Sunday, February 03, 2013

Heard it on the grapevine..?
(begun Sunday 3rd February at 6.30am..)

*I'm obliged to report that the latest frequency employed by my charming Area Controller involves creating a dull and most unpleasant ache from below my navel to include both hips and my spine... This feeling is as usual exacerbated as I cross the usual points around the house, and as such, is the give-away that the Special Operative has in no way relaxed his assaults.  *

Has Miss R. finally grasped the necessity for the various chemical compounds and substances to be dotted about her apartment, to increase and enhance the Look and Listen technology?  Is she one of those crazy house-proud ladies who feel the need to swab down every surface in their home on a weekly basis?  I will repeat that if indeed her sanctuary in Crouch Road is being illegally accessed during her absence, it's most definitely NOT for the purpose of stealing her tangible possessions..  The visits will be designed to facilitate the total theft of her Right to Privacy and good health, which is not something that Outsurance can ever replace...

Knowing what I now know, I would start with the outside windowsills and check for marks that have no business there, even if they appear as unremarkable gekko droppings.. If the visitors have applied the clear substance to strategic parts of her furniture, the use of a damp cloth will merely swirl the sticky mess around, and in no way remove it..  Without a digital camera and flash, and the zoom option, it's unlikely she'll pick up any of the pretty blue copper sulfate compound on her chrome-plated door handles, or anywhere else for that matter... It'll be interesting to see if the physical assaults on her person, using the laser techology, are set to increase in the weeks to come.. If this is so, I guess it's confirmation that her flat has been illegally accessed while she's out, in order to dot the enhancers about those rooms...

LATER at 7.30am

Sometime within the last five minutes, the Chop has switched off the steady gentle hum of his aircon units... Yep, hum... Nowhere near the roar that was running yesterday afternoon, when I'd gone out to check, this morning they'd been giving off a civilised background hum... Small matters, but interesting?

Monday 4th February at 3.47am..

Okay.  So Roy's off on a two-month sabbatical, and Phylicia Oppelt is taking over the helm at the Sunday Times...As I generally enjoy the Letters page more than the rest of the paper put together, I've noticed how often Phylicia's name has cropped up, as a journo who strikes a chord with the Times readers...
Is it just me and my infernally suspicious mind that has me trying to connect the dots between Roy Hartley's sudden departure and the spat of words he'd had with Martin Welz over the Cator Manor Unit and Major Booysens?

Was that disagreement not the reason I'd gotten it in my head to try using Twitter?  IIRC, I'd tried in my usual garbled fashion to tweet both those editors at the time, and suggest they patch up their differences and work together, being as how they're two highly respected and honest reporters, who people count on for the truth...
Did either of them ever get to see my tweets?  Unlikely, as the Aviator's attempts to school me in the use of the # and the @ when tweeting, continue to baffle me... *eyeroll...
You'll pardon me if I'm a little concerned over Hartley's health right now... He'd stood his ground and backed his journo's reports that the Cato Manor Organised Crime Unit were no more than a bunch of killers, and you have to ask yourselves whether he's paid dearly as a result... *looks at the outwardly amiable Snowman...

Heard anything on the grapevine out there, Agent Frost?  Any of your colleagues over this side, irked enough by Hartley's assertions, to have his powerlines accessed and a bit of payback enacted?  I'm whistling in the wind, and there's nothing at all wrong with Roy's health that a two-month holiday won't fix, and he'd just decided that it was time for a change?  Anyone care to dig around and check?
Here I am, insisting that the murderous thug Balliram was given some sort of make-over and allowed to jump the fence to be welcomed into the bosom of what purports to be the Good Guys team, so natch, I'm going to wonder whether he's employed to take care of some of the less-than-savoury matters for that Unit...

Like unleashing a bit of unpleasantness over Hartley's powerline, for instance?  How could I even THINK such a thing?  When you consider that Balliram is still free to come and go, and to orchestrate his many brainwashed cadets into continuing the onslaught in our homes, that might well have something to do with my suspicions regarding the now ex-Editor of the Sunday Times...  You want me to type out a page or two of my logs, and then still try and convince me he's got nothing to do with the continued assaults in ours?  Don't waste your breath, FFS...
As a colleague, Balliram's word was always going to be taken over mine, and you choose to believe his carefully set-up alibis, even though you must surely have your doubts.. Let's face it - The Cracker could surely prove his worth if one or two of the Unit's members had decided Hartley needed punishing for his backing his journo's allegations?  Ja, that's what it boils down to, right, Investigator247?  That the Good and the Bad have become inextricably intertwined, and few of you can tell the difference any more...

It's me you're talking to, dewd... The Sucker that Majoor Groenwald, wearing his Head of Technical Services at St. Augustine's disguise, set up to give a live performance in my GP's surgery... That was a private contract, between Groenie and a customer?  Ag Martin, you can see where I'm going with this, and I sincerely hope I'm barking up the wrong tree, though I'd bet you've the means to check, if you don't know the answers already...

I simply can't remember if I've written before of the amount of column space that's being devoted to Health issues currently..Is it my paranoia that has me questioning the timing of these regular pieces, and how so often the topics so neatly fit the symptoms of over-exposure to Roux and Petruccione's 'perfectly safe' quantum laser/wireless technology?  The persistent and debilitating dry hacking cough, and the early onset of arthritis, the heart problems being encountered by so many ridiculously young and ostensibly fit victims?
Hey - just go read the Sunday Times Health Section (though the trend is certainly not restricted to just that newspaper) and you'll be reassured that there's a reason for your odd symptoms, and it most certainly doesn't involve the huge increase in EMF that's so vital for the surveillance technology to operate at it's full potential...

My best was the suggestion that an increase in unidentified super viral bugs is now being blamed for so many of the inexplicable health issues that doctors are facing daily in this country.. That these issues are in no way related to your rapidly diminishing immune system, as they're battered by the microwaves/wireless now flooding your suburb...
The media, as our Koos Bekker will tell you, plays an enormous part in this world-wide culling Experiment, and the increase in articles on health problems is just one aspect that those clever Damage Control experts have got covered...
Your Specialist is still baffled as to the cause of your ailment, and doesn't know how to fix it ?  He's been through your blood tests, and there's nothing unusual revealed?  What about your white blood cell count?

That odd little snippet of information had gotten through before it could be supressed, had it not?  That despite all the tests done on my VC over at Parklands, all the results proved to be negative, apart from his white blood cell count.. A fact that at the time had left his doctors baffled, but was eventually ascribed after a full week, to a possible unidentified super bug.. *winks...
With the Druglord's young friend now running the Blood Services up in Gauteng, you can rest assured he'll have his man/woman in charge down here in Durban as well... You should maybe ask yourselves why? Could it be to hide an increasing pattern that's being revealed across the cities and suburbs?  Your guess... *shrugs..

I see we made the front page of the Tribune yesterday, and that Barnabas wisely decided to forgo having Prem taken out by using the now too-widely publicised 'heart attack' frequency, and had settled instead for the good old-fashioned blood bath hit?  Will the beleagured Asherville residents take the bait, and be fooled into thinking the good guys at last have the upper hand?  Sure, one of the sources of that neighbourhood's misery was removed on Friday, but it's going to be replaced by another unseen means of picking off those residents one by one...
As he'd handed me the paper yesterday, the GW had remarked that I'd been right when he'd overheard me telling S that Asherville was currently under siege... Those hidden visual-capturing devices in the streetlight cowlings are most certainly not being activated in order to protect the community, hey Laz?  Au contraire.. They continue to be employed to ensure that organised crime runs smoothly, and combined with the ability to flood the more vocal of dissenter's homes with the devastating laser/wireless weaponry, that suburb is well on it's way to being OWNED, and the Clare Estate Crematorium will become busier than ever before.. *heaves..

So what's it to be Agent Frost?  Is Johan going to continue sitting back while your guys get picked off, or is he going to wake up and realise that the inclusion of Rotten Apples to the Good Guy's team might not be the answer after all?


Monday 4th February 2013 at 8.26am.