Monday, February 04, 2013

A Calling..?
(begun Monday 4th February at 6.30am..)

You still can't get your head around the idea that Michael Barnabas would have two of his most loyal subjects taken out?  You'd better believe it..  I didn't miss the better-late-than-never attempt to whitewash Nayager's departed soul on the front page of the Sunday Tribune, either...
A good cop?  Don't give me that crap.  The fellow danced to the Druglord's tune as nimbly and as willingly as his replacement does... He and Balliram between them took great pleasure in using the initial wireless/laser program to go after many of the more honest citizens in our Community, and to cripple them with pain, one way or another...

Why our Earl saw fit to have him silenced is anyone's guess, though the Reservist now residing over in Clare Estate would no doubt feed me a colourful tale, were I to ask.. *winks.. 
Prem Maharaj would've been another loyal servant to the Emperor of the Zone, and with his links to Sydenham SAPS, I can well believe he was as feared as the Tribune article reported... For years he will have been creating just the sort of atmosphere the Project Authors desire, so why have the chap topped so dramatically, and why add a cop and a SAPS Gauteng-stickered police vehicle to do the job? A bit of poetic licence employed by the Director of that performance?
Would our current Head of the Crime desk have any answers, and has he come to realise that his relative was simply another pawn, to be tossed off the board on a whim?

A strategically organised bit of dramatics, designed to impress the Asherville residents, while reminding them they're in a War Zone?  That the only thing that can save them is to sign up to the laser/wireless surveillance project, or at least to sacrifice their teenaged offspring to be tutored in the arts of hacking and laser use?  I'd guess that Asherville is already rife with Recruits to the Yellow Army, and that it's now the stragglers they're going after?  Those straight-as-a-die community members who've so far been avoided by the Recruitment officers, as being somewhat harder to convert to the Cause?

Tuesday 5th February at 2.15am

Oops!  That's the first time I've checked my watch properly, and I found it's an hour earlier than I thought... Old people, tsk..  My word, and just like that, our Millie the Gross is squawking in outrage as Peeping Tom cranks up his viewing options... I've turned off the ceiling fan just to make sure and ja, there's that aircon humming nearby... Sort of weird when you think I'm sitting here with my cardie on, and even considering fetching my warm slippers, while there's full cloud-cover outside..?
I've an idea the introduction of this new sound has very little to do with keeping the temperature in the ChickenCoop cool, and everything to do with the teeth-grinding levels of Backfire frequency that have arrived so suddenly...

When I'd finally paid attention to my blogger stats. it had freaked me out a bit, and I'd shrugged it off as more inane manipulation by the bored Cracker next door.. In retrospect however, I've come to realise that there are indeed people dotted about as far away as Germany, Japan, and Canada, who've taken a morbid interest in visiting a talking guinea-pig.. Readers who are most likely involved in their own country's version of the laser/wireless surveillance technology...
I remembered to go check yesterday, and my Monitor will have recorded my audible surprise as I'd turned to the old man and said that I appeared to have acquired another ten readers overnight.

Want to tellus where the sudden increased interest springs from, Balliram?  Locals from Asherville, or more of Booysen's Unit, anxious to know how to avoid being terminated?  It's really quite sad.  Here I sit, almost over-qualified to talk of the existence of this New Age wireless weaponry, but with no clue at all as to how to help you avoid it, and save yourselves.. The few that have actually come right out and asked me what they should do if they're approached to hop on board as a participant, appeared taken aback when I'd unhesitatingly advised them to go for it..
Seriously now, what choice do you have?  Decline, and you risk ending up like us.  An enforced link in the power chain, that's set to suffer abuse 24/7 for the rest of your natural days...*shrugs...

Miss R had sounded surprised by her own revelation the other evening, when she'd said there are really good people around her that are working for the Monitoring operation, and ja, I can attest to that...
My question is, and always has been, how long can they hang on to their goodness as it's steadily chipped away by the likes of the criminal tutors so favoured by the Experiment Authors?  How long before you're comfortable bouncing into your designated Learning Academy and listening to the roars of outrage as your victim's physical pain is increased tenfold upon your arrival?    With your Tutor's reassurance and encouragement, it'll take mere weeks to overcome that feeling of guilt and ignore it, no matter how 'good' you were at the outset...

How long before you're de-humanised to the point where you feel the unfortunate occupants of those Hacker's Hubs are lower life-forms, and deserving of all the pain you might cause them?  Are you going to stick your neck out and tell your teacher you can't get used to it, and never will?  Man, I don't think so...
If I've achieved nothing else, I've served as a dire warning of the repurcussions that can occur when you cross these megalomaniac's path, so my guess is that if you're wise, you'll grit your teeth and just get on with it.. *It's now 9.06am as I update here online, and a fierce series of Knives to the Back remind me I have more than just Balliram visiting me right now.*

LATER at 3am

I've just fetched myself a coffee.. As I crossed between the two jackpoints in the kitchen, the Pig nailed me neatly with his latest frequency of choice, and a deep, unpleasant pinch right across my lower back kicked in.. Higher than yesterday's efforts, and this one hasn't included my hip joints yet...
Am I singing the Loser's Lament?  Am I suggesting you cave and be swallowed up by the corruption and rot that infests this first wave of heroic (*spits) Area Controllers?  You know better than that.. You should hang on tight to whatever shred of honesty and moral fibre you can keep, and who knows, somewhere down the line, Good may actually prevail... Sort of sounds hollow right now, but I figure you could do it if you set your mind to it?

How's our dynamite Telkom Strategist doing these days?  Delighted to hear that this battling-to-keep-up Eejit finally stumbled across yet more proof of the corrupt power you wield?  Your personal conversion/recruitment stats still streaks ahead of your rivals?  Frankly Jannie, I don't know how you fit it all in, handing out favours here and there to keep the suckers thinking you're a good guy, while pulling strings in the background to cause misery and mayhem to so many.. It's a Calling, right?  *pukes..
Like Michael Barnabas and Sutcliffe, you're simply another Puppet, though you're probably blissfully unaware of the strings that also bind you, and the fact that you too may be tossed aside by the Experiment Authors at any point in this horrendous Game...

They'd Never?  In fact, your most recent achievements earned you a nice little bonus and a pat on the back from Head Office?  Now who is it that you remind me of.. hmmm....? Could it be the ChickenKing, probably hunched only yards from me in der Bunker, as he takes out his venom on some unfortunate target nearby?  Someone who doesn't have the voice or means to snitch on the murderous abuse he perpetrates?  Ahh.. those last scribbled words earned me a couple of Knives to the Back as It tries to follow my every written word.. *snorts...
Wassup, Double-Agent Dickwad?  Your ducking and diving efforts have increased mightily over the last couple of weeks, so wassup?

As I write, that steady hum outside the window has either ceased or dropped to a level that's inaudible, which would suggest those aircon  units have most definitely been recently incorporated to do more than just keep your Lair cool... *yawns... I must go put the livers on to cook...

LATER at 3.55am

With neither Chair nor Vice Chair to marshall us, last night's CPF Meeting had been noisy, but cheerful.. That about covers it, right Laz?  *winks.. How'd the Eavesdroppers get on in all that cacophony of noise?  Anything of interest gleaned from those stolen conversations?  Anyone new attending, that's about to have their powerlines accessed, and some seriously nasty deliveries made to their home?  Has he been contracted by the SAPS AmDram Society to create an already over-used diversion, or is he the real deal?  Sadly, his complaints had me muttering to my companion 'here we go again', as deja vu hit home.. At least once or twice each year, a new member will arrive and attempt to change the status quo.. Noble, but futile.. *shrugs.. I figure after a couple more Meetings, he'll see the lie of the land, and accept that Barnabas still calls the shots at Dodge City, and that ain't about to change anytime soon...

There are some really good lads up on the Hill, who are restricted to following orders, and I'm betting they've learned to keep their mouths shut, or risk their career going down the tubes... A pity, but there it is...
Have I forgotten anything?  Does it make a difference that apparently the Facebook addie for my page that appears on the top bar, doesn't work? *winks..  No - for you all know that I'm probably the only Jane in Durban with a toad gracing my front page... (Right, that's now the second time a Cretin has just activated the pink bar across the top of my page, which says there's an Error in Saving my content.. Having fun, Knob?)


Tuesday 5th February 2013 at 9.37am..