Friday, October 12, 2012

Mummy's Best Boy...
(begun Friday 12th October at 4.30am..)

Afraid?  Terrified, even?  The GameWrecker?  Hell, after all these years I still haven't a clue what goes on in his head, any more than he knows what's cooking in mine...
Sure, we can often finish one another's sentences, and often we turn and laugh, as we have the identical thought, but the big stuff remains hidden away...  Truth be told, his head is probably full of trying to deal with his rapidly disappearing pension, and there isn't much room left for anything else.. *yawns..
If I've given the impression that the fellow is aware of Balliram's presence in our home, and is a bundle of nerves as a result, that would be wrong... If anything, he might sweat occasionally about whether he can afford to have me committed, and where I would go...

Despite his ongoing belief that I'm one short of a 6-pack, he was remarkably obliging last night as he stood at the bottom of the verandah stairs and snapped off half a dozen shots of my bulk, lurking in the dark... And ja, we appear to have a winner..  While I certainly don't have the sophisticated glowing orb that's been created to track their every move, will you check out that brilliant sphere of light hanging up in the avo tree branches to my right, HERE?  I only deleted two of the six or seven pics he'd taken, as the rest all have spheres in some form or other near to me, though the one with the oddldy misshapen ball of light is clearly the piece de resistance...
Back in the lounge I'd caught the two little rectangular Permanent Force members, this time huddled together nearer the ceiling fan than before, confirming they're no trick of the light..
The old man had been testing the camera settings when he'd captured THIS solid white ball on the wall by the TV, so all in all, it had been a most profitable session...  The pink tracker had been back as well, but the darned thing moved about that wall so quickly, I couldn't catch it...

The undeniable mischief caused to the font when I update my blog, should at least have shown you the levels our Controller sinks to, to achieve his idea of entertainment.. I bathed later than usual yesterday afternoon and had settled back down in my lounge chair at 5.15pm, only to find the TV remotes had been jammed, and I'd had to reset the decoder and TV.
While Mistuh Balliram appears to regard this particular skill as an amusing demonstration of his controlling power, you'll have to forgive me if I see it as pathetically childish, though you can guarantee it's set to continue indefinitely...
The GW had arrived home at 5.45pm and the BackFire was cranked up accordingly, until I was reduced to requesting out loud that it be lowered.. Fat chance...
At 8.15pm I was treated to both the BackFire and a flurry of Knives to the Back, and if you were in our house at the time, you can take a well-deserved bow, as you're one step nearer becoming a hero of the Yellow Army... *spits...

I was sitting out on the verandah at 8.30pm, waiting for the dogs to do their bedtime pee, when the biggest spotlight I've yet seen, shone across onto the gumtrees.   Was it Stef Roux that had said it's all about light?  It sure is, though I've no idea who was operating that beauty at 8.30pm on the dot.. One of the back upstairs windows at No. 16 perhaps? Or possibly from a back window at No. 18?  Whatever.  I couldn't hang about, and it wasn't repeated immediately, so by 8.40pm I'd tucked myself into bed and turned the lamp off...  Would you believe that the Pig was lined up and waiting for me with more of the BackFire frequency?
Cola had me up again at five minutes before midnight, and still the house was flooded with the BF frequency.. Up again at 1am to let Sophie out, and to listen briefly to the full-bodied wireless song filling the valley, before heading back inside to face the wall of BF.

Does the Sadist insist that as I can mostly sleep through those levels, they can't be that bad, so what's my beef?  Transpires it's not only Millie that's so offended by the Monster's favourite radio wave, and my eyes have taken a severe beating overnight...  Were I to call around, would I find that Sue the Book, amongst others, including my Good Neighbour, were also experiencing burning tired eyes this morning, or was that little extra restricted to ours?
Man, I can just hear the rapidly shrinking Strategist suggesting to the drunk-with-rage Sicko next door that he should practise a bit more caution during daylight hours, but that he had the freedom each night to more than make up for it.. Sound familiar little man?  *looks at van Zyl....

You have a Harley tucked into your double-garage, Jannie?  Just asking..*winks.. There appears to be a disproportionate amount of anger tucked into your frame, and what better way to let it all out than by using these untracable New Age weapons?  You'd never?  Oh, come on dewd, how could you resist?  It's guaranteed that by now you've arranged for more of your perceived enemies to be braaied, than you've had cooked wors...
What better way to relax of an evening than to sit sprawled in front of a monitor watching a live-satellite-feed of that irritating Ignoramous, writhing in agony under a barrage of carefully chosen frequencies?  Home strike, Bubba, or I've misjudged you cruelly, and you simply don't have the time to indulge in such practises? Sure you don't...

It's 5.45am and light out, and all across the Zone people are staggering out of bed to face all manner of aches and pains, caused directly by the Experiment's technology.. Many, crippled deliberately by the efforts of a nearby associate of Collin P. Balliram...   Miss R claims that she can feel the crushing pressure in her head as those two sniggering siblings flood her room with increased levels of EMR.. I don't doubt her for a minute, as I've experienced more than my fair share of those delights, and I'll continue to do so, as long as the Dickwad next door remains free..
Do you still expect me to believe there's a genuine push to weed out the Corrupt in the Department of National Security, or Intelligence?  Bwwahaahaa... You'll give us old Jackie and Mdludli, and toss a bunch of red herrings in the pot down at Cato Manor, and expect me to overlook Balliram and Groenewald's behaviour?  'Fraid not, guys...

Did I not hear her say those brothers came from such a good home, and yet their murderous behaviour would have you believe anything but?  Capture the Youth, and you've got the country by the balls, Jannie?  I can't argue with that... Make it appear like some sort of glorified technological Game, and those rudderless kids will fall over themselves to join up...
I'm dizzy and my eyes are battling to focus, so I guess it's time to go feed the birds and take a break..

LATER at 6.40am

I've been busy picking off those voracious creatures from the jasmine hedge.. The GW found them online and they're not a type of snail, but are Pill Millipedes, and according to the blurb, they form a necessary part of the eco chain... Maybe under normal circumstances, but there are dozens of them on the jasmine and they're killing it off, leaf by leaf...  Extreme paranoia to consider their sudden arrival in such numbers is anything other than sheer coincidence?  I think not...

LATER at 8.50am

So, how are you?  Another colleague gone down with cancer this week, but you're okay?  Anyone diagnosed with gout, bursitis, tennis-elbow, or arthritis, and not even thirty-five years old yet?  You might go check the Press for how to avoid these ailments, as there's been a massive increase in articles of that nature this past year... *winks..  Up until the arrival of the Experiment and it's fantabulous combination of technologies, it was probably a fairly small number of people who were affected by the masts.   Once the little satellite dishes began sprouting on the microwave towers and existing cellmasts in your suburb, would've been about when you became a Russian Roulette player bigtime, and those symptoms, usually ascribed to much older people, would've begun kicking in...
What can you do?  No idea, mate... They're in your power supplies, and however favoured you are by your Area Cntroller, you're still a link in the signal chain, and as such you're going to face more EMF than is maybe good for you... A possible martyr to a world-wide scam, FFS.. *eyeroll

Balliram made a show of pulling his Beemer out about twenty minutes ago, though there's an unmissable NAT squeaking away nearby.. Millie prickles with anticipation, despite that up till now it's been the Chest Choker employed.. *koff, koff, koff... Have a great day julle...


Friday 12th October 2012 at 10.16am..