Thursday, November 29, 2012

Artful Dodger...
(begun Thursday 29th November at 3.30am...)

When I'd expressed my astonishment at the speed of their response last Friday, THIS chap from Howard's Electrical had said something along the lines of 'We've just come out to kick-start you, and someone else will be along later to finish the job..'  I must have misheard the fellow, for our power didn't come back on until well after 3.30pm when, like I said, a smaller unmarked bakkie had been parked up by No. 16, and there'd been no sign of Howard's... Raw Power, or an unknown outfit?

Not your business Mistuh Spence?  When you handed control of our powerlines over to Balliram in 2005, you simply washed your grubby hands of us altogether, did you not?  Care to speculate who came in hard on Howard's heels and made those surreptitious changes to our electricity supply while the Mast Fighter was visiting our home?  The GameWrecker remarked yesterday that his toast is now properly done after just one cycle.. Something I'd actually noticed the day before...
So- since Friday's 'work', the feed to the kettle/toaster jackpoint has changed, while the feed to the oven jack appears to have stayed the same.. Oddness... You can turn that front stove plate onto it's lowest setting and it still glows red after a few minutes, and the temperature in the oven still fluctuates wildly..

Can I guess?  More cosmetic changes have been made in a determined effort to have some of you believe that Collin P. Balliram has relinquished his control over the powerlines, once and for all.. Opportunistic sheep that you are, you'll buy it willingly... *shrugs...
Answer me this - Was young Fred sitting at his station at 3.12am this morning, as I took a single savage jab to the right temple and my fingers and thumbs on both hands went numb and died?  I'd been dozing fitfully since 1.20am, when the GW had gotten up to let the dog out, and once I'd gone back to bed, that nasty deep pinch in my left side had suddenly arrived out of nowhere.. *blinks... It dulled down to a bruised feeling, but I was still awake to hear my Master chirrup his remote loudly at 2.10am... I didn't stir, and he must have thought I'd missed it, as he'd tried again, even louder.. *chokes... And here I am, obligingly confirming the Creep's alibi... See, I don't think he needs his proxy at all.. I'm certain he can achieve his mischief from pretty much wherever he is, without anyone's assistance, apart from the lines to ours being left open... *nods to the Accountant...
Admit it.  You wouldn't know. He can trot out any old bullshit story on the technical side, and you're going to have to believe him, whether you like it or not...
As I'd stood up next to the bed at 3.11am (ja, that direct hit to my head got me moving smartly), the enhancer Bird carolled out down by the Telkom wireless box, for the first time this morning.. Magic...

I found a picture right back in Album 4 that was taken in 2007. Back then we still had the lemon-coloured light-sensor knob on top of our streetlight cowling... I remember sharing with you when Balliram had his one changed over, but I've no idea when ours was done, and my lack of observation is truly pitiful...
Those clear silvery knobs that now decorate our cowlings are obviously laser-sensitive and are proving to be way more manageable than the original yellow buttons, are they not? *winks... Any other obvious changes were hard to tell from the picture, and I guess I'll just have to keep looking through the rest of the albums...

I found a series of prints of der Bunker under construction as well, and see that THESE big blocks were used.. Not what I'd refer to as air-blocks, as they simply have two vertical holes through each of them .. Nothing out of the ordinary except for THIS odd effect, where proper bricks have been used down this end of the construction next to their kitchen windows... That section has a thick outer coat of something extra HERE which curves right round into the narrow passageway between der Bunker and the boundary wall between our homes..  I'd have to bet that's the area in which all the power lies?  Right next to the aircon unit within spitting distance of this room?  *nods...   Then you have THIS picture of the heavy-duty black plastic to insulate the roof, and over that a sheet of white material as well, with the rafters placed on both... The GW couldn't venture an opinion on the white stuff... For the roof Balliram had used corrugated sheets of what I'd taken to be asbestos, but I imagine it might well be some fancy cloned product instead...
I'm surprised they didnt use the laser-attracting sheets of zinc.. Or am I?  I guess our Controller is as well-protected in there as he can possibly be, and that the ochre-coloured paint is also EMR repellant...

Did any of you ever so much as query why they needed to take precautions, and what would happen to the Suckers targeted as Learning Centres for the Students?  Suckers who weren't offered so much as a roll of tinfoil to protect themselves?  *snarls..
They first breached whatever morals and integrity you may have had by getting Balliram to persuade you to hack into our computer some years back, and from there, to set up the original Sims-type computer laser program and to come on in to ours and practise..
Hell, once you'd fallen into that pit, it had been dead easy for you to overlook the fallout we'd be exposed to, as you scrambled to take precautions for yourself and your family.. *gags...

What did you expect to see each fortnight?  Hair loss? Weight Loss?  Visible signs of the battering I claimed we were all taking?  Each time you'd finished studying me, did you go home satisfied that I was exaggerating, and there was no truth to my claims?  Ironically, it's you that's changing visibly, and you're becoming a shadow of your former self... Something appears to be eating away at you, much as Millie feasts on my flesh, and I sincerely hope it's not guilt...
After all, you're only as culpable as your fellow members on board this inhumane Experiment, which is to say no better nor worse than the thousands of good honest people who've been scammed on a grand scale into believing this technology is being employed for the good of mankind... Are you still able to step back and see what's being done to us?  That despite all the assurances you've been given, the Cunning Bastard has seen to it that our suffering is set to continue indefinitely?

If I were to go through my logs and tell you that the mornings have recently become almost bearable, (unless I switch on the kettle or microwave) but that it more often than not, changes for the worse after 12 noon, could you explain why this is? There's a shift change between 12 and 1pm?  Who is it that so often unleashes the fires of hell in our home at lunchtime, and keeps the BackFire at such appalling levels, interspersed with all manner of now recognizably debilitating frequencies?
Who is it that opens up the airwaves again any time between 4pm and 6pm, causing the hadedas to shriek noisily, and the shit in our house to go off the charts? Frederick?  I must go..

LATER at 5.55am

As promising as the day began, the wind has suddenly turned and a grey misty cloud is rushing up from the south.. *waves to the Weathermen...
Was it Raw Power that came in hard on Howard Electrical's heels last Friday?  Was the booster effect inside our streetlight cowling achieved between 12 and 3.30pm that day, or was it done some time back, to coincide with the arrival of the toolshed, and I simply hadn't noticed?
Whatever.. You have my word on it that we're worse off than ever, despite the carefully created camouflage.. *yawns...

Did you protest when our roof was accessed some months ago, knowing that our home is under 24/7 satellite surveillance?  Did you say anything at all when our copper pipes were ripped off our wall on a Thursday some weeks back?  Did you so much as raise your eyebrows when my car battery was remotely drained, killing just one cell beyond resurrection?  That would be a no to all of the above, and as the outrage continues, am I correct in assuming that you feel little to nothing, and simply wish I'd STFU?
That's not how it works, folks...
While I'll continue to openly trash my own theories when they're proven wrong, the majority of my guesswork has been spot on, even without a functioning brain... Lordknows how or why, but that's the fact of the matter...

Do you seriously pretend to yourselves that this abuse is being restricted to our two homes, or do you concede that similar horrors are being carried out across the Zone and beyond, in the name of this wondrous Experiment?  That the criminals handed control of the powerlines by the Superintendent of Electricity for Durban were given carte blanche to choose which of the nearby resident's homes were to become designated Hackers Hubs, to be accessed via their powerlines by any number of 'pupils' in the area?
News of these other victim's physical reactions as a result of the enormously increased emissions in their homes, will thankfully never reach your sensitive ears, making it that much easier to pretend it's not happening.. *vomits..

LATER at 11.45am

There'd been no sign of the cherry-picker when I'd arrived home around 9.30am, but by the time the GW picked me up at 10am, it was artfully positioned down by the stop street, where it might as well have had a banner on it's side saying 'Another alibi for Balliram'.... Tell you what.   How's about I let you know when the mischief stops once and for all?  This latest would-be cover-up smells as rank as the rest of your operations..
I'm never satisfied?
As I sit here in the Polo at Knowles in Pinetown, while your trainees have free rein to torture me?  Pull the other one..


Thursday 29th November 2012 at 7.46pm.