Tuesday, February 26, 2013

(begun Tuesday 26th February at 6am...)

*Edit added at 1.03pm: Why the delay in this update appearing out on Twitter? Published well before 9am, why on earth would it take so long to appear on my Time-line?*
*Am I dutifully following a carefully choreographed dance, created by the AmDram Society up on the Hill, or am I whirling in gay abandon to the beat of my own drum? We'll just have to wait and see...*

Does it improve your chances if you carry less body fat than your chubbier compatriots? Less body fat = Less water for the radiation to enjoy?  As always, clumsily put, but you get my drift...  Are people who carry more than their fair share of lard, that much more vulnerable to the huge levels of radiation in the area?
I've never had a lightbulb moment when it comes to water and microwaves, and I doubt I ever will, but it's interesting to speculate on the reasons behind my Controller's visibly leaner physique.. Was he tasked to take up more exercise in order to expend some of his bottled-up fury, and does he do his reps while basking in the adulation of several of his Fanbois?  The push to distance himself from the abuse being carried out over our powerlines, and to employ his Recruits to do most of the dirty work, has been a resounding success, has it not, Pigman?  *spits..

Though you still prefer to administer many of the more criminal assaults personally, for the most part the Suckers believe it's their efforts that have me whining here, and not yours...Pfft....
When Balliram's nearby students clock in for a shift in ours, or into Sue the Book's home, how many of them believe it's merely to capture the thrilling sights and sounds played out in this hive of activity that's our home, and how many regard themselves as brave soldiers, accessing our powerlines to attack and disable the enemy with their wireless weaponry?

Wednesday 27th February at 3.02am

I never know if the GW is listening, but I think it's safe to assume that mostly he's not..  Nonetheless, I'd burbled briefly for him to note that I was upright, though I might not be in the morning, and I'd added how odd it was that laying on my bed overnight so often crippled me... Unlike my better half, BigEars WAS listening, for I woke this morning just before 3am, totally free of yesterday's abdominal woes, and instead, with an unpleasant earache FFS...
It used to be that an attack above the shoulders would have me here, jumping up and down frothing that whatever passes for rules in this godforsaken game have been broken.. *chokes.. After all, it was obvious that I had enough problems in my head without the Pervert and his sheep-like recruits including that area in their war games..

In reality of course, there are no damn rules, and if our Controller has a mind to go after that area, there's no stopping him... Persistent jabs to the neck yesterday evening, should've maybe given me a hint of what was to come, but it didn't, and here I sit with a really unpleasant ache, deep in the ear nearest der Bunker...
Could this new pain be ascribed to the last words I'd scribbled on the pad next to me, before I'd been allowed to nod off last night?  What had I written that's led to this upgraded assault?  I simply printed in unmissable letters 'The Crumb'.  Apparently my reminder note didn't/doesn't appeal to the Sadist, and that the resulting earache is his way of letting me know...

Generally my Master's not so subtle messages serve to do nothing more than act as a red flag to a bull, and this morning's is no different....
Have any of you been paying enough attention to remember how an attempt had been made last year to expel me from attending the Motherbody Meetings up at Sydenham SAPS?  The Crumb's main goal had been to get rid of Dennis Pillay at the time, for the chap had begun showing up at those Meetings and asking all manner of awkward questions, and a plan was hastily devised to get rid of him.. For no apparent reason, our SAPS Comms Officer had tacked me onto that expulsion order, and I'd been told my presence wasn't welcomed, as 'I didn't pay attention'.. *falls on over..
Of course that silliness was overturned fairly smartly, and I went on to continue sitting in my corner of the office with a glazed expression on my phiz, *aand the first of the pink Error Saving bars pops up...* no doubt to the Crumb's chagrin.....
Needless to say, Lazzie's main goal was achieved, and I've not seen Mr. Pillay since then....

Anyways, jump with me now to our last Sector Policing Meeting held on Monday 18th February, where afterwards as usual, we'd gathered outside the heavily monitored room to chat.. Man, I've lost count of the times I've interrupted someone's monologue to say that every word they utter is being listened to, up on the Hill, but it's never stopped anyone from holding forth in the past..
IIRC, I'd been wandering about catching spheres in the parking lot with my Olympus HERE and HERE, when I'd ambled back to the main body of chatters in time to hear the Honourable Man say something along the lines of a disappointing lack of partnership between our CPF and the Station, despite all his efforts, and that he was going to have to resign if things didn't improve.. I'd chipped in immediately and said that if he goes, I go...

Did our college-educated SAPS Officer play back that stolen conversation several times for his Superior's benefit?  Did he remind his Commanding Officer vociferously that my VC is a thorn in their side, and that here was the perfect opportunity to get rid of both him, and his devoted Fan, at the same time?
Ahhh Lazzie - You never did get to attend those anger management classes after all, did you?  Though I'd hazard that many of your enraged outbursts are due to the thick cloud of technology that blankets the Station, and not so much the irritations we cause you, that's not something you'd ever consider... You might just approach Mr. Blobby over in Mayfield Place to see if he can help with your bleeding eyes?  *And another pink Error Saving bar rises predictably...*

It goes without saying my VC's stolen words would've resulted in a froth of anticipation, as a plan was devised to have the man keep his word... What could they possibly do to push the chap over the edge and have him resign?  *It's now 4.05am and Ballirams 4-legged pawn has just scuttled off my bed and dashed into the lounge to escape..*
How's about they go after the little website he's created at www.sydenhamcpf.co.za, where the Honourable Man spends his valuable time trying to keep the Zone community informed of what's going on in their area?  How's about they level such outrageous accusations at his diligent attempts to keep the residents updated, that he's guaranteed to blow a gasket and resign?  Hau! A genius plan, Laz, and one that for all I know, might just work! *applauds..

My VC's dogged efforts to assist his Community have become well-known in at least four of the five areas that go to make up the Zone, and the residents have come to realise that if they want something done, my VC is their best choice...
I can fully appreciate your irritation young man, and in fact, I'd anticipated there would be fallout after that particular conversation was stolen on Monday 18th.. Did I not post on my VC's Facebook page the very next day, that I hoped his health wasn't set to take another nose-dive so soon after he'd expressed his dissatisfaction at the lack of committment from our 'partners' on the Hill? Had  I not posted those comments, would my Vice Chair have woken in the night to find his throat/chest had closed up again, and he was in a bad way?  Were he to have had further tests done, would he have found his white blood cell count was the only negative result?

Who knows, and it would be arrogant of me to assume I'd blocked that route successfully merely by suggesting on a Social Network that his health could be at risk... *winks..
Can I persuade him to see what's being done here, and get him to understand that his resignation would have the Druglord's minions rejoicing into the wee hours?  I cannot.  He's just so damned straight he chooses to ignore the shadowy manipulations that surround him... Why don't you go over to www.sydenhamcpf.co.za. and see for yourselves whether he's overstepped any CPF rules or not, and leave your comments supporting his efforts?
Unaware as he is of the Experiment's tentacles now covering most of the Zone, he's pretty much the only person you can trust 100% to do the right thing..
Will you cower away in fear, as you did when I posted Sutcliffe's name on the Honourable Man's Facebook page?  Will you fall judiciously silent, or will you go post your appreciation for the hard work he puts in to keeping you informed as best he can, to the crime in your area?  *waits...

Were similar games not played at the Umbilo CPF?  Manuel? Vanessa?  Does all this engineered nonsense ring a bell with either of you?
It's the official Motherbody Meeting tonight, and I wait with interest to see whether I'm in any condition to attend, by the end of the day... Will Balliram arrange to have me hammered relentlessly, to ensure I'm not up to going anywhere by this evening?  My logs will inevitably answer that question in tomorrow's update...

LATER at 4.45am

The BackFire frequency just leapt up a notch, and though I hear no squeaks or purrs, my invisible company is watching my every scribbled word avidly..*waves..
It's been a long time since my Excellent Neighbour's hired a droog to cut back the overgrown trees and shrubs in the street-side section of their garden, and I even offered to loan him my branch-lopper, so he could clear the stretch of acalypha now obstructing LOS between their kitchen and lounge lights to ours.. He hasn't taken up my offer, which would suggest that Balliram has made up for the loss by employing other means to cause us mischief..

Once again, you'd have to see for yourselves the amount of power now running out from the sister's quarters over at the Experiment Station, to believe that that is the work-around the Sadist has settled for..


Wednesday 27th February 2013 at 8.23am..