Friday, January 04, 2013

A sparrow falls..
(begun Saturday 5th January at 4am..)

Sweetjaysus, but Someone was being heavier-handed than usual!  I'd sat up on the edge of the bed to a wall of BackFire, and I hadn't even pulled my clothes on, before I took a precise and premeditated whack to my side..  Who do we know that would be burning with such sadistic fervour at a quarter to four in the morning?  It's generally the Master Class of Cowards that practise their shifty skillz in the wee hours of the night and morning, and we're all aware of who heads that scurvy pack, are we not? *winks...
Pointing fingers at individual Cadets is a futile exercise when, let's face it, they all have to bounce through Balliram's system to access ours.  Better then to give the credit for every vicious attack to the Controlling Sadist, and he can hand points out to his slavish students as they're earned...

The shit had hit the fan yesterday sometime after 2pm, and had been so extreme I confess I'd lost the plot.. When I'd gone up top to do the gates for the GameWrecker and had found those windows open again at No. 11, I'd decided there and then that the cause of my most recent agony could well be an under-aged kleptomaniac and habitual truant.   Course, that can't be true, as that unfortunate family have had to move out after the walls collapsed at No. 11..
Apparently they've found a place to stay, and it can't be far away, as the GW saw the object of my melt-down hanging about up in Garbutt Road just the other day, and they certainly haven't taken all their furniture out of the house across the road...

The mere idea that Balliram has afforded Missus Newton and her spawn monitoring access to Sue the Book's home, is stomach-churning indeed.... I've mentioned previously how that little woman appears to loathe my friend with a passion, and she makes no effort to hide it... The reason?  I can only imagine that Sue's spot-on assessment of Renette's dysfunctional youngest, was found to be unforgivable...  An attitude that would've been fallen upon with delight by the Sadist himself, as he handed access over to the two of them and said practise away guys, and I'll keep an eye on the kid....*vomits profusely...

It shouldn't be too difficult for you armchair shrinks to figure out how much additional pain was going to be unleashed on the occupants of No's. 5 and 8 during those particular 'practise' sessions, and the Sicko next door will have sat back and enjoyed every minute of it....
The kid is good with animals, and had fat Sophie eating out of his hand?  Sure he did, but over the years since, I've seen him tossing live crackers about his own yard, and back then I think they'd had five dogs of their own on that tiny property, so not quite the animal lover I'd assumed him to be, after all?

I'd put my young house-sitter's thieving of my camera and other small items down to him obeying his folk's orders.  After all, it had been the Kodak digital camera I'd used to capture that series of the Muni's Fire Department team uncapping the fire hydrant and happily saying cheese for me, as thousands of litres of water had poured off down the Crescent....
Whether my Area Controller had suggested to his Student at No. 11 that they get the kid I trusted to specifically look for that camera and to nick it, or whether Missus Newton had come up with the idea on her own, is irrelevant, but it had all gone pear-shaped in the end...
Encouraging the child to thieve, albeit carefully couched as an Intelligence exercise, had led to him trying his light-fingered luck at school, and unfortunately getting caught at it....  At the time I'd felt really sorry for the youngster, and had blogged as much.. Farked if I knew that a few years later he'd be considered by the sadistic Pervert next door as a prime candidate to join the ranks of the Yellow Army, and given free rein in both Sue the Book's and our homes, to make our eyes run with pain... Cest la vie...

Parenting isn't easy, and if it hadn't been for my mum and the fact that the GW is such a good fellow, I'd have screwed up my two completely... I'm still astonished to this day, that I got so lucky, and they turned out to be such honest and generally nice people.... It goes without saying they're set to be hounded by these Criminals for that very reason, but there's squat I can do about it... Distance?   Distance is nothing to the Cowards in this Yellow Army, folks...

Did Jannie van Zyl, the Master Strategist for Telkom, ever show his trusted Lieutenants the mails recently sent out by the creator of The Microwave Factor site?  Did he use those mails to remind his devoted Officers what can happen to dissenters and trouble-makers?  BeVonk?
Was our Mistuh van Zyl all too happy to describe in detail how his colleagues had tracked Doyon down all the way over to Chile, FFS, and had found themselves a couple of willing stooges at the University where Paul worked?  How those easily manipulated puppets had set up a hugely powerful WiFi system that van Zyl's co-conspirators knew with certainty would affect Mr. Doyon physically, and would ultimately lead to a temporary if not permanent silence on the enlightening Microwave Factor blog?

I've not seen you in a while, BeVonk, with your be-dazzled support of the Telecoms Agent, but I guess you're out there somewhere, doing your bit to save the country?
Like so many others before you, a really good person, fooled by his patriotism for his country into believing this astonishing surveillance technology is designed for the good of the population... Let me ask you this, young man.. Why, if the technology isn't every bit as dangerous to mankind as many of the articles posted by Mr. Doyon insist it is, do Jannie van Zyl and his associates go out of their way to attack and silence the author?   You don't know?  van Zyl didn't actually mention it to you?  What?!
Geez, bubba... I know you consider you're sticking it to the bad guys, but how many innocent people are you damaging at the same time?  Not your problem?
Coming from a less than worthless and whining Labrat, why would you spare me more than a passing derisive glance, and I guess it's way too late to ask you to open up your tunnel-vision and see the truth..*sighs..

LATER at 5.40am

Freddie the Accountant lives just two doors up from us, and has done, for years and years... Would you believe that I could walk right past him on the street and not recognize him?  Fact.  Sure, when he does go by he often gives me a kind wave from behind his tinted car windows, but I have very little idea of what he looks like, even after all this time..
I was sweeping the drive yesterday morning when a car had pulled up outside No. 12 and a middle-aged, bespectacled gentleman had gotten gingerly out of the passenger seat and gone onto the property, while the car had turned round and left... Freddie?  Surely not...  He'd glanced at me, but he hadn't smiled or waved, which had confused me...  A visiting relative, or a mature student popping in for a quick lesson in the art of hacking?  Farked if I know, but if that was the Accountant, he's moving pretty slowly for a chap who can't be more than a few years older than the Sadist next door?
Roux's pefectly safe technology is an age-accelerant in more ways than one, and it won't just be those on the receiving end who're affected by the fallout...   How long before the bullying thug at No. 6 has to resort to a hairpiece or shave his head, to hide his increasing hair loss?  (Alas, the bald-headed look doesn't suit everyone, though I personally find it quite attractive...)

How're you holding up, Mr. Cochran?  Any early-onset arthritis, back troubles, or the like?  You're sitting there day after day in the eye of the storm, and I only hope you've taken EVERY precaution available, on your Experiment Station-facing side at least, to ensure your safety and that of your family..
Would Barnabas release you from your obligations were you or a family member to succumb to this killer technology?   Where would you go?  Olvera?
Man, I've no idea what started this train of thought in my cooked head, and quite possibly, I've got it wrong again, and you're all just fine...  Were things to change for the worse, I'd have you know that you'd have my full sympathy, for what it's worth, as your Missus has always managed to speak kindly to me, in spite of how she must feel... For that alone, I would be seriously upset to hear that any of you were taking physical strain from the technology, for you've been conned as badly as the rest of us...
Do you ever lie awake, marvelling that one human being could sell his entire Community downriver quite so callously, or are you too busy worrying about paying the bills to care?  *curious...

As thick as I surely am, each new day still brings me hope, and under the circumstances it does seem crazy, ja... But who knows?  Today might be the day I suddenly see a massive change for the better, as the Seriously Good finally rise up to oust the Criminals operating this cruel game... Or tomorrow?  Or maybe the next day?
A purple-crested loerie has just flashed it's scarlet-tipped wings right by my window, and I must go see what this new day has to offer.... If you're a Monitor and you have issues with any of your targets, may I suggest that you leave them at the door before you access that Sucker's home?   I'm living proof that what goes round comes round, and why would you be exempt?

LATER at 6.35am

I'd finished scribbling out my update five minutes ago, and got up to open the little side window that overlooks Balliram's three aircon units.... As I'd pushed the window open a crack, I was literally overwhelmed by a wave of something indescribable, and I actually slid down onto the floor, totally dazed... That's a first, and I suspect it's a taste of things to come?  I lay on the bed for a minute, and once I'd recovered, I opened the window properly without a problem... Impressed?  You bet you are... Is this overweight and hideously disfigured sparrow set to fall silently or not?


Saturday 5th January 2013 at 8.14am...