Sunday, July 22, 2012

Dancing in the dark..
(begun Sunday 22nd July at 4.50am..)

Where's the 'woop!' remote gone?  On a break, or tweaked to operate silently at last? Yeah, I get that you'd hoped to use it in your Mind Games and it fell flat, but dear heavens, even you have to admit that for any sort of genuine stealth Operative, that thing was a joke...
The BackFire frequency picked up suddenly in the early evening, and I don't recall the 'tinnitis' ever being so loud for so long, but I've no doubt I'll get used to it soon enough..*yawns...
The usual mischief at around 2am had Sophie waking me with the frantic ear-flapping before she took off into the lounge..
Not long after that she was up again and barking wildly at the lounge window...

It could have been an hour later and it was Cola's turn to flap his ears desperately and go join Sophie in the lounge.. I'd tucked him in and gone and glanced out of the kitchen window to see that the brilliant pinpoint of light in the Polo's headlamp appeared even brighter than usual...
Somewhere in between having me dancing about in the dark, Balliram had squeezed in a serious session of the Burning Hand, followed not long after by the Knives to the Back... Was there an attempt at a bit of Mind Control in there as well?  Farked if I know, but it's clear that the Druglord's Puppet had to vent or explode, and vent he did...
I used to look for causes for the added cruelty, but I've come to realise that it could be something as mundane as a bad curry the night before, that sets him off...
It's now 4.50am and B.Snr's Thunder is going nuts out on the valley-facing side of their yard, and you can bet that it's that BushDweller hireling causing more mischief... *stretches....

It's interesting to speculate whether his 'tinnitis' will increase in pitch once he's finished the roof, and whether any of the family will develop that involuntary dry, hacking cough that I suspect is caused by the clouds of invisible vapour that accompany the laser showers and holograms...
It's a shame that the Chosen don't get to see the fine print of the contract they've agreed to, and that there's a hidden clause that will see to it they may ultimately pay a heavy price for their participation..*sighs... Hyperbole and scare-mongering?  If you say so.....

When I'd finally visited mybroadband late yesterday, it had been to find that the Telkom Strategist, along with a couple of his 'soldiers,' had been partaking of some of the finest stuff the country has to offer... *chokes..  Go read van Zyl's latest hysterical efforts at Damage Control in the Shameel Joosub thread, and tellus what you think....
Methinks the chap protests way too much, but natch, I'm biased... *winks...
I'd mentioned to Karl Muller in a mail yesterday that he was rigged up like us to a live satellite-feed, and as a result, I'm not anticipating hearing from him again anytime soon.... Hey, I gave it my best shot, but my incoherence and lack of objectivity do me no favours, as we all know...

LATER at 5.30am

Did BeVonk ask Jannie's permission before he posted that telltale little cartoon in the Joosub thread?  I've an idea that he did, and that it's become common practise for van Zyl's recruits to run their contributions by the Strategist before posting them publicly... *eyeroll...
The poor chap is so fired up by his own self-importance, he simply doesn't see the strings attached to his extremities, and he's certainly not alone.. Gonna save the country from the Corrupt Trough Guzzlers in Government?  Then what?  You're gonna go after the rot in your own ranks?  Sure you are...*chokes..  Would you know for sure whether anything important had been omitted from the Sales Pitch you bought?  Would you even care?  Maybe not until somewhere down the line your embattled immune system gives up the fight against the fire you play with so happily, and a serious illness threatens to take you out...

Ag, no worries, Jannie will fix it... Erm, I have my doubts on that score, though for sure he'll haul out one of the replica Legion of Honour badges from his over-stocked store-room for you to wear at your own funeral... Too unpleasant, even for me?  Come, come.. I have my standards to maintain... *chokes...
See, I figure that if you're prepared to work alongside goondas who flood their charge's homes with devastating amounts of killer frequencies, you're only a blink away from participating in those activities yourself... Hurt someone physically just the once, be it deliberate or in error, as you fumble with the controls, and the realisation of your power will hit home...

As little as one percent may escape the resulting Omnipotence Disease, while the rest of you will sink to employing the same level of brutality as Collin P Balliram.  Yap, yap, yap goes the Pariah, as she endlessly states the obvious.. *grins...
Those chaps in their white coats that hang out in the Russian Halls of Research, figured me out yet? Did they put aside that slender, unrevealing file they had on me, and move on instead to my fascinatingly psychopathic Area Controller?  Or were we all categorized into neat little boxes well before the Project left the ground?  Nothing left to chance, hey guys?  *waves to the Authors....  You simply can't afford any major slip-ups in a world-changing Project of this magnitude, right?

The early morning angelus rings out from St. Theresa's little chapel, and a couple of startled hadedas caw noisily out in the grey dawn.. I must go..

LATER at 6.30am

I switched off all the outdoor lights and the desk lamp in the lounge, and began shooting off some pics randomly.. As the flash died after each one, there were answering flashes from different points all over the lounge.. Cocky bugger..*grins..
I dodged this way and that, snapping wildly, in an attempt to catch the elusive little buggers, even as I cackled aloud at the futility of my efforts... Something completely different, and a demonstration my Handler simply couldn't resist employing to confirm his upgrade... *chokes...
The sharp headache that arrived along with that brief laser-light show, vanished only minutes after I'd left the lounge and come back down here to the desk...
Headache or not, we'll have more of that if you please... Some of those flashes were so bright as to cause a shadow on the ceiling from the overhead fan's paddles.. Pretty cool...

Would I have been even more impressed had I been wearing my spectacles at the time? *curious... Were it not for the character of the Creature behind the controls, I could get into this, despite the pain in my head indicating that I wasn't really supposed to be enjoying that show-off display..  The glitches have apparently been ironed out, and it's unlikely my camera will ever get to capture the invisible clouds of laser vapour again...*sobs theatrically...

LATER at 7.35am

What is it that has set my Good Neighbour's dog to frantically barking at dusk the last couple of evenings?  New lights installed round the other side of their property, that the clever animal perceives to be a danger to his owners?  It may have been the early morning rays of sun glinting on the metal decorations that now line his stairs, but I'll check and get back to you on that one..
It's likely she's had the basic hacking lessons by now, and has hopped into ours several times... Hopefully she'll forgive my involuntary foul-mouthed curses as my pain levels duly increase on those occasions..

Can I anticipate that she'll ever be considered good enough to manage our lines on her own?  Once our Handler has been shut away for life?  Frankly, I'd have no problem with her visiting us uninvited to check up on our banal bickering, and to continue recording Millie's progress for *coughs* research purposes...

LATER at 10.10am

When I saw Schabir Shaik on Page 8 of today's Sunday Times, looking anything but his usual dapper self, and read the accompanying blurb, my first reaction had been one of pleasure.. Like I give a fig for your cynicism at my perceived naivete... Ulterior motives be damned. If it makes the fellow feel better about himself I can't fault him, and it appears those patients appreciate his efforts as well... The more time he spends away from his heavily wired home at Innes Road, the better it will be for his overall health.. It's just a pity he's chosen to do good works at a hospital on Sutcliffe's over-saturated beachfront... Sort of like out of the frying pan and into the fire, Schabs?

Unlikely as it is that you'll have noticed, you'll have to trust me when I say that the amount of EMR and wireless blanketing that area, should rightly have the Project Authors standing in the dock on charges of mass slaughter... Fingers crossed you're looking out for any unusual little headaches, or aches and pains that occur only when you're down by Addington, and that if this happens, you'll heed the warning..


Sunday 22nd July 2012 at 1.37pm.