Saturday, January 05, 2013

The penalty...
(begun Saturday 5th January at 7.20am...)

Should I have blacked out completely, as the full force of that assault hit me, and how oddly my large body had suddenly seemed boneless, and beyond my control...?  An accidental build-up of power caused by the three aircon units and their booster devices as I'd begun opening that window?  You think?  Naaa... That was a deliberately upgraded friggen frequency if I ever felt one, and Millie hadn't so much as murmured during the attack... A frequency I'd bet money on, that the MastFighter and her kid are familiar with already...
Jannie van Zyl would give his back teeth to watch Ms. Dorny knocked to the floor physically, and it's likely he'd suggested that Balliram try the same thing on me, as it's been used so successfully up in Craigavon a number of times...

The MastFighter's home has air conditioning?  Never mind the probable geyser problems she may have encountered over the last three or four years, if she has aircon and a unit played up, who would she hire to repair it?   It's a bloody walk in the park, hey Janneman?   Isolate and spike the geysers or the aircon units, and by the time the repairman has solved the 'problem', it's a given there's a booster device tucked into that appliance that wasn't there before...
How can I be so sure?  Sheesh, every one of the photos I've taken in broad daylight, even when No. 6 appears to be all shut up and supposedly empty, shows a multi-coloured rainbow hue covering the front of those units.. HERE..   More faulty reporting by my dodge camera lenses?  'Fraid not, and you'll find the same rainbow effect coming off of the visible shark/booster cages tacked onto the orphanage walls at the Experiment Station HERE...

Sunday 6th January at 1.30am..

I took myself for a pee at 12.45am, and I began barking soon after I'd climbed back into bed... A fruity, productive, smoker's special that serves me right, though it's totally out of character... By the time I'd dealt with it, I was properly awake, and here I am... *waves cheerfully...
A mini heatwave right now tells me that Someone is still being ultra-cautious since yesterday's stunning success achieved through that little window...
Millie hadn't said a word during my lengthy coughing fit, and only now since that brief rise in temperature does she begin to stir and mutter...   The Mast song in my ears is at it's shrillest... Always a giveaway that I've got company, and I've already shushed one NAT too many outside the windows...

Remember how I'd told you that I'd discovered an area of the outside lounge wall that had been painted with some sort of white emulsion, right outside the corner where I sit in front of the telly?  I'd been sweeping the side steps yesterday morning, and had walked down the path between us and the Pigman's Lair/Chickencoop, and  I couldn't resist going indoors to fetch the Panasonic to take THESE pictures... See the thick application daubed on the outside wall of this room, by the door leading to the front garden?  It's gone a dirty cream colour and stands out like a sore thumb against the rest of the white painted wall...
It must be well over a decade since the GameWrecker had insisted on putting some seriously expensive paint on that end of the house, as it takes the worst of the weather.

That emulsion mixture added by persons unknown, hasn't fared nearly as well as the rest of the wall, and like I said, check HERE to see how it stands out from the rest....
Ouch!  The first of today's Knives to the Back just arrived without preamble.. Is that you?  Give yourself  some  points for accuracy, why don't you? *snarls...
I already saw a couple of silver flashes slide by out the corner of my eye, in the bedroom earlier, and right now it's becoming like West Street on a Saturday morning in here...
Ouch! again, and there goes a nasty whack to my side nearest der Bunker and his three aircon units.. Busy, busy, busy... *yawns...

Let's talk some more about the Telecom's Strategist, shall we?   Let's talk about the weird shit that went down over at the mybroadband Forum some weeks back, and the disappearance of my smiley option in the comments window.. Oh, hang on, that's not really important at all, when it's the odd vanishment of the Members List we should be discussing... You want to tellus why that was removed, Mistuh van Zyl?  Just a part of the latest theatrical production being run at your Recruitment Centre?
That stupid thread dissing both the Rocket Scientist and the MastFighter, was one of the more contrived and over-the-top efforts put on by your willing would-be thespians, and I have to question whether it wasn't deliberately designed as a distraction....

Had many real-time Peeping Tom sessions in Ms. Dorny's home, Janneman?  Had yourself patched through to the live satellite feed running inside her house, to watch your arch-enemy go about her private business, ignorant of the fact that you're sitting up on her walls in look and listen mode? *nauseous....
You could go puce in the chops denying it, but I don't see how you could resist, a sick little woman-hater like yourself....
Your average unrecruited muggle would have serious issues getting their head around the idea that their castle may now be accessed remotely, and their privacy invaded to the nth degree, would they not?
How would Ms. Dorny handle it, if she were to come to realise that's exactly what's happening in there?  I've tried to warn her often enough, but so far, I've failed on every count...

There's always that same faint air of kindly disbelief at the suggestion that such magic is possible, when of course it's very much a reality.... See, if the MastFighter's contacts were really her friends, why do they not confirm to her that I'm telling the truth?  Is it possible they're double-agents, and helping to perpetuate this latest distraction? *sniffs the air suspiciously....
The Rocket Scientist and his Companion cut me off at the knees, and I tell myself they must have had good reason for it...
Did he ever bother to show the few pictures I'd sent him to his Expert friend, and if so, what was the outcome?  Two cameras, both with compromised lenses?  Not a chance...

Who was it that had told me so emphatically I shouldn't refer to the spheres as holograms, and I'd wimpishly obeyed?  Probably the Aviator, who's a wireless man, and considers himself knowledgeable enough to call my pictures fakes.. *shrugs... Fakes se GAT!   I'm betting Petruccione and his team never factored in the possibility that at least a part of their wizardry could be captured for posterity on film... Nor that the ultra-short laser beams could be seen so easily with the naked eye, merely by setting off a flash and watching the air around it..  Gold Faerie-dust so dense in this area, that one has to question the long-term effects this 'perfectly safe' technology will have on the community....

It's now 2.55am and my bored Monitor just set the fat dog growling at the lounge window.. A party trick he's not used in a while.. The GW shrugs off that phenomenon by insisting it must be one of our two cats trying to get through that window, that sets Sophie off like a rocket... Bullshit.  The kitchen door is propped open as I write, proving conclusively that it's a frequency the Pig employs when he's nothing better to do...

Miss R had called yesterday, while I'd been out working in the garden.   Balliram hadn't had her line dropped on this occasion, as he'd done six or seven times in a row the last time the unfortunate girl had tried to reach me..  She'd battered the GW's ear for at least ten minutes on how she planned to print out some of my blogs and distribute them around the neighbourhood, and I have to admire her tenacity, however misguided it is...
It's pointless trying to tell her that she's wasting her time, and that until she overcomes her technophobia and accepts the brick I've offered her, she'll be running on the spot, getting nowhere, as the Goondaboyz drive her steadily nearer the edge...
Been there, done that, and the only way she's ever going to get those pathetic bullies to withdraw even slightly, is to write about them on the Internet... She suffers from the same verbal diarrhoea as I do, and if she could channel it into a blog, she'd at least find she had an audience that didn't run away at the sight of her... An audience that just might be interested to find that their precious privacy is no more, and that the home invaders given access to the powerlines are not your average, honest, rate-paying citizen, but more often than not, an assortment composed of the very dregs of society....

A dog barks faintly out there in the dark, as the Pig activates another of his nearby NATS... Can I assume from the increased levels of BackFire that he's not actually sprawled in der Bunker next door, but somewhat further afield, as he sits comfortably next to me, trying to peer over my shoulder?  *nods...
It's now 3.30am, and it's a given that Mr. van Zyl is as wide awake as I am, as he plots and plans to create more mischief for his PuppetMasters...
To my credit, I never underestimated van Zyl's role in this inhumane Experiment, and he's more than proven me right...

The MastFighter had said to check out the Sunday Times over the next few weeks, and hopefully you'll do just that.. I've no idea why or what it's about, but you can bet it'll be something interesting...
My cowardly Controller clearly feels he's lain low long enough since he struck me with such force yesterday morning, and the BackFire frequency has already passed the unpleasant levels and looks to stay up there...
The guard, who'd returned yesterday from his break, to sit in No. 11's garden, is nowhere to be seen this morning, and the windows have deliberately been flung wide... *eyeroll... Like I said, whoever is tasked to hurt me today, has to pass through der Bunker, laying the responsibility for the assaults ultimately upon the Great Turd himself..
Poking at the characters of the Chosen, and the ease with which they've been persuaded to embark on these criminal activities under the guise of an Intelligence Operation, is pretty insubstantial... Some are clearly born to it, while others not... They'll all toe the line in the end, hey Jannie, as your Masters know full well...


Sunday 6th January 2013 at 8.05am.