Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A wake-up call..
(begun Tuesday 28th August at 7.50am..)

*The BackFire levels have just dropped remarkably as I begin to update today's blog...Something else really unpleasant running though, and my eyes burn and burn....*

Another mystery solved?  When I'd suddenly begun finding myself getting nailed as I stood at the kitchen sink, I'd hunted high and low for whatever enhancers had recently been applied... At around the same time, I'd found that simply stepping an inch out of the kitchen doorway and onto the back steps, would very often cause my nose to run with the ensuing jabs of pain...
I'll have to ask Ahmet of to confirm whether my next guess is correct or not, as I figure he's more than qualified to judge...

Do the Chosen get to apply their own laser-enhancing chemicals about their properties and powertools?  The answer would appear to be a resounding yes... Unlike the haphazard destructive mess caused to our pipes HERE, my Good Neighbour's pipes have been attended to by a careful and steady hand and I give you THIS 4-6inch application of my all-time favourite bright blue enhancer, applied to a hot water? line outside his kitchen door, next to his outdoor sink...
Without any scientific knowledge to back me up, I've already remarked on how powerful is the pretty blue substance dotted about our home both inside and out, and as that particular application at No. 10 is in absolute direct line with my sink and my back door, I would have to say I've found the cause of my added distress at last...
I figure it doesn't need actual line of sight to achieve it's near mystical potential either, and a pre-cast wall and some bricks and mortar would present no problem to it's efficacy.... Ahmet?  A gold star, or a thumbs down?

Just as the spheres themselves do me no harm, it's the Operators utilising these magical technologies that achieve such devastating results...  When Stefanus Roux had presented his quantum laser communications system to our ex-City Manager and his close cohorts, did anyone think to question whether it could in fact be tweaked and turned into a deadly weapon of war, or had that remarkable discovery already been made by other scientists?  I'd lay you odds that's a yes, and that Stef knew exactly what he was doing when he joined forces with Petruccione and sold his 'perfectly safe' technology to Sutcliffe and Co....

I'd been up in the garage after 6.30am washing down my car and sweeping the leaves, when an Umbilo SAPS vehicle had sped on down the Crescent to the stopstreet..  Manuel perhaps? *waves hopefully...

It was young Vincent who'd brought me THIS fine bromeliad and it's twin HERE... As you can see, one of them sits next to the tall paw-paw tree in DLOS to my Excellent Neighbour's wall enhancer, and appears to have been fried to a crisp, while the other grows HERE next to the birdbath in the front garden, and is in perfect condition...  Neither of them appear to have endured any of V's personal experimental attentions, unlike so many of my other plants and trees.. My few rose bushes, deliberately daubed about with the pale Physcia Grisea clone, or THIS fine croton, the trunks of which now bear large splodges of a black substance hastily applied...   Anyone care to guess why only one of those bromeliads appears to have been cooked on high? Used as target practise for the perfectly safe laser showers?  No? *winks...

Are you aware that I've never so much as intimated that Millie the Gross and her many sister's awakening was due to anything other than my own silliness? That I'd truly thought I'd get away with decades of working and laying about in the sun as long as I remained stress-free, and that I continue to believe that?
That it was some sort of instinct that had me refusing to have Millie surgically removed from directly between my shoulder blades over my spine, as I'd already had a mole removed from my leg, and the size and depth of that cut had given me pause for some serious thought....
So ja, though I'm having Millie's sisters regularly dealt with, she will remain my companion to the end, and the BackFire frequency has her growing at a truly remarkable rate...

You'd never be that foolish, right?   You researched every aspect of the technology before you agreed to sign on, did you not?  You visit The Microwave Factor site regularly, and you've read all that Karl Muller has written on the subject of wireless and micowaves, for sure...
You certainly wouldn't allow your young children to spend hours on the cellphones you bought them, and you limit your use of a computer or laptop strictly, since the truth has begun to emerge on the dangers of over-exposure to wireless and microwaves...
Care to tell me the difference between my careless attitude towards the sun, and yours towards this technology?   Some pretty startling parallels there, right?

Since the advent of the laser/wireless technology being added to cellmasts across the world, the odds of your taking a hit have increased tremendously, and unless you're a Plank like me, you must *woop! woop! from der Bunker, now at 8.52am* be aware of this.. You don't think there's a possibility that by signing up so willingly to expose yourself and your family to copious additional amounts of EMR and wireless, you're showing a marked disrespect for the sanctity of your own life?  Something you can bet that more than one Intellectual has laid at my door in the past.... *snorts..
Hey - You can wriggle as much as you like, and insist that I had at least a choice whether to go out in the sun or not, whereas you have no option but to join this experimental project, as any forward-thinking individual would do.. Really?

LATER at 2.30pm

I'd been heading down the passage and into the kitchen at 2pm exactly, and as I passed the point on the wall where that pretty bolt of light used to appear in so many of my photos, I took a savage Knife to the Back.. Just the one.. Is there some sort of switch-over at that hour, or was Balliram bored and saw me coming?
There are simply too many niggling headaches and toothaches for comfort, lately...
Combine that with the increased whines coming from either the fridge or the switched off neon strip light in the kitchen, and the low untraceable hum in my bedroom, and maybe it's time to nudge the grand Superintendent of Electricity for Durban himself..

WTF?  Sitting here at this desk at 5.15am this morning, my Controller had placed that tight cap over my skull.. Something he's done in the past on several occasions, though it's purpose eludes me... Allen?  Irritate you mightily I do, as I struggle to find the right words on a subject I know less than squat about... Am I delusional to think you can put two and two together and figure out what this Criminal is up to, and would you even want to?  The weird noises and the sharp headaches, the waves of heat that just hit me here now, and made my face feel like it was about to explode?
Still a Game, Mistuh Spence?  A nifty amusement played with lasers, that would appeal mightily to the youth of the area, who in turn would cajole their sometimes sceptical parents into signing up?  It's a blast, is it not?  A blast of hugely increased EMR and wireless that's already culling the weak and defenceless from among their stronger and sometimes carefully protected neighbours?

Black curtains on the ChickenCoop's bedroom windows outside my kid's room, where the GW sleeps when she's not visiting?  Black curtains to protect the occupants from what, exactly?  The prying eyes of an old gossip?  FAIL.  Judging by the amount of hologram spheres snuggled up against that wall of the ChickenCoop itself,  that are in so many of the pictures I've taken, ALL of those windows should go into mourning, and hopefully this is already the case on Balliram's valley/base-station facing windows... Ai...

Wednesday 29th August at 3am..

Both awake at the same time, and we'd pretty much bumped into each other shuffling to the loo, only I stayed up to chat to you here, while he's gone back to bed...
What had I thought, FFS?  That I'd wake up this morning to a clean house?  Hah!  You want to guess what was waiting for me now now in the bathroom?  A great big clump of the Nausea Frequency!  *eyeroll....  That's Serious Intent right there, you CHOP, and it's a given you had it running in the whole house overnight, and the evidence is right there, still trapped in that small room...

How swiftly I'd embraced the idea of a change for the better in our home at last, only to be reminded of my stupidity, as I'd walked into that pocket of sick-making crud....   *It's 3.20am, and the tiny tentative squeak of his enhancer nunu tries it on. I give it the finger, and it retreats...*
He'd pulled the same stunt at bathtime yesterday afternoon, and after some remarkably good behaviour earlier, he'd had the BackFire and the Nausea frequencies lined up and waiting for me.. I'd fetched the Olympus and caught him HERE, up above the bathroom door.. *vomits..

When my friends had arrived after 4.30pm to say their goodbyes, I'd watched while they'd gone down to his gates to make their polite farewells, and had seen his grinning mask as his battered Labrats took their leave to relocate...
I'd booted up at 5.17pm and the BackFire levels were bearable until I'd signed into mybroadband, at which point they'd shot up, along with the Fire to the Face... *blinks.. You get a bonus from Jannie van Zyl each time I report this, Balliram?  *interested....
Purely out of curiosity, I'd taken a couple of random shots at 7.28pm, as I sat comfortably watching the telly, and THERE they were, sitting up on the walls, watching us... I rest my case.. Those pretties are perfectly capable of doing the job they're designed for, without employing the BackFire frequency, although the odds are that he's been feeding you a very different tale all along....

I'd had to resort to my incessant air-whistling for much of the morning yesterday, to try and block out the worst of the BackFire, and it had worked... I'd dealt with the occasional jabs in the afternoon by remarking out loud when they took place, and they'd receded in a civilised manner.. *startled... When I'd been left to enjoy watching the telly without being assaulted last night, I became positively cheerful... *eyeroll...

Can my Good Neighbours make a real difference to the way things are 'managed' down here, or will Balliram run true to course and make their lives miserable?  You think I'm exaggerating? *looks at godschild.. If it was in any way due to your actions that led to the seeming improvement in my situation yesterday, I would suggest there's a firestorm brewing, and that your faith is about to be tested to it's limits...
I'm going to back the both of you for two reasons... One that I've no choice at all, and two that godschild seems to be the Real Deal....
You're amused by the overwhelming odds in the Sadist's favour?  You think it's funny that I even consider that one of the Devout could go up against this murderous Pervert and win?  I've got the strangest feeling, but never mind that - let's wait and see what happens, shall we?

It goes without saying that despite the apparent lack of physical attacks last night, Balliram was in fact utilising another means of skinning this cat...  It must have been around 7pm when I'd suddenly felt a stinging itch on my left inner-forearm, and then my right had kicked in as well, and by the time I'd finished scratching furiously, you could see a red rash on both arms.. The GW had looked over and said that I must have got the same problem he's had all week, with the itching on his right forearm... *blinks.
It's nothing?  Why then do I immediately think of the Mast Fighter, and the rashes that so many of them had acquired up in Craigavon, as they were being microwaved on high by Jannie van Zyl and his Area Controller?


Wednesday 29th August 2012 at 9.31am..