Stephen had put up a couple of surprises for me as well, and among all the wimmen and cops, there'd been a close-up of my Gran's laatlammetjie.. Hau!   *winks...
A little further on, and we had the Chirpster himself grinning cheerily at the camera.. Nice one...
Did I misinterpret the message I got from those two pics?  Maybe.. *shrugs..

When was it that I'd blogged the old boy (who's only a few years older than me BTW), and how he'd begun having those petite mal episodes, just like our Sophie?  Last year?  The year before that?  I'll ask the GW to drive me past their place sometime this morning, but IIRR, it's a complex in Cowies Hill, that by now will be wired to the maximum....
By the time J began having those mini blackouts, Balliram had already shown he had a history of going after my family and friends, and I'd not been surprised in the least...
When the GW had finally gotten home from the shops yesterday evening, I'd eventually asked him if his suit was wearable, and he'd replied that it was now acceptable to attend funerals without a jacket.. So ja, I may be jumping the gun a little, but looking at that picture, I'd say my Oom is hanging on by a thread, and that one more spike could just about finish him off for good..  I'd obligingly ticked the Like box so that Chief Clark would know for sure I'd seen and appreciated it...

I'd been heading out to sit and read on the verandah at around 11.15am, when Spanky up at No. 12 had gone off like a rocket... WTF?  He's always been a fantastic early warning alarm system, be it for a troop of monkeys, or someone strolling through the valley, only this time he sounded really frantic...
Oddly enough there wasn't a peep out of No. 10's two boys, nor Spanky's companion, Butch... Should I call No. 12 and make sure there's someone home, and they haven't got an unwanted visitor on their property?  No need.  The dog fell silent, and I settled on the old bed outside shortly afterwards...
I'd just gotten comfortable, when our two hurtled out from the lounge and went mental down at the valley wall, and though I don't normally bother, this time I'd heaved myself up and strolled over to the edge of the lawn to take a dekko down into the valley..

Man, if that didn't look like Butch from No. 12, lying in the uncut grass halfway between the cable-burner's camp against the playing field wall, and his home.. He got up as I watched, and raced back up towards the little gate in their wall before I lost sight of him.. Still not a sound out of the two at No. 10.. Odd enough to have me call Butch's mum's cellphone straight away, only guess what?  Freddie had answered... *startled...
I'd had enough time to say it looked as if Butch was loose in the valley, and I hoped someone was home to let him back in, before the line was dropped...
Joyce, their faithful retainer, has let them both enjoy a run down there several times in the past, but I could always hear her keeping a close eye on them.. Not this time, and with Balliram's latest dodgy droogs camped up against the wall, I guess it was okay to be anxious?   Making a mountain again?  Possibly, though there's nothing that will freak my two out so noisily as a dog running free down in the valley... *winks.. It beats the monkeys or a nearby Lurker hands down, as you may imagine.. Though they can't see the animal, they can probably smell it, and it sets them off like loonies...

Why didn't No. 10's two bigguns get involved?  Hell, I've no idea except that she maybe had them shut indoors out of the heat?  I've also no clue as to why Spanky had expressed his outrage like that, or who had opened their bottom gate to let Butch out, but I was relieved to find a polite 'thanks Jane' fly into my Inbox in the early evening....  When my name flashes up on her screen does he insist on opening it?  Does he read my Distress texts to her, or has she also said she doesn't want to know?  Shame... Avoidance of the truth appears to be the norm these days, and if it makes you feel more comfortable, why not go for it...

I'd heard the familiar doef, doef, doef, floating out of der Bunker as I got ready to bathe after 4pm, but whoever was on duty had kept the levels to a minimum, and the session had been mercifully pain-free...  It had been 6pm when I'd turned to my old man sitting on the sofa and said I hadn't been treated to the previous night's horrendous levels of the gut/ovary frequency, and I was feeling great... Big-mouthed TWIT!  Five minutes later and the regular heatwave had engulfed me.. At 7.15pm the BackFire frequency was activated, and at 7.30pm my feet did that burning thing, before it crept up to the top of my legs where it settled into a most unpleasant ache, right up until bedtime.. Chops... *mutters....

See, even in the unlikely event you wanted to try and improve our dire circumstances, you can't.. You're forced to accept the word of Barnabas' Expert in the Field, and when he says those ridiculous levels are vital to achieving the maximum monitoring, you are in no position to argue..  The Sadist has been deliberately torturing us all since 2005, and you've accepted his word all along, that our problems are unavoidable, so even if you've finally come to realise that everything the Creature utters is bullshit, you've left it way too late to change anything for the better...

It makes no difference me saying that I've grown accustomed to having uninvited guests hanging on my walls and celings, and that it's okay as long as they keep those pain levels down, and that when his proxies are running the show on their own, this is precisely what happens.... Add your so-called Expert to the mix and *blam!*, everything goes through the roof as he thunders in and cranks it all to High....
Gimme a break here Al.. Have the Sicko shut away where he belongs, and quit trying to feed me the crap that he's not visiting our home any more..
He bloody well is, and that heatwave to the face that hit me only seconds after I put pen to paper this morning, is the proof in the pudding... There'd been no whack to the side just prior to his arrival, and that heat was coming from just yards away at der Bunker, denials or no denials...

It's already 5.40am now, and the first of my feathered sentinels just let out a caw down in the valley, and the pressure duly increased in my ears...  You want a REAL expert in the field?  One that wont invent lies for your benefit, and bring the whole sorry lot of you into disrepute?  I hear myself and I'm hard put not to choke..
Like it matters who thinks what.. Pretty soon we're all going to learn to think as one, hey Jannie?  The Outspoken will be re-educated or eliminated, and I kid you not..  Few of you grasp exactly what you've done by signing up to the Yellow Army, and I've no doubt you'll continue to bluff yourselves that you're in the clear...

Why was Colonel Mngomezulu transferred quite so far away?   Could it be that the truth I was whispering in his ear was actually making it's way back to his friend, the Minister of Police?  Would I be arrogant to suggest that it wasn't part of the Agenda to have Nathie come to realise the sheer extent and capabilities of this wondrous surveillance technology, and that as a result Augustine was moved beyond my reach?
And back we go to the tired old Party line that the entire Ruling Party are corrupt and beyond redemption? That the Opposition are wresting control of the sophisticated wireless weaponry away from the criminal element, and are using it to save the country instead?  *falls over snorting..

You're building a case against Collin P. Balliram, and these things take time?  Twak at it's finest... First off I don't have the luxury of time, and secondly, I know the old stallage routine when I see it...
Hugs to the good guys out there (no, FFS don't recoil like that, you wussies!) and know that I'm aware of your presence and just how trapped you are.. Get used to it, and hold onto those dangerous morals quietly, for as long as you're able...
Come Dasher, come Dancer, Come Donder en Bliksem, we're all in this together for the moment, and as much as I'd like to be around when the Cull if over and the dust settles, it's not likely...


Friday 19th April 2013 at 9.27am..