Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Bombs away...
(begun Tuesday 13th November at 4.45am..)

At least two lots of hadedas further down the valley towards the overheads, rose shrieking, as I stepped out onto the verandah at around 4am.. Why the sudden change in the airwaves on that side this morning?  *curious..  You want to cherish those buggers, not chase them, as they're pretty darned reliable announcers of changes to the frequencies out there.
I'd been up top leaning against the Polo while I waited for my lift to arrive at 6.45pm last night, and had been facing No. 11 when the first explosion went off across the valley.  I was luckier with the second, and had seen that bright flash of light come from the Convent's Recreation Centre area just as the next bomb went off.. We'd still been on the road when she'd taken a call from home to say some asshole had begun setting off those enormous explosions nearby, and that her two small dogs were beside themselves... Coincidence that the two sets of explosions had been set off just over that half hour, after a relatively peaceful day?  *looks at the animal lover next door..

Can you claim credit on your score card for those seemingly random acts of malice, and the Needle to the Eye I took not long after our Meeting was over? You betcha..*spews... The bullies had been out in force yesterday, in this free-for-all schoolyard that's our home.. Any resemblance to an entertaining game of The Sims or the Truman Show couldn't have been further from the truth, and I spent the better part of the afternoon air-whistling and grinding my teeth in pain.  Just what lesson the Monster wishes me to learn remains as unfathomable as ever, and the agonies he sees to it are unleashed in ours, merely serve to sharpen my focus.. *shrugs...

If queried, does the Liar continue to shrug and insist that no lasting physical damage is caused by his manipulations of the airwaves in our homes? This, despite the scan's evidence on my hand to the contrary, and my VC's white blood cell count going haywire?  Easily denied as inconclusive?  Bah!  It'd been fairly early yesterday morning when I was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of our current bushdweller as he'd flitted from bush to tree, and unsurprisingly, it appears to be the same fellow that informed my Good Neighbour that he has an address in Butcher Road, and that he was hanging out by the stormwater drain only temporarily... Oops!
Does he answer to the same Jaguars Club member as my trusty Landscape Artist?  The Jaguars Club which is currently under scrutiny for their ongoing disturbance of the peace and noise pollution carried out from their base on the Barns Road Field? *fascinated...  Dedicated Druglord fanbois, much?  Just doing your bit to further unsettle an already embattled community, and to please your Mentor?

LATER at 6.48am

Spanky suddenly began barking wildly for no apparent reason as I headed up the last flight of stairs to the road, five minutes ago.  A sudden change in airwaves perhaps?  As I'd reached the top I was sent a single savage Knife to the Back... Setting the tone for a repeat of yesterday's brutality, Fred? *sad... You'll have to excuse me if I regard this operation as anything but an amusing real-time version of The Sims, as the malicious intent and encouragement given by your pal Balliram is there for all to see...

LATER at 8.05am

Small mischiefs?  I'll give you small mischiefs.. Before I left last night, No 16 had called to ask if there was a CPF Meeting, and I'd replied that I'd sent him the usual sms reminder at around 7am that morning, which it turns out he hadn't received... *winks at Balliram... Not worth mentioning? Really, you KNOB?  Then there's the sudden re-emergence of my 'faulty' u key this morning, as I'd typed up the Minutes of last night's Meeting. A problem that hasn't occurred for over a full week, and puts in an appearance at 7am when I'm attending to official business?  *snarls... I'd then gone over to check out a new post at durbanite and had signed in and typed a brief comment only to be given a pink Error banner.  I persevered and finally it posted, but the indications are that my Area Controller/Network Admin is restless, and back up to his old tricks, and he's really an embarrassment to all legitimate Intelligence Operatives out there...

Wednesday 14th November at 4am..

I've an idea it was pretty bad out there last night.  For the animals at least.  Here? Naa... Same old assholes crawl out of the woodwork trying to recapture their misspent youth, and score brownie points with someone they like to imagine is a friend, rather than their own PuppetMaster... *chokes..
The Yellow Army volunteer had waited until Miss R had called and I was trapped on the phone, before turning off his patio light and launching his heroic assault in our general direction... *eyeroll..
We're lucky in that all four animals can be indoors during these occasional demonstrations of heroism, but we'll have to wait and see whether the SPCA reveals the carnage achieved in the area, or whether they'll regard it as a better year than most.. *gags...
The explosions were still rolling across from Sydenham when I finally put my light out, and issuing a mass apology for my fellow-man isn't going to undo the mischief caused...

On a more cheerful note, it had been around 8.30pm when I'd finally hung up the phone and had gone to stand up top to enjoy the view... It was still spitting with rain but that hadn't deterred someone over near the top of Piedmont Road from setting off some spectacularly beautiful rockets, and soon afterwards someone higher up Harris Crescent had followed suit.. The Paramedic maybe?  Whatever.  So much for my theory, which was totally debunked there and then... Sure I didn't have my specs on, but there wasn't anything unusual as those pretty lights had exploded higher up, and I certainly didn't see Stef Roux's glitter show revealed in the night sky...
The endless series of explosions that appeared to have been deliberately launched in our direction for at least the half hour I'd been stuck on the phone, miraculously ceased the minute the call ended, and I imagine that staunch Soldier of War was chatting briefly to his out-of-the-area Idol....  Can I find any good at all in that remarkably pathetic demonstration of fealty to the Druglord and his IT Monkey?  Sure I can...

She must know by now that he outranks her by a mile, and if she hasn't figured out that the erection of the Booster shed was engineered to give him easier access to ours, then I'd be astonished... Fortunately, the poor fellow went out of his way last night to confirm what I've been saying all along.. *beams...
Did the Eavesdroppers hear us battling to calm our terrified animals during that assault of noise?  Did the Watchers denote any panic in ours at all?  That would be a very definite NO, and I'd suggest that our two little dog's hearing has already been (like mine) so degraded by the continuous wireless frequency assaults, that they hardly stirred for the duration...

LATER at 5am..

I'd had to stop for a moment on the first terrace when the nausea frequency hit me, and once I got up top I could see that the fairly recently installed light on No. 18's front gates, matched exactly the frequency Balliram was pumping out of those neon strips inside No. 17's entrance hall, and the streetlight just across the other side of Jan Smuts, that faces up the Crescent... Balliram's own most useful enhancer, just feet from my kid's room, was trying it's best to match the deep orange of what I'd used to refer to as a sodium based light...  The exact colour of the porta-lights carried about by the Convent GateKeepers, to strategic points in the grounds, during the early years... The very same shade that would set the bigger dogs in the area to howling in despair...
The nausea was just as bad up the top as I carried the trash out onto the road, and you can rest assured that you were all sharing that effect even though you're oblivious to it... A remote chirruped as I'd passed onto our last flight of stairs.. No. 12? No. 16?  It doesn't really matter, and I just hope that whatever protective measures have been applied to their homes, it keeps them safe for a year or two longer than it would without..

It was raining just before 7pm last night when I'd gone out to try my luck with some orb hunting... Not hard, but apparently enough to have me net a whole string of glowing beauties hanging in all corners of my front garden.. Though not as bright in the back yard, I caught the usual culprits HERE by the birdbath, and check out THIS solid white tennis-ball on the garage wall, with it's paler companions in the foreground... The fact that I've been allowed to load a few pics onto the PC without any obvious harm caused to my little cameras, is encouraging...
*It's now 5.20am, and the first of his engineered heatwaves arrives, as the frequency in my ears drops suddenly*
If you've been following regularly, you'll be aware of Balliram's penchant for destroying so many of our appliances and assets, and therefore you should forgive my reticence in attempting to load ALL of my memory cards to share with you..


Wednesday 14th November 2012 at 9.22am.