Monday, November 19, 2012

Tazers ahoy..!
(begun Tuesday 20th November at 4.15am..)

Has Telkom already got a foot in the door up in the DRC?  MTN maybe?  Up until yesterday morning I'd regarded them as no more than stooges who, in return for a roof over their heads, danced happily to Balliram's tune... Right now I think I've underestimated them, and I'm only just beginning to realise how valuable they could be to the Experiment...
If the family survives the 'training' period, what are the odds that in a couple of years time they'll be flown back up north and installed in some strategically chosen neighbourhood to impart their knowledge of the laser technology to the area?  They're facing some pretty brutal exposure down there at No. 2, and Balliram will be hopping in and out of there regularly to hear how their immune systems are holding up..
So far, so good, Pigman?

They're really nice people, but were any of the key family members to go down under the battering, they'd be kicked out of there so fast their heads would spin, and they'd easily be replaced by another family of foreign nationals, deemed strategically useful by the Authors...  Clearly that's a risk they're prepared to take, though I fear for her now she's stuck at home with the baby, day in and day out... Should I have invited her to go along to Ms. Dorny's presentation tonight?  So that at least she knows what signs to look out for? Pointless, as I doubt she has much say in the matter at all... *shrugs... For all I know the Sadist has been warned to go easy on the emissions he unleashes in their home, as they're too useful to lose...

Was I shown any mercy yesterday, after I'd published my pathetic Loser's lament?  Not according to my logs, though he'd refrained from employing the Nausea frequency again, which is something... He'd begun trying to prod me off Cloud 9 at 3.10am this morning, with the Jabs to the Hips, and by 3.25am he'd increased the assaults and the heat in that corner had become intolerable, so I gave up and got up... An affirmation much needed by my Controller in order to start his day in a comfortable frame of mind..?

LATER at 5am

Google search had steadfastly declined to find me an image of Gary Kimber of eThekwini's Strategic Projects Unit when I'd tried, and neither Julie May Ellingson or Jaquie Subban could be seen among all those Muni results..   I'd naturally been curious to see whether he was a Zone homie or not, but it can wait...
Did the toothy ex-City Manager Sutcliffe smile smugly when he read the report on Page 2 of yesterday's Times? (Mond. 19th Nov.) Water off Durbans beaches 'not safe'..  His legacy will live on, and I'd have to guess he's being well rewarded for fulfilling his brief so successfully... Bring eThekwini to it's knees and then sit back and watch as the Ruling Party carry the can?   A dropped hint here, and a quiet suggestion there, and then studiously look the other way as your quick-learning pupils took the bait and fell snorting into the trough?  Our Mikey deserves a PhD in the art of teaching corruption, and I'd bet he's still pinching himself at the ease with which his Master's goals were attained...

How easy it's been to steer the average Honest John's thoughts in the desired direction, and merely by continuing to plaster the Mpisane's images in the local press, are you reminded of the rot that infests every inch of the Municipality... Like taking candy from a baby, hey Herr Sutcliffe?  As the flames of the ratepayers disgust are carefully stoked, none of them would think to look in the shadowy wings behind these greedy characters, to see just who's been pulling the strings...
To the Ellingsons, Subbans, and Kimbers out there who so carefully promoted and fostered the corruption in the first place, only to ride on in when the time was ripe, all kitted out in their Saviours of the Human Race gear, and you fell for it big time...

It's late and my head is more scrambled than usual...  Up to this point, Millie's been allowed to sleep, but the first faint jabs of the Knives to the Back frequency have just arrived, no doubt to set the tone for the day... He'd hauled his triple-woop! back out yesterday, almost as though the Poor Creature had been offended by my suggestion he'd been trying to hide it.. Touchy bugger... *eyeroll... Cheers..

LATER at 7am

Try Page 2 of today's Mercury 'Say no, Kasrils says on Info Bill' to find those Right2B2Faced guys hard at it to convince the citizens of this country that they only have the interests of the population at heart.. Apparently they're taking a few slings and arrows along the way, and have been accused of being foreign spies and agents... *startled...
It's all about timing, Mistuh Weinberg?  While you bang your drums loudly and claim to be anti the Secrecy Bill, do you get that you're just a colourful distraction?  Running on the spot while suburb after suburb reels under the arrival of the laser/wireless technology?  Just how short-sighted can you be, FFS? The health and welfare of those affected directly by this technology isn't your problem, and maybe once you've filled the brief you've been given, you'll get around to paying more attention to the unacceptably high mast emissions necessary for the data theft to run at it's best?

Ag, Markie boy, we all know that in a couple of years you'll have lost the ability to think independently, and you'll be trotting out the Party line, oblivious to your neighbour's suffering...  Even as I scribble here, I'm aware of the hollow sound of my own rhetoric, and I guess that lot genuinely think they're going to make a change for the better....
Was she paying any attention at all, or was she too busy having fun at my expense?  Is her old lady really ill, and if so, has she the means to get her away into the country for a week or two?  As far away from pylons and masts as she can, to see whether her mum's suffering miraculously improves, as so often as been the case down here in the Zone...

The miraculous recovery of the crippled rep from Sydenham Heights once she'd reached her family in Oz, and the remarkable disappearance of the ailments suffered by my VC, almost as soon as he leaves town, are just two examples of several I've heard of... Was V paying attention when I'd written that the Mast Fighter had announced her readings taken of the emissions down here, were the highest in the country?  Man, I'm continually amazed at how many otherwise bright people have been brainwashed into putting their precious family's in the line of fire, without any argument...

Must I remind you again of exactly why the Zone Druglord Michael Barnabas was chosen as Overseer for this area, and of why he's risen to such power?  For precisely the same reason that Collin P Balliram sits today, protected by his recently acquired associates up on Ridge Road.... Neither of them have the ability to regard their fellow-man as anything other than tools to be used and abused, making them the perfect choice for the Experiment Authors to attain their goals...
Their complete lack of moral values was deemed ideal to manage this callous and cruel experiment, once it was unleashed here in the Zone...
What two more-suited individuals could be trusted to harness unwitting and innocent guinea-pigs, and to have them set up as characters in a technology based version of The Sims?  *It's now 7.40am and even as I write, the BackFire suddenly spikes dramatically... *

LATER at 8am

As more and more recruits were invited to join the LANS, who was it that consistently played down the brutal side effects this so-called Game was having on it's victims?  Who kept airily insisting that there would be no long-lasting effects on us, and if there were, it was due to our age or some other pre-existing condition?  Sadly, it appears you were quite happy to buy into that crock, though after seven odd years, whatever your age, there's a possibility you've noticed your own system is beginning to rebel against the very technology that affords you so much fun...
Laughed off by your Handlers as due to any one of a number of causes, and most certainly not the laser-wireless technology, you'll continue to expose yourself and your family to copious amounts of EMR and EMF..*shrugs..

Did you especially enjoy last December's Hunt and Attack games played in our home?  Back then I had little idea that the inside of our home had been hijacked so thoroughly, and in the agony caused me by the Broken Hip frequency I would shuffle from room to room seeking escape from the excrutiating pain... You weren't around then?  Ask the Sadist to pull out the satellite images where I can be seen propped up awkwardly on the bed next to me here in the back room, as I tried to sleep sitting up, and failed miserably..  What about the footage of me on the chair in the lounge next to our landline, again trying and failing to escape the deliberately engineered assaults?  Does the Pig deny having such material in his archives, and do you take his word for it? *falls on over..

Has he toughened you up by now to hold an equally calloused attitude to the fact that your visits to our home, and to Sue the Book's home, cause us all unnecessary pain and discomfort, and are ultimately shortening our lives considerably?  Do I hear a collective and derisive boo hoo?


Tuesday 20th November 2012 at 9.56am.