Tuesday, September 11, 2012

(begun Sunday 9th September at 7am..)

*A hasty and muted woop! woop! sounds out from der Bunker as I booted up the computer at 8.03am.. Interested much, Balliram?*

I'd been up top at 6.50am in time to see our moustached BushDweller saunter idly up the pavement past No. 17.. His wardrobe today?  Beige shirt and trousers, brown peaked cap, and the piece de resistance - carefully chosen slip-slops... The word's been out for a while that we judge passing vagrant's intentions by their footwear, has it not, O Mighty One?  *winks...
Wearing beach thongs wovld have vs believe that mvgging or theft is the fvrthest thing from the Wearer's mind, as a speedy getaway wovld be ovt of the qvestion.  (Yov'll have to pardon my reverting to the v instead of the v for vnicorn, as it's jvst been neatly removed as I type)
Did the cavernovs dirty yellow carry-all slvng over his shovlder contain a complete change of clothes, or is his wardrobe carefvlly stashed vnder a rock down in the valley? Yvo can bet good money that somewhere abovt his person he carries the vbiqvitos cellphone, and a nvmber that he keeps in regvlar contact with.. *yawns...
Going back to his room at Bvtcher Place?  Hardly, as I still see him skipping ostentatiovsly from gvm-tree to gvmtree, when I'm sitting ovt on the verandah, and he knows I'm watching...*It appears the removal of my V for Vnicorn is more than jvst a simple bit of amvsing mischief, as I've tried Firefox and IE as well to no avail, and will have to settle for Chrome and the replacement V*
Tiresome and all too familiar games that were engineered by the Rotten Apples vp at Sydenham SAPS since the early days, and I dovbt that's changed mvch, hey Laz? *winks..

 There's what looks to be a recent application of the mint-green psevdo-lichen pvt on the covrtyard walls in the corner where my two trashcans sit.  Ja, the same corner where I've been so fortunate (pffft... and there's the u back again. I shall leave the section with the replacement v's to stand, as witness to my Controller's irresponsible nonsense) with my photos... Was there a Wall Jumper at ours the night before last?  I'm guessing so, as it was the first rain-free night of the week, and there are several fresh applications of the white chalk-like substance dotted about as well.. (the one that's designed to resemble hadeda poo, but isn't..*eyeroll)  The amount of laser-attracting substances applied to our home and property, and the damage caused as a result, still astonish me...
The metal window arms on the bedroom windows and the bright corrosive substance applied so haphazardly, was achieved when?  Brit. Army Intelligence's Droog working flat out while we were off for the day in the Midlands, being monitored every step of the way?  Does said Droog still pop in now and then on a Thursday, when both the GW and I are out, and Penny's left in charge? *curious....

As the most damage to the burglar bars on my Good Neighbour's side of the house are on the window next to my chair in the lounge, and the window next to the computer, and is there for all to see, I'd have to question Roux's assertion that his quantum laser comms. system is perfectly safe after all... But that's something you're clearly going to have to find out for yourselves... *shrugs...
I'd fished a length of black fabric from my scrapbox and hung it over the window next to my chair, last night. I'd also folded a double sheet of the heavyweight kitchen foil and placed it over Millie's dressing.. Desperate, and as it turned out, futile measures, against the concentrated assaults carried out by my Controller...

Monday 10th September at 5.30am

The curtains are blowing in the wind, and I've an idea the clouds are back this morning...Tried something a little different last night, Einstein?  Some sort of Neck Stretcher frequency?  Was it good for you, or did I stay frustratingly silent during the exercise?  I'm a major snorer for sure, but whether I satisfy the Sicko by groaning out loud under his nocturnal assaults, is something only he and his invited guests would know.. *gags...
Yesterday's apparent amnesty ended abruptly after 1.30pm, when the BackFire frequency suddenly kicked in and pretty much went straight to the Knives in the Back... Judging by the dog's excitement next door at 2pm, my Good Neighbour's had returned from out of town, and by 2.25pm, Balliram had the BackFire going through the roof, and I was cursing out loud.   Despite the brilliant sunshine, he'd also had more than one of his noisy little NAT (Noise Assisted Transport) nunus running, although they fell silent just as soon as I'd mentioned them aloud...

We're literally an on-air, live laboratory used by these Criminals to turn the once-Good over to the dark side.. Do you have other such Academies of Learning/Live Study Aids, with talking, dancing Labrats, who entertain for hours with their futile squeals of pain and outrage?   It's not as if any of your Recruits are likely to volunteer to be tested on a scale such as ours, now is it?  At the first hint of an ache to the knees or wrists, they'd shriek pax and renege..
Besides, it's so much more fun administering pain, than experiencing it yourselves, is it not?  *teeth..
The Author of our misery is our Area Controller, Collin P. Balliram, and no matter who he gets to administer the lessons run in ours, the results may be laid at his door, and his door alone...  He's more than earned himself a Doctorate in Spite and Malice over the past eight years, and though I continue to scream for his head, I'm well aware that it ain't gonna happen..

Yesterday's peurile removal of the letter u's function on my keyboard comes across as a desperate attempt to re-introduce some sadly lacking humour to a situation that's become far from funny... I'll crack the jokes around here SonnyJim, and you stick to doing what you do best, by way of corrupting once Good people into abandoning any vestige of moral fibre forever... Eh - I'm babbling again, so it's time to take a break.. cheers..

LATER at 7.10am

Sophie had just come through to say good-morning, and Mr. Diligence-to-Duty had immediately sounded his embarrassing triple-woop! remote, as he frantically attempted to capture that important yet tender moment for posterity and the Data Bank.. *chokes...

LATER at 1.30pm

I booted up for the first time today, after 12 noon..  I'd had no update ready for blogger and had gone to my mail instead, only to find that hitting Reply had my 'u' once again removed... No worries, and I used the 'v' for victory instead.. Halfway through typing, and the u was reinstated... Respect?  Hey, you've gotta earn it.. Middle-aged guys who see themselves as front-line heroes, behaving like 12year-old delinquents?  Pfft...

Tuesday 11th September at 4.30am

However dull you may find it, I'll continue to report on the malicious pettiness carried out in our home by this Posterboy for Area Controllers, and you can guarantee that his colleagues across the country are employing similar methods to amuse themselves...
As always my 'tinnitis' appears to go up several notches as I climb onto Cloud 9 in DLOS to the mini base station at St. Theresa's, and last night at 8.25pm was no exception..
At 8.40pm a series of tentative Knives to the Back was employed which had stopped when I'd muttered angrily..

It must have been about 1.45am when I'd woken to extreme BackFire, and again the aching neck.. An Advanced Class running at that ungodly hour, or once again His Shiftyness reminding himself that he's still the King of this particular steaming pile?  I'd gone back to sleep at about 2.30am, and when I'd eventually climbed out of bed at around 4am, it was to find my Good Neighbour's powerful wall enhancer doing the Shorting Dance...
It had been doing the same intermittent flashing yesterday evening, but had stabilised eventually.  Will my Good Neighbour be instructed to fix the glitch with speed, or will it be left to flash as several of Balliram's enhancers were allowed to do, for sometimes weeks at a time?  Does that on-again, off-again effect increase the enhancement in some way, as I suspect?   I've seen it happening to one of the big wall enhancers on the Admin Block in the quad up at SAPS Sydenham, and another time to the enhancer above the toilet door at Admin, nearest where the CPF Members often cluster to chat after a Motherbody meeting... *winks...
If it's a genuine fault, why has Balliram deliberately left certain of his enhancers flashing for weeks at a time, in the past?  I'd have to guess that the faulty-appearing lights are not faulty at all, and that they create a situation that the Controller finds in some way useful...

The Elim Pool bakkie was parked off on Balliram's verge when I'd gone up at 3pm yesterday afternoon, though there'd been no sound of cleaners working out on his deck.. Another Operative having a quick one-on-one training session, or was he holding the Fort in my Controller's absence?  Anyone other than Balliram's loyal SO, prepared to provide our Controller with an alibi for 3pm yesterday?  Hell, don't all rush, or you'll trip over your collective noses...
Will the farce with the removal of my letter u continue today, when I come on to update my blog, despite whichever browser I use?  Could such a small mischief finally have the GW waking from his years-long coma to accept that our PC is compromised?  Not bloody likely...*grins..

LATER at 5.35am

By late afternoon yesterday, the birdtray and feeder were covered with noisy, jostling, masked-weavers and frets, and I'd called out earlier in the day for the GW to come see the big black and white stork that had landed down in the valley below No. 4.  *delighted...We'd also been treated to a chorus of toads, much closer to ours, the night before last.. Paradise re-visited?
Like I said, Stefanus may have been honest in saying that his laser comms. system on it's own was perfectly safe, but combined with Petruccione's contribution, it's a deadly weapon, and though the teething problems down in the valley appear to have been sorted out, it's what's coming through your power supplies that should concern you, never mind the thick blanket of technology above your heads.. *shrugs..


Tuesday 11th September 2012 at 9.12am..