Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Class of 2012..
(begun Monday 23rd July at 4.35am..)

I fell on it and gobbled it right up, did I not?  When I'd been watching QI and Stephen Fry had come out with the bit about women having triple the amount of pain sensors than men?  It was one of those rare moments of luck that I'd been paying attention at the time, and I could almost hear the satisfying sound as another piece of the puzzle fell neatly into place...

Whilst I've become freakish in appearance, genetically, I doubt I'm out of the ordinary at all.. You've got a low pain threshold like me?  I figure in that case you've got rather more pain sensors than average is all.. *shrugs..  Does diabetes mess with those pain sensors somehow?  Does it scramble them and cause them to become even more sensitive?  The Scientist wallahs involved in this Project know the answer, but as most of them appear to have been bought off, they're not saying...

Missus B.Snr.  and B. Jnr. (both diabetics) have indeed suffered the agonies of the damned since the 'Researcher/Data Capturer' next door was installed, and eventually handed the power circuits to control.. The GW, Sue the Book's son, and B.Snr have been that much slower to react to the enormously increased amounts of EMR and wireless frequencies being flooded into our homes, but react they have...
The PTB will insist to you that I've got it all wrong, and that all along Mistuh Balliram has simply been doing his job, one of which involves training up the locals in the art of hacking...
Is it only recently that much of the responsibility for our shockingly painful experiences has been laid at these student's doors?  In the scramble to whitewash the Psycho next door, and to water-down his criminal activities?

It occurred to me yesterday that if this is the case, it's time that I made it a little easier for you to give credit where it's properly due, rather than single out my poor Area Controller as the sole supplier of our pain and suffering...
I figure some sort of time-line might be useful for you to decide who deserves the credit for each 'assault' I endure.. Which of the many nearby students was actually on the so-called Sherwood Network and being tutored by Balliram as which devastating frequency flooded into our home... Let's give it a shot, shall we?
Were you on the LAN, being 'coached' by His Shiftyness at 4.50pm yesterday afternoon?  When I stepped out onto the verandah and took a stab of pain to my right ear that had lasted until after I'd gone back indoors?
Had several of you gathered on the Local Area Network by 5.35pm, when suddenly the BackFire frequency increased tenfold, and my legs began to ache deeply as well?
Were you online at 6.10pm while Millie the Gross muttered in fury at the slow burn caused by the BF frequency?  Were you aware that at that time your lessons were affecting our two little dogs as well?

Was your Tutor demonstrating that with a certain wave-length he could hit a laser-attractor out in our yard that would cause the dogs to rush outside to investigate a 'disturbance' that only they can hear?  Did your teacher explain to you how each dog reacts to a different frequency, albeit they are only a fraction apart on the spectrum?   Did Balliram tell you that with practise you will be able to pinpoint the frequency that each dog reacts to, and that more than a few of those radio waves can cause extreme discomfort to the animal, causing them to flap their ears furiously in an effort to alleviate their pain?
Did any of my Controllers pupils think to question why it's necessary to include man's best friend in this 'research?'

If so, would Captain Courageous have explained the usefulness of having remote control over an animal's behaviour, should the (godforbid) criminal element wish to invade a specific property for their own gain?  Did he admit that dogs both large and small may be stunned into rigid silence by the use of certain frequencies, allowing thieves the freedom to access homes and clean them out?  Were the Tutor's Learners appalled or enchanted by this cleverness?
Who among his many pupils was still being coached last night at 8.35pm, when a wave of heat in my corner of the lounge threatened to overwhelm me, and the BackFire frequency spiked to the Knives in the Back levels? Were several pupils at once, following instructions, accessing our home in unison, to cause that effect?

And again as I got ready for bed?  A massive wave of heat at 9.40pm in my corner of the bedroom could be attributed to which of my Master's eager-to-learn students?  So gung-ho in fact, that my bedside light had dipped briefly... Which of Balliram's pupils was still on the Sherwood Network at 1.40am this morning, when young Cola reared from his sleep, flapping his ears frantically before he took off for the lounge?
See now, I do believe that it's time credit for these fantastical achievements should go to the individual Learners for their diligent efforts, and it should be easier to see whether you can claim responsibilty, when I give you the time and the clear results of your newly acquired skills?

If there were more than one of you invading our home at the time, under Balliram's instructions, when I report a particularly painful experience, you will have to squabble among yourselves as to who deserves the Noddy Badge on that occasion... The severity of the attacks (you'll forgive me if I'm unable to refer to your lessons as anything other than attacks/assaults), that occur after midnight, should narrow down the list of Students considerably, should it not?  The astonishing variety of frequencies used to target a specific area on the Labrat's person would lead me to believe that at that hour, it's a Master Class that my Controller is tutoring, and that the handful of pupils that remain at their keyboards up until 2 or 3am in the morning may claim credit for achieving the most physical damage done.. *applauds...

Do you know who you are?  Are you encouraged to socialize and chat amongst each other? Naz? Prameeth?  Renette?  No biggie if this isn't the case, as you may now simply check the times I've given, to see if the results may be ascribed to your personal efforts.. *beams..
Oddly enough, I'd muttered aloud of my intentions of creating a time line, several times last night, and whether coincidence or not, apart from Cola's reaction at 1.40am, I don't recall being woken by the Burning Hand or any of the other foul frequencies employed in our home..  A first, in an awfully long time...

As his pupil, only you will be aware of whether your instructions have changed, and whether your lessons will now be concentrated on the homes at no. 4 and 5, leaving the loud-mouthed occupant at No. 8 to the sole attentions of your Tutor.  Some of you know the family down at No. 4 personally, do you not?  On the off-chance that you're clueless, may I remind you that two of the occupants have beaten a steady path to hospitals and doctors since 2005, when your squeaky-clean Area Controller himself, began practising his new-found skills over the powerlines...
There's a possibility that you're currently being led to believe that it's your efforts in putting these same skills into practise that have led to the extreme suffering endured within our three households.  A concentrated push was made from the outset, to have you regard these invasions as humorous and good for a laugh, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Prameeth?  Would your dear mama be proud of your efforts, were she to be made aware of the full extent of the suffering we're enduring?
Have all the hours spent online in the company of the Psychopath next door, brainwashed you into believing anyone deserves this treatment?  I guess that would be a yes?

LATER at 6.35am

Balliram's remote chirruped out at 6.10am, and seconds later the BackFire frequency flooded into this room.. Unavoidable?  Bullshit.  Did Sue the Book cringe in her sleep at that precise moment?  Did Missus B.Snr. groan on her bed in the murky dawn light, as her pain kicked in?
The Class of 2012 has a fairly recent new recruit.
Has she already been led to believe that I sit here scribbling by candlelight hour upon hour, to spout imaginary rubbish, or to speak the truth?

I'd strolled over to stand almost under my Good Neighbour's new 'toolshed' yesterday, and my ears had been squeezed tight enough to make my nose run.. Such pressure confirms that the structure's arrival is no small upgrade, but a hugely satisfying leap in Balliram's control... Something more than confirmed yesterday at 6.30am, when I was treated to that manic display of laser flashes in my lounge, as he utilised the zinc roof panels to achieve his goal...
Oh hang on!  Maybe it was one of his pupils on the Sherwood LAN getting in a bit of early morning practise?  Pfft...
The BackFire has settled to a steady uncomfortable burn which will spike at the first sign that the GW is rising for the day...

LATER EVEN at 6.40am

I've just attempted to re-create yesterday's delightful laser exhibition that took place in my lounge at roughly this time of day...While there was certainly no sign of the gung-ho explosion of laser lights that I saw yesterday, I've studied the photographic results closely, and see that I did get lucky after all..
I'd changed the settings slightly on the camera and whether or not that led to me capturing THIS oddness on the curtain over the window next to the PC, I've no idea... Or THIS similar smokey white patch by the French doors right next to the telly?  *dances...
A fierce headache arrived as I'd wielded the camera, and the pressure in my ears increased tremendously, until I'd finished and left the room... *startled...

I figure I'll forget about the mirrors and just keep doing what I'm doing.. Balliram had no need to repeat yesterday's manic demonstration, as his pet Monkey got the message right away.. The holograms that now hang over those sheets of zinc were more than sufficient to show me the strength of the upgrade, but as always the unfortunate Creature finds it necessary to employ over-kill in all that he does...

LATER at 7am..

I was still busy typing out the CPF Meeting text reminder a minute ago, when the all-too-familiar double-woop rang out from der Bunker... Still interfering in CPF business, Balliram?  You betcha... *gags..
Have a great day..


Monday 23rd July 2012 at 9.09am