Monday, February 11, 2013

The leak....
(begun Sunday 10th February at 6.15am..)

The BackFire frequency has already reached painful levels, and I have to wonder whether the Speaker bounds from one envelope opening to the next, fully aware that World War 3 has begun... I recently added Logie to my SOS-share-my-pain text list as an amusement for you, simply because I discovered I had his number, and of course he will be heavily involved in the Project...
Does he consider the invasive surveillance technology to be no more than an astonishingly advanced means of ferreting out and stealing private information, or has he come to realise it's full and deadly potential? Unless you've been on the receiving end of the horrendous personal attentions that we've endured, I guess you might battle to get your head around the idea of wireless being used as a killer weapon... *The flesh around my eye has just begun to twitch and heave, not five minutes after the Pig has chirruped his remote, aaaaand - it stops as suddenly as it began...*

LATER at 6.55am

Apart from the Knives that jabbed at Millie as I crossed over the top step from the kitchen into the courtyard, there was this bizarre hush over everything.. The sort of ominous sensation you get when watching a thriller, seconds before all hell breaks loose?  Needless to say it was the old colourful imagination at it again, and I'd gone up top to fetch the Sunday Times without the sky falling in... That slow leak is still doing it's job efficiently, as it continues to run out from under No. 11's wall and down the Crescent.. A leak that appears trivial enough, and it's doubtful anyone has called in a fault... I'd remarked on it to the disinterested GW yesterday, and I'd be willing to bet that a few thousand litres have been run off in the interim, and that a few thousand more will continue to be lost, to accommodate the fibre optics through those water lines...
The Old Bill won't be getting an account for all that wastage, so who's to pay for it?  Will those canny Moth Cottage Trustees come banging on the remaining tenant's doors, claiming a further enormous rental hike due to the large amount of water loss?  They've done that before, and will do it again, that's for sure.. *shrugs..

LATER at 7.30am

It's come over dark and threatening enough to be the end of the world out there... waynegohl certainly suspects they're here, and wrathex?  I don't know what she thinks right now.. After all the tests she's endured, it's possible she may not be viewing the current Visitor's arrival with quite so much optimism and enthusiasm...
You'll recall that MUFON's Cynthia Hind had warned me not to gallop outside and welcome Them with open arms, were I lucky enough to get a second sighting... Even back in the nineties, it's always possible she'd heard whispers of the Great Culling Experiment to come, and how we were to be forced into becoming one heaving mass of easily controlled sheep...

A concept too ludicrous for you to entertain?  Come, keep up now, or you yourself could be culled, and lose the opportunity of experiencing what it's like to be controlled en masse, like a bunch of terrified slaves...HAARP's handiwork darkens the valley even further as I sit here scribbling away at the desk, and you can guarantee their Masters are in the sky beyond that dense covering of cloud... Will they allow me to see them once more, as Mrs. Hind had suggested they might?  I'm not holding my breath, folks..
Three times in two days I've been weak enough to resort to sending out those SOS Share-texts, and these Bastards have me exactly where they want me...  The relentless teeth-grinding pain that's caused when the Monster next door unleashes the BF frequency in our home, reduces me to even more of a gibbering idiot than usual.. Cest la vie...

Surprisingly, my sadistic Controller appears pre-occupied elsewhere for the moment, and although Millie the Gross is on full-alert, she says nothing at all... Give the Pig a minute and he'll change that picture in an instant.. The tic around my eye has just kicked in, as Agent 000 peers over my shoulder to read my scribbles...
The storm has swung back from where it was heading out to sea, and the rumbles are getting louder and the flashes brighter as fat raindrops start to fall, and my oddly-well behaved Abomination begins to writhe under the electrical onslaught... Should I wait until the rain is drumming down and go attempt to update my photos?  I don't think so.. I'm more than happy with the evidence I already have, and if I'm lucky enough to last, there'll be many more downpours ahead...

LATER at 10.35am

The GW told me this morning that his vertigo is extreme... Diagnosed by our kindly GP as a thickening of the fluid in the inner ear which affects one's balance, the GW would be the first to insist that I cannot blame everything on Balliram... You think?  Have I not repeatedly told you how one may have a pre-existing condition that may be easily manipulated and exacerbated by the employment of the wireless weaponry?  I'd been standing at the kitchen sink only a minute after my old man had been telling me of his increased imbalance, when my gung-ho Master took it upon himself to squeeze both my ears mightily with pressure, to prove that my suspicions was correct... *eyeroll...

How long after they were married in 1993 was it, before the Manipulators began whispering in Tokyo's ear that her paleness could be a drawback to his career aspirations?  Au contraire, it's always possible that he hitched up with her in the first place to make folks like me consider him perfect to run the country... Would
she remember just when the gilt started falling off the gingerbread, and she'd given up any hope of reconciliation?  I suppose I should be fairly shattered, but I'm not... It makes sense that the Planners wish to deepen the divide, and what better way of doing it than publishing Mr. Sexwale's attempts to be rid of his once so-useful arm candy....
Are both of their grown children fully au fait with the laser/wireless surveillance program, and have they been incorporated into the ranks of the Yellow Army?  Jannie? Any idea? The filthy rich are excluded from recruitment?  Sing me another song, dude... *looks at Lance Moodley and Rajiv Narandas, and know's there's no exclusion there...

Monday 11th February at 3.55am

The Park's tractor had come in on Saturday with a decent-sized crew, and the valley below is once again easily accessible to pedestrians... I'd heard a whacker droog clearing right up next to No. 6's front deck for ages, and I'd guess there are going to be a few would-be Wall Jumpers down there before the undergrowth takes over again.. No worries, as my Master has those CCTV cameras trained on his deck, and he would pick up any unwanted visitors in seconds... *winks...

I finally called Sue the Book last night to check whether she'd reported that persistent leak running out from No. 11.. She tells me it's been flowing since Friday night, and that she'd rung the Moth Rep in the Cottage two doors up and filled him in, though there's been no sign of anyone attempting to fix the leak... Water is precious? Sure it is... She did say she'd seen the Old Bill in their garden sometime during the week and one has to consider whether that leak began soon after his visit, or not..

Sadly, Counter Fraud Agent 247 hadn't appreciated my Proceed with Caution update at all, and had resorted to a thirteen year old's IRC-style tweet or two, to let me know.. *startled... Someone who is clearly still familiar with whatever chat channels are out there on the interwebz?  #efnet, perhaps?  It's a relief to know the Snowman can always Unfollow me on Twitter, if my wild speculation offends him, and no harm done? *waves... I figure I got the message across, and there's no excuse for any more of the Cato Manor Unit Officers to endure lethal visits over their powerlines from Thoshan's cronies...
It'd been late last year when I'd bumped into one of my favourite Officers up at Dodge and we'd stood chatting briefly before I left, 100% certain that the chap had no idea at all of the surveillance technology, and I'd come away seriously confused.

HowTF could he NOT know of it's existence?  On the strength of that apparent oversight, I'm forced to ask whether the entire DOC Unit are fully in the picture when it comes to the quantum laser/wireless system, and if not, why not?  I'm seriously tired of being shrugged off as a Loon, no matter how much I deserve it... How are those Officers supposed to take evasive measures if some of them aren't even aware of this advanced weaponry?
You're keeping an eye on them?  Bollocks to that.. I don't know the details surround Neville Eva's long illness, but if you'd really been watching out for them, it's unlikely that Auerbach would've lost his life...

How's about a couple of that Unit's wealthier supporters club together and see that every one of those Officers is provided with one an EMF measuring device for personal use?  A quick course in how to employ the meter reader in their homes, and they're good to go, and I'm betting it would have Panday and his cohorts backing off at speed...  It's not that simple?  Sure it is, and I'm damned sure that if Booysens put the word out, the necessary funds would come pouring in... You're not sure what devices I'm on about?  Then why don't you contact the Mast Fighter at, and discuss it with her?
Giving your chaps the means to check on just what levels of wireless and power are coming into their own private domain, would at least give them a running chance to dodge the invisible bullets that are flying across the airwaves these days..
Take care and


Monday 11th February 2013 at 9.59am