Sunday, September 30, 2012

(begun Monday 1st October at 3.47am..)

He's gone and spoiled it now.. *yawns.. I'd been sitting here at the desk in the dark, looking out at the moonlit valley while listening to the sound of something completely different.  Sort of what I imagine the noise a locust makes while chewing on a mielie plant?  Course, in the end His Shiftyness had to go and break the spell with his squeaky little NAT...

The toddler's dormitory lights are all on, and have been since I sat down here at 3.30am... That's like five windows down this end.  The windows that sit directly under THIS odd piece of silver sheeting... Zinc, or a metal even more attractive to the laser showers?  Man, I've battled with that one, and I couldn't figure out WTF it's purpose was.. Protecting the little ones from the wireless frequencies?  Since I finally wised up to the existence of the laser showers, it's more like those youngsters are part of an experiment within the Experiment itself... Are you going to insist that the smart-finish on those windows repels the technology?  Why then would you put that laser-attracting sheet of metal right over their heads?

*I've been dithering about and it's already 4.15am, as Mr. Keen opens up some of the airwaves to startle a bunch of hadedas down in the valley*
Those big sliding metal gates went up at both entrances to the Convent on St. Theresa Road, and cctv monitors were installed in the front office...*blinks.. Who exactly did they wish to keep out?  Not criminals that's for sure, as there's fairly easy access from the playing field for any number of thieves to get onto the property..  Investigative journalists perhaps?  Members of a legitimate Human Rights organisation? Whatever. A fat chunk of the National Lotto handout went into sewing up those main entrances tighter than a tick...

How'd those kids get on during the early years?  When it was just the houses nearby and their lasers, and the signal enhancers running from those dorm windows?  Those toddlers would've moved into the older childrens quarters long before Roux's laser-machine arrived, surely?  Was it left to the Carers to report on *woop! woop!woop! as I update my blog* any reactions to the fall out?  And what about those guardians of the kid's welfare, themselves?  Are all of the first lot still around?  I remember how the dogs had reacted so badly to those powerful portalights they'd used in the beginning, and how you could hear them howl in dismay as the frequencies hit them across the playing field at dusk...

It's a moot point whether the kids in the Senior Boys quarters are better or worse off, as they face directly onto the Barnard Road cellmast and way beyond that, to the Memorial Tower Block at Howard College, with it's stunning array of signal enhancers...
My word, bvt how I vsed to rant on abovt those kid's rights being violated, no dovbt to the amvsement of all concerned... (My V for Vnicorn has jvst been removed neatly as I type).   Yov want to line them all vp for inspection?   Can we see how those early Labrats tvrned ovt?  Any of them missing, or were moved away to another institvtion?   *winks..  And what abovt after 2010, when the big gvns were activated and the free space svddenly became choked with the laser showers?  Any remarkable reactions worth noting?

Who manages the power svpplies that feed those three apartment blocks jvst across the Freeway, next to the Barnard Road cellmast?  The blocks that have been crammed with stvdents as part of this *ahem* experiment?  Mistvh Callovs himself?   Never have a bvnch of 'scientists' had it so good, for vnlike all the other covntries that have similar svrveillance technology set vp, here they have access to an endless svpply of gvinea pigs, whom they may svbject to the most appalling of experiments, withovt any fear of repvrcssions... How fortvnate then, that yov've all been carefvlly tovghened vp to regard these crimes against hvmanity as merely a means to an end...
To disregard what yov know is taking place, and to be offended when some Idiot has the nerve to remind yov...

Are there loads of mybroadband members that are invisible to me?  Why wovld that be?  bitesize was who, exactly?   A Senior member who changed his nick last year and disappeared from my view, at least... *cvriovs....   cc did a similar rvnner, and I can't say I blame him, thovgh ovt of sight doesn't necessarily mean ovt of mind..*winks.. Why did I home in on that vnfortvnate Moderator?  It's hard to remember exactly, bvt I'm gvessing it was soon after he'd posted something abovt installing a whole bvnch of new bovndary wall lights.. Svspiciovs old prat that I am, I wovld've had him marked immediately as a Stooge for the Experiment, when that wasn't necessarily the case at all..*sighs...
I did the same thing with Leonard Els, did I not?  Demonised the vnfortunate young man, until I had him right up there next to Francesco Petruccione, slamming an unwitting population with devastating radio frequencies... I only met him the once and discovered just how badly I'd misjudged the chap... Sure, he was fully aware of the laser project that formed the backbone of this experiment, but you can guarantee he had no idea that downright criminals were being employed to run the system.... *aaaand, my U for Unicorn has graciously been restored... Peurile nonsense...*

Has he too been persuaded since, to hop on board?  Despite that he's anti wirelessing schools, and isn't afraid to say so?   *It's now 5.15am and my ears are suddenly aching under the crushing pressure*.. Is Leonard that against wireless that he's making plans to relocate his family to Olvera in Spain?  It won't work young man.  You have to stay and face the waves, literally, and just hope that by the time your kids have survived, there will be a new breed of Operator running the technology..
Operators that are along the lines of non-judgemental robots, perhaps?  That fulfill their tasks without petty malice and hatred affecting their decisions...   It's still early days, and right now the more savagely brutal the Area Controller, the better, as the population are herded, cowering into their pens...

Abandon the search for truth, nanfeishen?  Yeah, you could be right, though the truth in this case comes pretty darned close to a science fiction fantasy, anyway... *waves...
What does it matter if Karl Muller comes to know and understand the laser/wireless experiment?  There's nothing he can do to prevent it from covering the world, and I have the feeling that both he and Leonard Els could in fact contribute to how it's run, once there's no longer a need for the criminal element?

LATER at 6am..

Missus Bernie up at No. 17 has just told me they've got no water, and it turns out a piece of copper about 12 inches long has been cut out of their water meter... She's checked and found that her neighbour's water supplies haven't been affected, so I guess it's just another demonstration by our Area Controller to remind the locals how easy it now is to isolate each individual properties utilities, and to remove them, one way or the other... Talk about flogging a dead horse, but the fellow's got to do what he's programmed to do..*shrugs...
It doesn't matter in the least that you know there are visual monitoring devices in the streetlight cowlings, as that will add nicely to your growing terror, will it not?  Unless as one of the Chosen you're foolish enough to think you're exempt from the mischief-making?  Keep on your Tutor's right side, don't make waves, and you'll be okay? *chokes...
Clearly you don't fully grasp the concept of Russian Roulette, or quite how callous the Sadist can be, as he lines up to spin that barrel...
Who knows what he'll surreptitiously overhear that might offend his cooked head today?  You may have had a really jolly exchange with him and the Missus on efnet, or the Sherwood Network, just last night, and still it could be you that's targeted today, and you'll just have to suck it up and bite the bullet... These days, muttering and mumbling aloud can have dire consequences, no matter who you are, and the sooner you accept it the better.

The winners of the latest photo competition at are to be announced today, though heaven knows how they'll choose from amongst so many fantastic entries... Tucked away on Page 25 was a contribution by Human, entitled Winter Traffic, that while not IMO a winner, was enough to have my nostrils flaring like caverns... Taken where, exactly? Sparks Road? Brickfield Road?  Down at Springfield Park maybe? Or another Province altogether?   Is that what's referred to as camera flare, and merely a trick of the light?  None of my pictures look anything like that, but you have to remember that I'm beyond doing anything more than point and shoot with the flash enabled, and just how long it's been since Balliram first began degrading my efforts remotely, is unknown...
Making excuses?  For what?  Though nearly all of my outdoor after dark shots have nothing like the almost garish colours in Human's little picture, and are different in that the spheres are perfectly round, I'm thinking that mine look like the real deal, as opposed to what could be a deliberate artsy-fartsy manually created effect... Hey - who knows?  It's not as if you're beating my door down to see the truth for yourselves.. *yawns...

Who was it that gave my Controller the idea that if he went to gym and got fit, he's got a better chance of escaping the fallout?  Laz?  Any ideas? *teeth.. You may well be right when it comes to spending any length of time in that chokingly dense cloud of orbs, but of course that can change overnight if Barnabas chooses to have a bullseye painted on your forehead...

LATER at 7.35am

The Controller of my Universe obligingly sounded a triple-woop! on his remote at 7.08am, and caused me to realise I'd forgotten to send out my CPF text reminders, and I've since done so.. *curtseys...  Enough.  Peace..


Monday 1st October 2012 at 8.53am.