Sunday, August 19, 2012

Target Practise..
(begun Monday 20th August at 4.35am..)

*Hau!  Today's the first time that blogger has remembered my password since our 'upgrade' some months back...  I'd switched on the PC and had gone to put the laundry away while it booted up.  My body temperature had suddenly increased dramatically, and I rest my case on the levels that Balliram uses to monitor my activities...*

For some reason I'd anticipated hearing the Azaan ring out more than at the usual times yesterday, but maybe the wind was blowing the wrong way?  Happy Eid to you anyway, despite all my shrieks of doom and gloom..*waves...
I'd waited and waited to see if the additional kindnesses you were expected to carry out for Ramadan would include Balliram's arrest and incarceration, but my wait had been fruitless, so it's business as usual... *shrugs..

When I'd finally sat up in bed twenty minutes earlier, it was to a dull ache at the base of my skull that persists even now.. Going for broke at last, Balliram, or just a taste of things to come? *curious...
I'd had another of those clear pain-free stretches last night, though I lost track of exactly what time I'd stopped flinging curses aloud at my Controller, as I sat in front of the telly...
Whether he'd nipped out for an hour or so, or had simply been distracted by another of his targets, escapes me, but I can assure him that no State secrets or subversive plans were discussed during his brief absence... *eyeroll...

Can you imagine the look on Sutcliffe's face as his young chum Francesco patiently explained the advantages of the wondrous laser/wireless technology?  I'd like to think that great ropes of drool swung from the slimy Creep's mouth, much as happens to Sophie when you're eating something she particularly fancies?  I'm probably being a little too fanciful, but it's guaranteed that Sutcliffe took to the idea of ferreting about in his colleague's private lives, like a duck to water...
Keeper of the City Hall Leverage Files has a ring to it, does it not?  The Planners would've told our Mikey to amass as much personal stuff as his IT Monkeys could winkle out without being caught, and to simply sit on it until it was needed... *yawns...

It would appear that the much favoured Mpisanes have slipped the net again, and as I'd predicted, they're free to continue about their nefarious business..  Was the ex-Metro Constable ever some sort of Procurement Officer for our ex-City Manager, and is this the reason they continue to evade justice?
At least young Siphiso is supposedly doing the time, though a surprise visit to his cell would probably reveal that he's more than just comfortable in his temporary surroundings...
Still trying to figure out how to take Shawn down without implicating Sutcliffe? Ah, what a tangled web was so carefully woven during our Mikey's reign...

I guess the Planners are simply pacing the revelations out carefully, so as to make this latest distraction last as long as it can...  They've pretty much over-played their hands already, and there's little left that will cause Joe Public any further shock or disgust at the goings-on at City Hall...
Mr. Collins can whip himself into a fake frenzy as much as he likes, but has he considered what might be tucked away on his own Leverage File?   Squeaky-clean, Tex old boy?  Highly unlikely..*snorts...
I recall how at one stage I'd foolishly imagined that there was a job I could handle... To play a sort of Jiminy Cricket role to someone who still deserved to be made aware of the hidden traps behind the dangled carrots...
With my penchant for seeing shadows behind every bush (*'woop!, woop!, woop!), I figure I'd have been good at it, and let's face it, there's not much I don't know about the monitoring methods and the myriad options available to designated Trackers... 
Their ability to activate your cellphone remotely, and to use it to relay your conversations to nearby Eavesdroppers appears to have at last become common knowledge... Funny enough, a break-through that had been confirmed nicely by one of the Project droogs employed on my Good Neighbour's property to keep the blessed LOS cleared between us....
You recall the occasion?  When I'd been chatting to godschild across the wall, and had glanced down to see his gardener bent over, some thirty feet away, quietly talking to thin air, with no phone visible in his hands?

It had been only a small step from that moment to figure out that the Monitors no longer required your active participation to jump-start your cellphone and to gatecrash your open-air conversations.. *belches... A simple enough feat for them to corrupt your phone to the point where you were forced to take it to the Agent for repair, where it would eventually be returned to you bearing an additional unseen app., designed to make the Eavesdropper's job a great deal easier... Bugging your actual phone calls has always been a doddle, but the ability to now use your phone as a loudspeaker to enhance and relay the conversations you have OFF the phone, was a stroke of genius...
Sure, maybe one day you'll all have chips buried under your skin, but in the meantime, your precious cellphone will do the job nicely, as it's pretty much become an extension of your arm anyways...
The telecom's industry have been promoting and nurturing the addiction to cellphones for decades, and there you'd thought it was simply to bleed you dry financially, when in fact it was to ultimately OWN you, lock, stock and barrel....   Uhoh.  There she goes again with the crazy talk?

The BushDweller, who'd some weeks back moved his chattels from next to the playing field wall down onto the stormwater drain below us, has taken to artfully changing the tableaux every few days HERE... Last Thursday while up at Dodge City, I'd shown the Officer a photo I'd taken of the hireling's belongings carefully arranged on top of the drain, and I'd requested that those belongings be confiscated in an effort to move the fellow on... It hasn't happened, and despite some small artistic changes, the clutter remains... Am I disappointed?  Not in the least... The valley and it's surrounds fall under my Area Controller's rule, and if he wants the BushDweller there, that's where he will remain.. *yawns...

LATER at 7.20am

There's a damp, cool breeze blowing out there this morning, and let's hope it lasts...
Did the Data Capturer Next Door tell you that another big dog was taken out last week, or do animals not warrant a mention in your discussions?  Though there will be many more such deaths than the few that reach my ears, it's a given I'm going to question the cause...
The Owner lives in the Moth Cottage on Jan Smuts Highway that adjoins Sue the Book's home, and she can ill-afford a post morten for their animal...  I've no gory details, only that they are assuming it was poisoned...

Naturally, the Area Contoller would've been too busy abusing his power in ours to have noticed who and what caused the dog's demise... Or would he?  It was only a few weeks back that our CPF Secretary had lost one of her pets in a similar fashion, and once again, a post-mortem had been out of the question...  Were these two animals to have been laid on a slab and carefully dissected, would the vet have dicovered a deadly toxin in their stomachs, or would he/she have been left baffled as to the cause of their untimely deaths?  Balliram?  Want to venture an opinion here?

Could it be that you're simply keeping your hand in, until another Contract comes in?  Could those two dogs have been pawns in an ongoing demonstration of target practise, to remind your fanbois and students of the awesome power of this technological weapon of war?  Hands up how many of you regard dogs as little more than a necessary evil employed to guard your homes? *swamped...
Balliram has a history of animal abuse that stretches right back to the day I began blogging.. Abuse that's easily on a par with his contempt for your average human..
If you consider him incapable of terminating a vulnerable animal by means of the laser/wireless technology, then clearly you've not been paying proper attention...

Did someone have to point out to Einstein that his regularly reported assaults on my camera batteries made it appear as if there was something to hide?  Was he told to restrict his remote blockings to situations that could be considered incriminating, or did he finally figure that out for himself? 
Did yesterday's blog update on the birds and the bees lead any of you to think that I was reconsidering my claims on the dangers caused by the surveillance technology?  Hopefully not..
While Stef Roux's contribution is spookily pretty, and allows the Operative the precision required to thieve both visuals and sound accurately, it's his close collaboration with Petruccione that lifts it into the Weapons of War realm, and you know it...
The levels of increased EMR and wireless frequencies required to enhance the stolen information and relay it back to the satellite are what is causing untold physical damage to the chosen targets, and the Community as a whole...

I've a fairly good idea of which Governments around the world are already running their versions of this devastating weaponry, and it isn't something I'll be able to verify out on the interwebz... *winks..
The blustering louts at the CIA and their deliberately misleading 'We'll control the population via their appliances' was a nasty little inside-joke, was it not?
Had Assange stumbled across this scurrilous technological weapon of war, I've no doubt he would have shared the information with the world, with the result that every effort has been made to silence him for good... 
Appliances be damned... It's ultimately YOU and YOUR health that will be harnessed and controlled in the end, and not your kettle or your lawnmower FFS...
Have a happy one, and


Monday 20th August 2012 at 9.06am.