Tuesday, March 26, 2013

An open letter to Dianne Kohler-Barnard...
(dated 26th March, 2013)

A fairy-story, created by an aging Nutter with too much time on her hands?  You'll have to decide that for yourself.  After eight years I have nothing more than eight or nine camera cards to back me up, and even those may be fairly convincingly shrugged off as some weird trick of the light.. My tale is based mostly on supposition and guesswork, and like I said, you'll have to make up your own mind what you wish to believe.

Way back when Mo Shaik was still a heavyweight in the Intelligence Department, and he and Jackie Selebi were getting along nicely, they'd joined forces with Telkom to wire up the country using an unheard of, highly sophisticated quantum laser/wireless technology, which once installed, would strip away the right to privacy of pretty much every individual across the land.

How this is being achieved in other provinces is anyone's guess, but here in eThekwini, Michael Sutcliffe was seen to be the perfect candidate to run the Show, and he was given the job of City Manager..  I've no idea when he was first introduced to the young Physics Professor, Francesco Petruccione, but to cut a long story short, it wasn't long before the biggest wireless base station in South Africa was up and running over at UKZN...
Enter the second Star of our Show, Professor Stefanus Roux.  Roux's claims may be found in the July 2011 issue of Popular Mechanics, Tangling with Telecoms (www.popularmechanics.co.za), and you will see he says that he set up what he refers to as a 'perfectly safe' quantum laser 'communications' system in eThekwini, in collaboration with Petruccione...

I've always claimed that Sydenham and Sherwood were chosen as the kick-off point to trial this astounding surveillance technology, simply because it was the Shaik's old stamping ground, and they had the connections here that they needed to get the Show on the road...
Telkom's white wireless boxes were going up on streetlights and phone poles across the area, and everywhere you looked there was water running in the streets, or fountaining up into the air, and great swathes of streetlights ran active 24/7.
Sutcliffe and his henchman Neil MacLeod insisted this was due to poor maintenance and an aging infrastructure, when in fact they were stuffing fibre optic cabling through the water and sewer lines as fast as they could go...

Fibre, designed to carry the stolen personal data from the residential or business premises to some sort of giant main frame.  Quite possibly a handy communications satellite.
In our case the job of Marketing and Promoting the technology to our Community was given to a hastily made-over and very well known Druglord, one 'Earl' Michael Barnabas.. A fact that was verified for me by a trusted SAPS Colonel some years ago, who has subsequently been transferred well out of harm's way..
What story it was that Barnabas used to persuade the Sydenham community to hop on board and join this Cause is anyone's guess, but it worked... I came to believe that it involved a Trojan Horse concept, and that he'd claimed the surveillance technology would allow the authorities to access the homes of the corrupt via their powerlines, to gain proof of their crooked activities...

My part in all of this shadiness?  Unbeknown to us, our power supply was diverted into the management of my next door neighbour and colleague of the Druglord Barnabas, one Collin P. Balliram, along with the rest of the circuit here in Harris Crescent, and we were rigged up as a Learning Centre where the ace Cracker Balliram would usher in the neighbourhood youth using Roux and Petruccione's astonishing 'communications' technology, that they may learn to use the laser/wireless computer program to monitor our activities...
Why us?   I suspect it was for no more reason than we were topographically in the perfect location, which may be confirmed by Sutcliffe's second-in-command, the Superintendent of Electricity for Durban, one Allen Spence.  (Of course you'd have to wire him up to a polygraph machine and draw a few of his fingernails before he'd admit to anything).

Is your home already wired to this amazing Grid?  Do you already have a Look and Listen Monitor nearby who can, at the tap of a computer key, access your home, and have you the Star of your very own Truman Show?
Where your water and power supplies may be controlled, and both your landline and your cellphones intercepted, should the need arise?  Enough.
If you want more, youll have to go check out my pictures on Facebook and decide for yourself how much truth there is to my allegations, and how much is pure fantasy...

Rest assured that I stand alone on this entire matter, and that even my own husband fails to grasp the seriousness of our predicament, making it a simple matter to cast me aside as one seriously deluded old biddy, with a vivid imagination....
As our lives here at No. 8 Harris Crescent, Sherwood, are already an open book to the Criminals operating this invasive technology, it goes without saying that finally joining Facebook wasn't such a bad idea after all, and that it's afforded me the opportunity of increasing my squeals of outrage to a bellow...
A bellow that hopefully you'll hear and come to realise is the truth...

There is nothing that you, or anyone, can do to change our circumstances, and my desire is merely to warn other innocents like us, that all is not well here in eThekwini, and that if you suspect your home's privacy has been breeched, you're welcome to try contacting me for nothing more than sympathy and a shoulder to cry on..
One day in the distant future, maybe the genuinely good guys will finally wrest control of this technology from the Criminals who now rampage across the airwaves.. I won't be around to see it, but know that I wish you and yours the very best of luck.

BTW, I'd copied and pasted my comment to Logie Naidoo onto your FB wall last Thursday evening and by the next morning our Internet had been rendered all but useless.  Seacom?  When I'd finally tried the Downforeveryoneorisitjustme site yesterday and was told that the problem with google was ours alone, I'd posted about it on Investigator247's FB  wall.   Within minutes google was restored.  Are you listening out there?   Stay safe...
