Saturday, October 13, 2012

Leap of Faith...
(begun Saturday 13th at 6.15am..)

So the Wireless Song that pumps out from the mini base station at St. Theresa's, is the stretch-limo of the Noise Assisted Transport Company?  The Daimler that carries the laser-showers through the air to their targeted destination?  The shrill squeakers dotted about our yard seem to operate on a similar principal, but are designed to individually enhance specific areas indoors, when activated..?

I'd begun catching spheres at bathtime yesterday, and was frankly amused at the lengths gone to by the Pervert to hide his presence..  Tip the camera away from you and you'll easily see the two transparent tennis-ball sized orbs up on the wall HERE, with their smaller companion hugging their heels...  And THIS little bugger, sneakily sat in the middle of those irregular patches of peeling paint? It's the handy zoom function that gives them away every time..  Then of course there's the solid white ball sitting up above the bathroom windows HERE, and it's that particular game Over...

Where does that footage end up?  You think if I refer to it as 'Data', it's less disgusting?  *chokes..  Do certain of the more salacious bits still find their way onto the monitors of supposed PAGAD members and other assorted low-lifes? *curious...
If I'm correct, and the Sales Pitch used to hook so many of the Devout here in the Zone was indeed that the technology was set to infiltrate the corrupt operating under the guise of National Security, it still leaves me baffled as to why the necessity for bathroom and toilet monitoring...
If you find it in any way amusing that Millie and I are on camera in our most intimate moments, then I dare say you're a Goner, and that any belief that you can retain your moral integrity is ludicrous in the extreme...

You're aware of this practise, but as yet have declined the invitations to participate?  And how long will that last, before you cave to peer pressure and join the rest of the voyeurs?  I've no doubt that all manner of reasons will be given to persuade you that watching a cancerous old hag, as naked as a jay, is VITAL to the Cause.. How exactly is it to your benefit, or mine for that matter?  Are you not just slightly sickened by the knowledge that this perversion is taking place in bathrooms across the country?
Your shower's been playing up and you had to get the plumber in? Your digital washing machine went on the blink, and had to go to the shop?  You're a bona fide Recruit FFS, and there's no ways they're going to sneak a booster or two past you?  You think? *winks.

Are you on good enough terms with your Area Controller that you can actually approach him/her on the LAN and say that you've begun experiencing nasty thumping headaches during your 'lessons' and what to do about it?  When you remark that you're having double-vision or stabbing pains in your wrist or knees, what advice does your Tutor/Controller offer?   See a GP?  *falls over...
Will the Invader of your privacy kindly agree to drop the use of the particular frequency that's doing you a mischief, or at least lessen it's use?  When you signed up to join this Army of Cowards, you handed the keys to your Kingdom straight to your Area Controller, and with them, the health of both you and your family...
A gigantic leap of faith that many of you could come to regret...
It's now 7.05am, and judging by the sudden couple of fierce Knives to the Back, as I sit here in the early morning sun at the desk, I guess we have additional company? *waves...
Balliram had set off one of his alarms at 3am this morning... Whether just getting in, and goofed out of his gourd, or deliberately activating it in order that I might provide him with some sort of alibi, is unknown... *yawns..

LATER at 7.20am

I've just been in the kitchen for coffee and a mince pie, and on my way back to resume this conversation, I stopped and picked up my camera bag....  Wouldn't you know it, but I had Balliram sounding out his triple-woop! remote on the spot, as he zooms in to see what his Monkey is up to.. *beams..  Ooops! Not tight enough, apparently, as there go another set of woops!
When I'd studied the results of last night's photographic efforts, I'd held up many of them for him to see, but it appears he wants another look...  OMG, a third set of woops!?   My goodness Houston, do we have a problem this morning?
Millie stays silent as I scan through my pictures, and I'm guessing the Cleverdick next door would have you believe his connection to ours is not what it used to be... *winks..
I of course will argue that the ChickenKing rules this roost as much as ever, despite that he may well be getting other Suckers to do his dirty work, in a bid for self-preservation...
There'd been no respite from the unpleasant levels of BackFire frequency employed yesterday, and there's really only one person who would use those levels of spite deliberately, not so, Balliram dear?  Ah  - my time is up, and I feel him notching up the BF steadily as I sit here gazing out of the window, and a NAT squeaks briefly nearby...

It wouldn't help were I to clip on the little badge I'd made yesterday, that reads Hard of Hearing.. She can't see it, and I doubt it would interrupt her flow even if she could... Another one-sided conversation with the fired-up Miss R last night, left me once again exhausted.  I figure it could be my impaired hearing that only allows me to pick out the occasional word from that stream of non-stop information, and to fail at deciphering ninety percent of it...
I have a similar effect on people that I manage to corner, though I've learned to recognize the glazed look in their eyes the minute it happens, and to abandon my futile efforts..

Spend money on a digital camera only to have it destroyed remotely? No, no, not at all...
As long as you don't plug the thing into your computer, or hand the memory card in at a printing shop, Balliram and his cohorts are more than likely restricted to making mischief with the camera's batteries..
As long as you have a hefty supply of fresh batteries to hand, you stand a really good chance of capturing evidence of the technology that surrounds you..  You'll easily be able to tell from your pictures which are corrupted remotely, and which got past his efforts...
You only need point the camera randomly out in the dark, with the flash enabled, and to shift fractionally about, snapping away at nothing in particular, for you to be pretty much guaranteed of capturing at least a sphere or two...

At first glance you may see nothing, as you go through your results.. Try zooming in the pictures and studying them from corner to corner, as you hunt for those often transparent circles of light...
You only need to find one IMO, for you to be bitten by the bug forever... *beams.. It's all very well to rattle on about a 'matrix', and Good versus Evil, and spiritualism, but such talk got me nowhere, and the fact that I now have what I at least, regard as visible evidence of the Surveillance technology, is ever so much more rewarding...
My sojourn out in the garden after 8.20pm last night, had happily been successful, and I have several balls of fire and dozens of spheres to show for it...

Balliram appears to have managed to corrupt only one of them HERE, and you can see the remarkable difference to the others...  So ja, as long as your camera doesn't leave your hands, and you carry it with you at all times, it's only the batteries that he can corrupt remotely...
I learned this the hard way, did I not, Delon?  Handing you my memory card only to have a virus attached to it, that still allows the Panasonic to be switched off remotely?  It doesn't detract from the fact that I was able to compile nine photo albums of printouts, giving a pictoral history of the Surveillance technology's arrival and installation here in the Zone, before I realised the obsessive intensity of Balliram's desire to cause mischief and chose, upon discovering the holograms, to cease paying for prints...
And sure, I'd give a lot to have even more albums, this time of the astonishing magic that coincided with Mr. Isaac's arrival here in the Zone in 2010.. It's not a risk I'm prepared to take, and I'm content to simply record these enchantments and add them to my ever-increasing number of camera memory cards...

I'm happy that Nicci won the camera competition, but it's time for another contest.. Why not make the holograms the subject for the next lot of entrants?  Why let Human be the only one to dare record and post anything remotely resembling those babies that cover so much of the country?
By the by - I carry my cameras and a supply of new batteries in a tidy little foil-lined cooler bag, to pre-empt Balliram's ability to target them as they lay about the house...
Sure, it would be cheaper to invest in rechargable batteries, only those have to be plugged into your power system, which may well be OWNED already...*winks...

Enough.  The grey clouds have cleared and the sun's out, and once I've posted this update I fancy a bit of manual labour... Peace..


Saturday 13th October 2012 at 9.27am..