Saturday, September 08, 2012

Toad in a hole...
(begun Sunday 9th September at 4.05am..)

*On the Aviator's advice I've moved over from Chrome into Internet Explorer, as he had no quick-fix for a disappearing U.  *

The Illuminati?  Was he for, or against it? *curious... He certainly knew about the Experiment well in advance, and he gave her at No. 11 plenty of warning to relocate before the kick-off... As an Electrical Engineer he'd worked for the Muni's Electricity Department for years, though he'd retired by the time the ugliness reared it's head, and he was filling his time as Head of the Trustee Board for the Moth Cottages across the road...
He was still around long enough to oversee the start of the handover of his tenants as sacrificial lambs.... *spews..

Brian Osborne was a regular player in my no doubt incomprehensible babblings in the early days, here on blogger.  Another, like his successor Allen Spence, who would've been enchanted and awed by the concept of playing even a small part in the Experiment's installation...
Would it have made any difference were he to have voiced doubts about the physical effects this sophisticated technology might have on the designated Labrats here in Harris Crescent?
My guess would have to be no, and that he threw himself whole-heartedly behind the Project, never giving his tenants a second thought...
Osborne had lived up at 68? Rippon Crescent for years prior to his retirement.  Did he know who Michael Barnabas was, when he heard that the fellow was to be Overseer of the Zone?

Did anyone whisper to that irascible old fart that a local Druglord was to be cleaned up and made Manager of the entire area, for the purposes of the Experiment?  Would it have made a blind bit of difference either way?  Our Earl had already owned several properties down this end of Sherwood, and was snapping up more as fast as he could...  He had family living down at No. 2, and a Mistress installed on Jan Smuts Highway, and while Jocintha and Ebrahim were hastily relocated before the shit hit the fan, I doubt he'd offered the fair Carol the option of getting out of the area...
Besides, she was just so darned useful, was she not?  She'd joined our Sector Policing Forum, probably not long after I began attending, (though I'm not 100% sure of that), and she was the link to the Rotten Apples up at the Sydenham Station...

You have to remember this was well before our little Meeting Room was wired directly to the Eavesdroppers up at the Station, so her report-backs would've been crucial... Has her son's friendship with Balliram endured over the years?  I had young Baron down as managing Earl's banned-substance Empire once his Mentor had been re-created as a respectable citizen, in order to Oversee the Experiment/Project?

See Cara, these are the people our very lives were handed to, on a plate, just before the kickoff of the Experiment, and these are the people who get to choose whose home is flooded deliberately with an excess of wireless frequencies, and whose don't. 
Was Jannie van Zyl straight with your husband from the beginning?  When I began yapping away hysterically here on blogger, did the Telkom Strategist take rpm aside and whisper that what I was saying was the truth, but that's how it had to be, if the New World Order was to progress?
When it became obvious that I was by no means the only victim of the sadistic practises employed by our NIA-clearanced Area Controller, did you begin to have your doubts at all?
Does rpm accept that the crime-wave in this country is in large part engineered and backed by the Project Authors themselves, in order to render the population easily swayed into accepting the surveillance technology? Has the telecoms Agent ever admitted to your SO of the cunning means used to con the Muslim Community into pouring funds into this inhumane experiment?  Which face does Jannie van Zyl use, when dealing with the Head of his Recruitement Centre?  *curious...

LATER at 5.10am

I'd had a remarkably good day yesterday, and had taken advantage of the perfect weather to get the windows washed... Apart from a few predictably spiteful jabs, I'd been allowed to go about my business unscathed....
After about 3pm however, the picture had changed dramatically for the worse, and the BackFire frequency had gone through the roof, despite all my muttered curses...
Had my Good Neighbour's left by then, for their week-end destination?  Did my Area Controller dump his Mask of Innocence around that point, and begin to make up for lost time?  Frustrated, and more than a little pissed off that he'd had to curb his brutal activities in even the slightest of ways during the week, you have my word on it that he'd more than made up for any cautious reticence by late afternoon, and the savage Knives to the Back was running full steam ahead.. *vomits profusely..

Did my Good Neighbour text me to say the house would be empty overnight, and the dogs alone, as she'd done not that long ago, to my foolish delight?  Nope.  It had taken the GW, on his return from the shops, to confirm there didn't appear to be anyone home at No. 10, and for the realisation that I was to be fair game to the Psychopath next door, during their absence...

Eventually, in an effort to distract myself from the savage assaults, I'd gone on a walk-about with my camera.. Balliram was having none of it and had hit my batteries relentlessly.. Despite his determined interference, may I share THESE two pictures with you?  I'd flopped down on the verandah and had pointed the Olympus towards the overheads... I can't see them from there, as I've a windbreak on that end of the verandah, but you get my drift.. Will you check out the orbs hanging against the cane chair and the brickwork?  Not to mention up against the fabric windbreak itself? *dances...  And how's about THESE two shots of a brilliant white moon hanging over my Good Neighbour's roof?   Despite the murk created by remotely hitting the camera batteries, you can still see a cloud of spheres on my front lawn HERE and HERE...  All in all, a great success, and when I'd taken myself to bed at about 9pm, only to face a renewed barrage of Knives to the Back, I'd eventually put my light back on and whiled away some time going though my pictures.. It's theraputic, I tell you... *beams..

Did I mention that I've even got a couple showing the pink dot of the Target-Seeker in my lounge?  I'd probably not realised what it was, but there they are, to add to my collection...*applauds...
When I'd taken the dogs out to pee at 8.45pm, I'd sat idly looking out across the valley only to see a powerful searchlight repeatedly hitting the very tops of the gumtrees... *blinks...  The Hardyboys have been pulling that stunt for eight years or more, so what's different?  I can't say I recall the lights ever shining at the very tops of the tallest gums across the way, in the past.  Could that be an indication of just how thick the blanket of spheres really is? *nods...  If that's so, it would explain why those pictures I took on that misty Saturday morning at 6.02am, show clouds of orbs so dense you could hardly put a pin between them, as the mist forced them nearer the ground...
It's anyone's guess who was operating the searchlight.. Prameet at No. 16?  No. 18, perhaps?  Difficult to say, but I'd obligingly gone in and fetched our big porta-light and added my contribution to the same tree.. *winks...

It had been half an hour after lights out that Balliram had resumed the excessive Knives to the Back in earnest, coupled with the shrill sound of his noise assisted transporter 'nunus'...  I'd eventually suggested aloud that if he didn't bugger off, I'd be texting my Housewife's League Support group.  At 10.20pm I got up and put my phone on charge and took some photos, only to catch the Pig sitting HERE up on the bedroom wall.. *gags...
I was eventually allowed to nod off, though I was up again at 12.35am for a pee, and I'd heard him chirrup his remote...

Am I to be grateful that there were any changes at all to the pattern of assaults, last week?  Am I to ride out the occasions when your designated Area Controller/Tutor goes over the top and attacks us on such extreme levels?
Do you pretend to yourselves the same thing isn't taking place at Sue the Book's home, and the homes of countless other victims that this Sadistic Pig has access to?  I've not lied to you, nor do I exaggerate the levels of pain so easily achieved by this perverted excuse for a human being.. Far be it for this worthless Labrat to point out the similarities between this Experiment and the Nazi's campaign of fear and secrecy... Ulm University?  Freiburg University?  Cobalt and the Goblins?  Sheer coincidence that many of the names at the top of the Experiment tree here in SA are Brotherhood? Are you thinking what I'm thinking? To end, I'd appreciate it if someone with a bit of clout could have my 'u' re-instated on Chrome by our Network Administrator, the Chicken King.  It works perfectly in Word and here in Internet Explorer and it's removal is just another indication of Balliram's increasing dementia. Edit: at 1.12pm.  It's back ta..


Sunday 9th September 2012 at 9.09am.