Saturday, February 09, 2013

Proceed with caution...
(begun Saturday 9th February at 8.20am..)

It took Balliram till just 8.03am, before I caved and sent the following sms to Holson Mbhele, Allen Spence, Logie Naidoo, Vanessa, Tamara, No. 10 and No. 16..  'No change at all to brutal levels of wireless in our home today. Do you think I DESERVE it? J'.   Silence..  Was there a sudden improvement and lowering of the horrendous amounts of BackFire running in ours?  Nope, that burning coal still sizzles away on my back, with the occasional savage Knife-thrust thrown in for good measure...
How many of those texts were blocked at the cellphone owner's own request?  Are any of those intended recipient's cowardly enough to go that route?  *curious...
The Park's tractor has just pulled in to the valley, and sounds as though it's been at least a decade since it was last serviced.. I'm off...

LATER at 11.35am

Look at me.  XXL lump that I am, what sort of pain levels do you think it takes to reduce me to whining to such an extent, and resorting to sending out texts to share my misery?  Non-stop floods of the flaming BackFire set on High, or repetitive Knives to the Back will do it for me, although I was finally permitted to fall onto Cloud 9 at 10am, pretty much drained by the ongoing assaults... Heroism at it's finest, hey Balliram?
I've given eight farking years of my life to creating entertainment for the bloody Troops, and this is my reward? *snarls...
Ever wondered why Friday through to Monday, the cruelty I report appears to increase tenfold?  Your obsession has you going above and beyond the call of duty, does it not O Captain of Immense Courage?
With little to distract you away from the 'office', you can let your hair down and feed your sick obsession without fear of censure...
It doesn't matter that after all this time I still run in endless circles, getting nowhere, as your insecurities always force you to remind me 24/7 of your Ownership, using the most unpleasant means at your disposal.. *vomits...

Sunday 10th February at 4.20am

Is it those clever Weathermen creating the Mother of all flickering enhancers up in the sky, or Nature, and one of those increasingly weird storms?  Somewhere way over to the West there's a massive electrical storm, and the effect is disturbingly similar to the erratically flashing enhancers so often preferred by our Controller, Balliram...
The sweat suddenly pops out, and Millie's awake at once, and I guess the Pig has arrived for the morning's torture session...   He's running the brilliant booster-cage light on the toddler's dormitory floor across the way, and there's no way I could capture the power coming off it with a simple photograph...   I'd studied it briefly through the binoculars last night, and it almost hurt my eyes, once I'd focused...

Did you see that I'd added more pictures to my Spheres album on Facebook, last night? Alas, some of my best efforts are rendered dull and uninteresting by the cropping system they use, and I've had to delete them.. Are you able to see the corruption that occurs in nearly every one of my orb pictures?  How two photos taken within seconds of each other, can show the most amazing difference in the lighting?  As both cameras consistently record this oddity, there's no way it can be ascribed to a fault on the devices themselves, so you need to ask how and where that corruption is coming from....
If, as the CIA have insisted is possible, Balliram is also able to remotely affect the outcome of my photos, you shouldn't have a problem accepting that those spheres are also there with a purpose, and not as a result of some jamming frequency enabled by the Controller...

Sure, he can knock out the batteries from a distance, causing the little camera flash to operate at half-strength, and my results to become really murky.. I've described to you often enough how he can hit the batteries hard enough remotely, to switch the camera right off, and in the case of the Panasonic, cause the zoom lens to suddenly start extending and retracting repeatedly, until I turn the thing off myself...
So ja, you need to understand that those spheres are not the result of remote corruption, but in spite of it... When it comes to what's causing them to appear, I can only make my usual wild guesses and say that they're the inevitable result of at least two ultra-short, invisible to the naked eye, laser beams colliding...

Have you tried setting off a flash gun outside in the dark?  Have you seen the dense gold-dust particles that briefly fill the air around that flash?  The minute ultra-short laser beams that produced those astonishing records taken on a misty Saturday morning, where my camera screen was filled corner to corner with a solid bank of white spheres, no matter where I stood on our property?  That would be the direct result of Professor Roux's laser shower machine.. The one he refers to in the Tangling with Telecoms article in Popular Mechanics...
Not to be confused with Francesco Petruccione's contribution of a laser program which your young adult children are being coached to employ, to hack into your neighbour's homes...

Though you'll see from my Facebook album, a series of pictures taken in my lounge, all within the same minute, that Balliram is capable of sending a veritable cloud of spheres indoors, I doubt they would ever reach the density of those that choke the air outside...You can rest assured however, that catching just one sphere on any of your indoor walls or ceilings is proof enough that you have a visitor inside your home, who has accessed your power supplies and is employing the startling Look & Listen technology to thieve your privacy from under your noses...

The thing that continues to floor me to this day, is how you all fell for it so easily... How it didn't enter your heads to consider that in assisting the Experiment Authors to gain access to the homes of the so-called Corrupt, you were handing them an invitation to violate your own privacy... Why would they do such a thing?  Geez guys - Why wouldn't they?
Whether you're in denial or not, I've given you every facet of our Area Controller's disturbing character, and his bizarre and often sadistic preferences... To pretend that he's unique, would be a fatal error...
*It's 9.11am as I sit here online updating my blog, and the tic in my eye has just kicked in.. Voetsek, varkie!*
You clearly have a problem connecting Organised Crime to the occasional visit an Area Controller might concede making into your home..

Once you understand the Experiment Author's need to terrorise a suburb into regarding the surveillance technology as their Saviour, you might just reconsider those stealthy visits that access your power supplies.. Indeed, No. 16 up the road here, was treated to more than their fair share of criminal activities, despite the family being on board the Project from the getgo... I would have to guess that the Owner's continued loyalty to our little CPF irked the then SAPS Station Commander and his good buddy Balliram, and they saw to it that some pretty frightening stuff went on up there... Did those terror-tactics come to an end with Nayager's demise, and his IT chum's subsequent opportunistic fence-jumping exercise?

The fact remains, that despite all of my Controller's derisive denials, that surveillance technology was employed more than once to hit No. 16.. Right now it's the Asherville community that's reeling under a similar carefully orchestrated crime wave.. A crime wave that's employing the Look & Listen surveillance technology to the nth degree to monitor your comings and goings, and to quite possibly have you set up as the target for the next pre-arranged hijacking or home invasion...The more outspoken a Community member you are, the higher the chances that your powerlines are regularly accessed and a plan will be devised to shut you up...
It makes no difference whether you've already sacrificed one or two of your young adult children to be tutored in the Arts of hacking and employing the laser program, if you yourself continue to be outspoken on matters your Area Controller and his Superiors consider are none of your business...  Your home will be hit anyway, as a reminder to toe the line.. *shrugs..

LATER at 5.30am

Although it's light outside, thunder continues to roll through the grey clouds, though it seems to have moved out towards the sea, and the humidity is rank... I'd hopped into Facebook yesterday afternoon to find a wag had posted a whole bunch of pictures under the title of Michael Frost's visit.  *chokes.. No worries, fellas.. I wouldn't know the Agent if I fell over him, being as how I forgot to enlarge his original profile picture and study him... By the time I was interested, he'd made a judicious change, and as such, he remains safely incognito... *applauds..  Hell, all those guys look pleasant enough, and I have to remind myself that London will be employing goons every bit as cruel and sadistic as my own Controller, as they run their version of the surveillance technology...

Does Agent 247 consider he's seen it all, and that he's innured to the sadistic practises of many of the designated Area Controllers employed? If this is so, then I can forget about looking for any help in the Snowman's direction... Fact.  Hey, it's no trainsmash O Frosted One, as long as you check regularly on the remaining Cato Manor Unit Officers health, to see whether the Opposition has gotten past our lot, and onto their powerlines..
Cynic that I've become, I entertain far darker thoughts on the sudden arrival of my follower on Twitter, but I tell myself sternly to be positive, despite the obvious implications to the contrary... *waves cheerfully..

Was our Counter-Fraud Operative once an Area Controller himself?  Has he worked his way up the ranks and now spends his days in a larnie air-conned office at Scotland Yard, managing a whole bunch of Controllers himself? The possibilities are endless, but frankly I'm happy to have him on my tail, despite that he doesn't appear willing or able to stop the increased abuse from No. 6... If his sudden arrival is designed to merely provide further amusement at my remarkable stupidity, then so be it...  As much as I'd love to trust the chap, my pain dictates that I proceed with some caution..


Sunday 10th February 2013 at 9.40am.