Friday, November 16, 2012

Fly in the ointment..
(begun Friday 16th November at 5.05am...)

The outward makeover achieved by Earl Michael Barnabas, the Druglord and Ruler of the Zone Empire, had successfully transformed him into becoming the equally powerful (and laughably respectable) Marketing and Promotions Manager for the laser/wireless surveillance experiment, on his home turf... Leaving his trusted Captains to continue flooding the area with banned substances, he was free to concentrate on thieving your privacy...
Who was it that suddenly remembered that decade-old script and suggested it be dusted off and employed to save Collin P. Balliram from the possible dishonourable discharge I'd fancifully hoped hung over his sorry head? The Arch Strategist, Jannie van Zyl himself?

Saturday 17th November at 3.08am

First came the faint squeak of his NAT, and I'd waved vaguely towards the windows as the cap was promptly dropped over my skull... While there's no discomfort involved in this particular party trick, I find it a singularly unpleasant sensation... Five minutes later and it feels as though the arms of my spectacles are too tight, but of course it's got nothing to do with my specs at all, and it's the magic of wireless that's squeezing the sides of my head together, and this time it doesn't go away...
The thready squeak was silenced and replaced by an Enhancer bird, first at our Telkom wireless box and then, once I'd snorted audibly, way down at No. 2.  They've woken Millie between them, and she's muttering angrily.. Behind all this personal attention I'm getting, there's a full-bodied and rich wireless song belting out across the dark valley..  I'd barely finished writing that last sentence, and it stopped dead, and the silence is shocking.. More pressure's being applied to my ears, and the NAT outside the window kicks back in... *yawns...

There'd been several thunderous explosions nearby, yesterday evening. For all the world as though the Butcher Rd. Bushdweller had been given a handful of Indian Kings and tasked to ignite them at specific times.. Balliram?  Fred?  Nothing to do with either of you? Sure, sure... *winks... It certainly makes a change from employing the tow-truck drivers under the freeway bridge to do your dirty work, as you did last year...
How you doing over that side, Dom?  Reached Tutor status yet? Invading the homes of innocents with your latest pupils, even as I scribble here?  How many of those residents are awake right now and are enduring the wondrous results of your assaults on their prone bodies, as they make such tempting targets?
See, I'd like to think there was someone responsible operating the lines over by Barns Rd, but the Jaguars Club tells me that it's no different to the mischief carried out by Balliram and his loyal second-in-command over this side..

As much as I've jumped up and down in front of the Principal and the Director, to warn them they've been conned, do I suspect they continue to regard me as an irritating fly in the ointment.. Besides, they're way too heavily invested to dare step out of line at this point, and they'll have gotten the message sent by Fabian Carey's demise, loud and clear...
An untenable situation indeed, as they'll be watched as closely as even the lowliest of Barnabas' targets, if not more so... Have they figured out that there are very few places they can go to, to hold a private conversation?  You can't stand by your vehicle, nor can you stand by any form of lighting at all, and carrying your phone about your person would be foolish in the extreme.

The irony of Miss R's recent arrival on these pages isn't lost on me, and I guess my Tormentors are vastly entertained by the sheer panic her arrival has caused me.. Phone records will verify that I've tried repeatedly to warn her of my innate unpleasantness and inability to be anything other than rude, but she stoically continues to insist that it's Balliram's Mind Control over me that's causing me to behave in such a fashion... *chokes..
Anyone kind enough to fill her in and get her to see that she's backing the wrong horse, or will she have to find out the hard way?
The players at Silverstone are using the same script to cause mischief as the one employed so successfully at Sydenham Heights, and there'll be many more victims going down over there, than just Miss R... While it's a relief to at last find a Labrat who grasps at least the basics of this inhumane experiment, the poor girl has overwhelmed me to the extent that I'm poised to flee...

Stand up and fight, chirrup I, and yet, when a volunteer appears on the horizon, the cold sweat of panic pops out on my wrinkled brow.. *snorts in self-disgust... Those who know me by now, will be unsurprised by my refusal to put Miss R's words on these pages as requested, or as she suggested, to create a separate blog for that purpose, for my participation would remove all credence from her allegations...  IMHO, the only answer is for her to set up her own blog and to name and shame the louts who are being manipulated to cause her misery... Alternatively, track down the Druglord's unfortunate Missus and seek an audience with her, and I've no doubt Miss R would find her compassionate...
It might be best if her constant references to Messrs. Icke and Tellinger's dire prophecies were avoided, no matter how strongly she believes they speak the truth, for that alone will have any prospective converts to her cause scuttling for cover at speed...
The best that this so-vocal labrat can do, would be to confirm that the surveillance technology here in the Zone remains overwhelmingly in the hands of the criminal fraternity...

LATER at 4.50am..

The genius of the Experiment Author's cunning can only be marvelled at, and I would cite the case of Yogesh Naidoo to prove my point...  You remember him?  Go read his posts on and I've no doubt that like me, you'll get a picture of an extremely well-spoken fellow whose moral integrity has him deeply concerned for the country's future..
He'd been persuaded that the only way to clean up the corruption was to join his equally scandalised compatriots and to work from within the belly of the Trojan horse to clean out the rot.. He'd been convinced by some silver-tongued Salesperson that this could only be achieved by enlisting into the ranks of the Yellow Army, and supporting the laser/wireless surveillance technology whole-heartedly...
Where is his outspoken courage today?  He disappeared from Leon's site soon after I'd struck up a private conversation with him, and I'd question who it was that had whispered to him that I was trouble?  Who told him that I was on the receiving end of all this magic, and as such, I had issues with Sutcliffe, Petruccione, and Roux, and that it would be best were he to vanish?

A year later and I can only hope that Yogesh retains his moral integrity, and that it hasn't been cunningly skewed to fit the surveillance operation's agenda... That Mr. Naidoo was sharp enough to see how neatly he's been hogtied and branded by a band of tech-savvy people every bit as crooked as the blatant trough- feeders who vacuum up the rate-payer's contributions so freely....  A group of people who've painted themselves as saviours, and yet, who are more savagely barbaric than the lowest of the corrupt scum that infest so much of the Ruling Party's ranks...  What was it that caused such an outspoken and clearly honest citizen like Yogesh Naidoo to suddenly fall silent?  Will he allow himself to continue being manipulated so easily, and just what is he afraid of?
Secrecy in our Communities?  The hypocrisy displayed by the guys at Right2Know is mind-boggling, and each of their sanctimonious tweets only renews my disgust...

The pain caused me by the owner of THIS white sphere captured yesterday afternoon on my bathroom wall at 3.4pm, was intense... Do I give them the satisfaction of showing it? Hopefully not..
I've made a serious attempt to justify the reasons behind their continued perverted presence in that little room, and I've failed each time.. Though I caught no spheres in the lounge a while later, check out the two Permanent Force culprits nearly overhead on the ceiling, HERE at 4.39pm.
There's a dove calling out there on this soft grey day, and I must be off for a bit...

LATER at 6am

I'd been sitting in my corner of the lounge late yesterday afternoon, when I'd suddenly been swamped by the happy realisation of just how fortunate I am.. That despite all the pain and misfortune, I feel I'm way luckier than most, is something that most of you will find difficult to understand... Not quite as fortunate right now, would be my kid and her Aviator BF up in the Midlands... The carefully engineered theft of the Telkom lines last year has finally led to their joining the Bundunet. wireless system operating up in the area..  Is it sheer coincidence that on Thursday morning the chap awoke to find himself plagued by a painful ailment affecting a lymph gland?  Coincidence that his youngest collapsed and literally passed out on the floor the night before,  while standing in front of a laptop, playing a computer game?  He was found to have simply fallen asleep suddenly, and this was laid at the door of stress, though of course I'm not so sure at all...*vomits...

The Aviator's knowledge of wireless and his tech skills, never mind his contantly voiced contempt and derision at my allegations, should IMO, make him an ideal candidate for recruitment.. Will the Yankee Service Provider instead condone their enrolment as labrats, to be abused by the nearby criminal element?  Watch this space to see whether Good has left the building forever, or whether an effort will be made to nip this possible mischief in the bud... *interested..


Saturday 17th November 2012 at 8.37am.