Round like a circle...
(begun Tuesday 24th July at 4am..)
Debunking my own theories is getting easier to do, though it takes me days to figure out something that you'd no doubt see straight off.. If there's a CD lying about in the open, chances are my photos will be affected, and I've had to delete more than a few since I finally saw that particular light...
The same with the results from the wall mirrors... The one side of the head says bin 'em all, it's the bevelled edges and nothing else, but the other side hangs on to a few, just in case... Do you have such a mirror? Have you tried taking pictures in it, from an angle? Ag, it's probably basic physics to a lot of you, but to this eejit, the results are often astounding...
The Tutor's/Data Capturer/Researcher lessons kicked off fairly early yesterday morning, and when I'd shut down the PC at 9.35am after updating my blog, the BackFire frequency jumped off the scale... At that hour of day it's possible he'd met up with the Housewives League on the Sherwood Network in order to hone their hacking skills, and from the levels of frequency that were being employed, there was probably more than one lady visiting ours at the time.. I was in front of the TV at 1.15pm when they shot back up again and I'd cursed aloud, only to be greeted by the familiar 'thunk' from behind the set...
At 1.50pm one of his pupils must have lost focus as I endured a flurry of savage Knives to the Back.. Hey - with the time-line I'm providing, it should be fairly simple to figure out which of his students can take the credit for which particular (sorry) attack, and to reward them accordingly?
I'd been standing in the lounge doorway at 4.50pm, looking out onto the verandah and the valley beyond, mercifully free of any BackFire frequency, when the tone of my 'tinnitis' song had changed dramatically, and I'd sat down in my corner of the lounge only to be engulfed in a wave of heat... Ten minutes later and a new sharp ache had arrived at the base of my skull, albeit briefly.... Course, with the new-found realisation that none of the horrors that me and my fellow labrats endure, are in any way due to deliberate sadistic and malicious spite, after all, but rather to Balliram's noble efforts to get the local rabble up to speed with the technology, it's hoped my boring reports assist in some small way towards identifying those who will go on to become brilliant Area Controllers of their Tutor's standard, and those who will likely kill off several of their charges on the way... *chokes..
The Eavesdroppers had cautiously kept the monitoring levels low in the CPF Meeting room last night, but once the gathering was over and we all stood about chatting outside, caution was tossed to the wind and the BackFire frequency kicked in with a vengeance.... I'd taken the Olympus with me, and I held it up to that big overhead by the door to find not just one steady stream of blue fire running down the pole, but several more as well, streaking down at an angle..*startled...
The Microwave Boffin had said, if you recall, that the Panasonic hadn't been able to cope with the amount of power coming off that pole, resulting in the screen misbehaving..
Quite clearly the cheaper Olympus was taking double the strain, and ja, I'd snapped off a couple of shots and captured several of the ubiquitous orbs HERE and HERE, despite the cameras struggle's..
Man, would I like a peek inside the Boffin's head to see what's cooking in there... After all, he apparently designed and built that edifice that stands on the hill at Overport, and he must surely be aware of Stef Roux's quantum laser communications system.. Was he, like so many of the Intellectuals involved in this scheme, over-awed to be working with such advanced technology, or was he totally excluded from the Surveillance Project?
Their home just the other side of Jan Smuts Highway was subjected to a couple of really nasty invasions a few years back, and I don't mean over the powerlines either, which led me to believe the chap is oblivious to Allen Spence's larnie streetlight cowlings and their miniscule monitoring devices tucked inside... I still battle to understand how someone with the skills to create a microwave tower, is utterly unable to grasp what's going on right under his nose...
Apparently immune to the fall-out from his endeavours, I suspect he suffers from the same tunnel-vision as many of the Bright Sparks who post on mybroadband...
Those who've decided that the pro's of this astonishingly advanced technology outway any possible cons, and therefore they refuse to see the devastating physical toll it's taking on the population..*shrugs... Back in the day, I've no doubt it was assumed that the Science Guys were there to protect Joe Soap from the riskier technologies that were emerging all the time, but at some point that all changed, to our detriment...
The GW had remarked yesterday morning on a strong smell that was coming from the ChickenCoop.. Not your standard recognizable paint smell, but I'd caught a whiff of it later on in the afternoon when I'd gone up top to see the old man off to the shops.. Was that a new coat of varnish on Balliram's front deck, or had it just been hosed down? Hard to tell, but I confess it crossed my fried mind to wonder if it was the lumo laser-attracting paint giving off that odd stench, and just where it was being applied..
It could well be that the satellite images of the ChickenCoop taken after dark now have it glowing as green as ours, for he appears to have little respect for his own family's safety at all...
With just the right amount of patting and stroking, you've been able to get my Controller to do pretty much anything you want, hey Jannie? I'll bet the Telecom's Shrink Team figured out his basic character make-up even before he was installed at No. 6, and they would've had him marked down as a possible Puppet for the Project when first you'd told them of his Cracker skills...
It must have been one of his Master-Class students that nailed me hard enough to drag me from my snoring at 11.25pm last night.. They'd gone after the already vulnerable soft tissue at the top of my leg, and hit their target spot on.. The GW will tell you it takes a great deal to wake me once I've passed out, so kudos to the pupil who achieved that home strike, and I'm sure that a Noddy Badge is on it's way... *claps...
It wasn't you? You were busy learning to stick it to some busybody over in Keal Road at the time, and nowhere near our powerlines? Ah well, better luck next time...
Who's the Area Controller set up to manage the Kempton Park area? Jannie? Reading the posts at mybroadband has me thinking there's the usual recognizable fumbling going on, and that there's bound to be an increase in electrical fires up that way...
I seem to recall reading of road cave-ins in both Gauteng and Pretoria, which naturally has me assuming that i3 Africa or their colleagues have already laid their fibre-optic cabling to those streetlights, and that millions of litres of water are now undermining the streets up that way... Let's just hope the Project's International Benevolent Society keep those cash injections pouring in to assist the laser/wireless surveillance Scheme, as your average SA rate-payer is going to be drained drier than a desert very soon, the way things are going.. *shrugs..
Will Selebi rise from his death-bed to frequent his favourite greens, as has been vehemently suggested by his detractors? I had him down as a marked man, deliberately weakened by copious amounts of monitoring technology running through his home's powerlines, and I'll stick to my guns and say that should he so much as step one inch out of line with his new-found freedom, his sudden demise will make the headlines..
Hell, you all saw how easily Glen Nayager was taken out.. Why would Jackie Selebi not be given the same treatment, were he to threaten to spill the beans?
LATER at 6.05am
However difficult I'm finding it to catch those little comet trails of vapour, I've not given up by any means.. Will you look at what I caught at 17.17pm yesterday, as it hung up there by the air-vent in the lounge HERE? A perfect transparent tennis-ball sized hologram.. *beams.. The levels of BackFire hadn't been at their worst, but had been unpleasant enough to get me up to try my luck, and bingo, there's your proof....
How're your efforts going? Are you building up a nice collection of photos over your way, or did you give up in disgust when your first attempts failed to catch anything? I've told you repeatedly that success can depend on the merest fraction of the angle you're standing in/at, so you should just keep trying...
The sky was still pale blue in the west when I caught THIS snowy beauty hovering by the DSTV dish on the roof the other evening, and it's guaranteed they're hanging around your area as well..
Just point the darned camera at the most powerful streetlight or overhead near yours, and click, using the flash.. Zoom in on the results and check from corner to corner, and chances are you'll catch at least one or two of the little buggers lurking about... My camera is capable of doing so much more, and in an ideal world some kind tech-minded person would tell me how to set the thing to achieve perfect results... As it is, I'm happy with what I've got, and maybe tomorrow or the next day I'll get one that tops all the others...
LATER at 6.45am
When I'd tried for an encore in the lounge at 6.15am, I could've sworn I had at least one answering flash of light, but as I'm becoming all too familiar with the Want-It-Too-Badly Fairy, and the tricks she plays with my imagination, I'll let it go... That weird light on the curtain by the computer is another story that I simply can't figure out, but I'm working on it... Time to go.. Peace
Tuesday 24th July 2012 at 9.34am.