Tuesday, March 26, 2013

(begun Sunday 24th March ...)

Time to hang up my cheapo ballpoint, so to speak?  Slink off, a bloodied, beaten cur, and wait to be finished off without so much as a whimper?  Fark that for an improbability....

Who's been out there, creating all the different chemical compounds used to attract and steer Prof Roux's laser showers?  That modified Physcia Grisea lichen that Vincent dots about the garden so heavily, when he hopes I'm not looking?  Man, I swear if you had the time and patience to watch, you'd see it multiplying and spreading before your very eyes...
Some sort of International Clique of Botanists, huddled together as they adjust and modify the laser-attracting chemicals to look like works of Nature?

Have the flying ants driven you nuts this summer, as they do every year once the warm weather arrives?  Have you had to shut your doors and windows and switch off your lights to stop the buggers coming in, in their droves?  Looking back, we've had no more than two or three adult flying ants in the house since November, though typically, I'd not given it much thought until the Environmentalist brought it up some weeks back... She'd said they'd just sort of disappeared, and had pointed out that was a whole section of the food chain gone down the tubes...
Though it's mostly the birds that feast on those things, there's probably a whole bunch of other wild life that counts on flying ants for survival.. Spooky..
I'd seen the runs they make in the earth under the fiddlewood tree as usual, and they were as busy as ever destroying my rose bushes, but clearly they never matured much past that point.  Will they recover and adapt as the bird life appears to have done, or is Stefanus' thick blanket of ultra-short laser beams killing them off in their millions, before they can fully mature?  *interested...

Hmm.. it's now 3.50am as I sit here at the desk, and that bird has just started it's faint chirping again... I've not heard the thready squeak of his Noise Assisted Transporters nearby since, I dunno - since even before he'd have you think he's gone off to play Happy Family's for the long weekend... Slacker that I am, I see I haven't logged the latest flashing enhancer, and I can only guess that it was sometime in the early hours yesterday morning that I'd noticed the wall light on No. 6's garage was flashing on and off...
I'd stood there watching it long enough for him to have seen my interest, and this morning it's off altogether.. *winks..

Did I enjoy my brief patch of 'press freedom' just prior to Seacom's amazingly well-timed woes?  Was Balliram ordered to increase my pain like that, merely to see how I'd react?  Was this latest horrorshow simply another exercise to reassure the criminal element operating the technology that they can get away with murder, and nothing and no-one can stop them?  Nope.  I figure those increased assaults were due to nothing more than the Sadist feeding his sick appetite...
Balliram has covered his bases by ensuring my gmail wouldn't connect and the GW had said no images would load... Did the Cowardly Cur seriously think I was going to attempt to transfer more pictures onto this PC in his *coughs* absence?  After the games he played with the last two CD's?  Taking no chances there, right, Knob?

How many of the specially deputised civilians no longer share their online adventures with their better halves?  When Missus Balliram began to suspect the extent of the physical abuse and brutality her spouse was employing upon his victims, did she hastily back away and say she no longer wished to hear any details of his activities?  Did it work?   Does she now go about her daily life enjoying a false sense of innocence, or does she sometimes  have nightmares she can do nothing about?  She's not alone by a long shot.. There's a whole bunch of husbands and wives out there who will have said 'don't tell me anything.  I just don't want to know.'  A cowardly course of action, but a necessary one, if they're to get through each day without being weighed down by guilt...

LATER at 6.30am

Before I forget.. A little more on the seven pictures of spheres caught during the morning Bathroom Matinee the other day... It's THIS one that has me really curious.. See how it sits on the tiles above the bath taps, with a front row loge view of the bather?  *nauseated... Unless that was the Pig, who can't help himself, who else would want a view like that?  Whose head has become so cooked they'd deliberately wish to have a full-on look at my nekked fugliness and still manage to shrug it off as an official monitoring exercise?  One of your kids?  Your wife?  Your husband?  *vomits copiously...

It's now Sunday at 6.50am, and judging by the arrival of the BackFire frequency and several jabs to the side, his Oinkness is in the house and waiting impatiently for me to strip off and perform my morning ablutions... Like I tried to tweet the Snowman the other evening before my Twitter was blocked, You gonna lie to me Michael?  Tell me you're building a case against Balliram, and I must be patient?   Not even...

LATER at 7.05am

Okay, so this time I didn't add the bath oil or Dettol, but instead I fished out the camera and took some pictures while the bath was still filling.  Three or four shots in, the flash was suddenly surrounded by a cloud of silver particles as I stood aiming directly down into the water... Hau, Haikona!   I moved a fraction and got a repeat.. Much brighter than Roux's gold-dust ultra-short laser beams, are these silver droplets the product of the Gamer's laser program, or simply a trick of the light?  The reason that I've not had the experience before could be due to the fact that I've never thought to aim the camera straight down at the water, and it certainly hadn't happened on Friday when I'd captured that swimmer HERE, from an angle...  Could the bath oil and Dettol inhibit that effect in any way?

LATER at 7.15am

I couldn't resist, and went back to take more pictures of the bathwater.   Without the tap running there was no magic and the flash had behaved normally, so I guess the Pig may have laid that little treat on for me personally?  Will you check out the weird results in THESE three consecutive shots?  Try and ignore the fact that our bath is ancient and stained, with the iron showing through in several places, and focus on what's happening to the running water...  Did I just earn myself some sort of reward for predictable behaviour, in the form of those astounding silver particles in the air surrounding the camera's flash, or does your little point and shoot digital camera create the same effect under similar circumstances?

Monday 25th March at 3.45am

At about 3.30am I'd perched on the bed on the verandah to watch the clouds rolling up from the south, with sheet lightning flashing faintly behind them.. I suppose I was of a mind I might get to see the Visitors, but hey-ho, not that time...
A rusty-sounding wireless song was coming from somewhere to my right... The front deck next door? der Bunker?  Impossible to tell, and I'd not been there ten minutes before Winnie down at No. 2 gave a bark, and then another...  Both cats agreed with her, and there was clearly someone or something moving up the valley in our direction.. Minutes later and Butch at No. 12 gave an affirmative bark...  *shrugs..

The Abdomen frequency that had been strangely scarce over the last few days, arrived back last night with a vengeance not long after our Area Controller 'officially' returned from his holiday break.. She'd barely been home half an hour before he was flooding our lounge with the BackFire frequency and I'd typed out an sms to send her if need be, and suggested aloud to Balliram that he could go that route if he chose...
It simply won't do for her to pretend she doesn't know exactly what's going on, as you're all well aware of her involvement...
Sure, it wasn't that long ago that I'm betting she told him to leave her out of it, and that the less she knew about her husband's current activities, the easier it would be to lie...
Sadly, it's likely to be the same modus operandi employed by my Excellent Neighbour, although in his case, I totally forgive him.

The squeaky purring NATS outside this window haven't tried their luck in ages, though it's guaranteed that if we have rain later on, that shrill grasshopper/cricket will kick in from the identical positon he's lived in for the past five years, outside the lounge window.. *winks...  
I'd gone out onto the side path yesterday morning and taken THESE shots of Balliram's aircon units that are installed on the walls a few yards from ours...
Though I doubt very much the magical results will translate once they're put onto the PC, the camera view shows the front of the wind-blowing unit right next to the signal enhancing wall light as being literally covered in rainbow hues HERE, while there's absolutely nothing to be seen on the other two units...
Course you'll have a logical explanation for that pretty phenomenon, though I'll insist that despite the house being supposedly empty and shut up tighter than a tick, that single aircon unit is very much active, and performing whatever function it's been tweaked to do...


Tuesday 26th March 2013 at 12.06pm.