Picture this....
(begun Friday 6th July at 4.35am..)
You have no idea how close I'd come to giving in and forfeiting at least one of my camera's three memory cards, in response to the Rocket Scientist's repeated requests..
Many of you will have seen the stolen results of my efforts over the years, and will have been reassured that the quality of my pictures will be as dodgy as they always were, and present no real threat to the Project at all..
You're absolutely certain of that? Ninety percent of the photos in my nine albums were taken using the zoom function, out of sheer necessity, and the results are understandably less than sharp....
As a reference, providing a history of the Surveillance technology's arrival here in Harris Crescent, it's proven invaluable to me, as you well know...
Once that first pale green spherical hologram had appeared magically on my precast wall however, things changed, and I no longer have to resort to using the zoom option... After all, those pretties are almost within touching distance, and despite that both the Panasonic and the Olympus are now showing signs of taking some serious strain, in among all the murkier shots, I have a handful of stunners...
You find that impossible to believe, going on my previous efforts? Will the Would-Be Secret Agent be persuaded to try some mind-control to get me shuffling off to Whysall's to burn a CD for Muller, where the pictures may be easily thieved? Take a chance and risk losing never-to-be-repeated shots?
It matters little to me whether the Educator considers that my paranoia has over-ridden logic and commonsense for, like the GW, he simply can't fathom why this Village Idiot's every move would be of such great interest to so many...
At times, I myself am astonished, and not a little flattered by it....
Balliram wishes to see what's on those cards more than anyone else.. Why? He has the means to take his own pictures, and it's a given they'd be a darned sight more professional than mine... Has he resorted to daubing the inside of the ChickenCoop with chemical compounds in an effort to re-create what's happening in ours? *chokes... Does he constantly reassure himself that there's no way I have visible and conclusive evidence of his murderous activities? Man, I have no idea what my pictures could prove one way or the other, only that they are decidedly odd...
As you know, I'd only shown a half dozen or so of the hologram pictures to the Environmentalist, and she'd gone on about the spiritual relevance that certain people ascribed to the phenomenon... In the light of her reaction, I'm hardly likely to welcome a journalist into my home to see my photos, now am I?
Nope. It's Karl Muller himself, or nada, and you can all settle back and breath a sigh of relief, as any such meeting simply isn't going to take place...
Should I show them to my Good Neighbour at No. 10? Funny thing is, that I'd rather his Missus saw them, though I've no idea why I feel that way... It's those little things that have always caught my interest.. How I'd remarked to the GW that one could see the first sections of the garden shed that my Neighbour's erecting, if you stood on the edge of our front lawn, and how it had occurred to me that Balliram might not care for it's positioning...
A day later, and all evidence of the shed has disappeared, though I imagine that the gale-force wind on Wednesday had been the cause of it's vanishment, and nothing else...
Will it resemble another Wendy-house, just like Freddie's HERE at No. 12? *fascinated.. My Good Neighbour is a rare find in that he practises pretty much what he preaches, unlike some... *looks towards Mayfield Place and the pseudo-follower of Islam.. Is your wife aware of the depths of your depravity, or did she learn early on to hold her tongue?
Does his equally kind Missus hold the answers to my anxiety? Chalk and cheese compared to the Criminal holed up in the ChickenCoop, they're the sort of neighbours you'd be lucky to get in a lifetime, so.....? *waits...
LATER at 6.30am
Shortly after I'd gone to bed last night, there'd been a flurry of activity next door as his alarm was noisily reset, and the 'I've just arrived home' scenario played out... *eyeroll... Not long afterwards, I'd been treated to two enormous explosions of yellow light behind my closed eyes, before my muttered expletives got through to him, and I'd been allowed to fall asleep... It's wimmen who feel the need to have the last word, Master? Are you sure about that? *snorts...
I shouldn't be trashing those well-respected scientists as sell-outs to the telecoms industry? Well-respected by whom exactly? The likes of the questionably qualified Pervert that systematically drove our once-fair City into the ground, with the help of his equally corrupt buddies? A feat achieved while they no doubt indulged in a harmonious rendition of the Means To An End mantra? Has Sutcliffe managed to accumulate enough gold from our City coffers and stolen information from his Leverage files to protect him from the slings and arrows he deserves? Hell, yes.. *vomits...
Saturday 7th July at 4.45am
The witching hour? Bitching hour, more like.. On the dot of midnight Dom Petty had me clawing my way out of the blankets to escape the sharp teeth that had sunk into the top of my calf... Was it good for you Balliram? Did you have company at that hour and couldn't resist a little extra light relief, and the dishevelled old crone is always good for a snide giggle?
Circulation problems from the fags? Ja, right...
The GW was anticipating some noisy pre-July gathering next door, that would probably go on for the entire weekend, and I found myself perversely disappointed by the continued stony silence... I fished out the Popular Mechanics mag yesterday, and had another look at that Tangling With telecoms article, and I know I remarked before, but are you SURE it's not Chris de Burgh moonlighting as a Science Wallah?
Though our Stef got one of his degrees in Toronto, I'm betting that it's the residents of Ottawa that bore the brunt of his practicals in the long run...
Happily, it narrows down the search for survivors considerably, and chances are there are a couple of the less-affluent suburbs in that City whose community's health will never be the same again, since he packed his bags and headed back here to glory in 2004...
Did any of those damaged Labrats in Ottawa find their way to Yahoo's EMR Refugee Group? Hey, you only need one, to prove my point.. One individual to spread the word in the area that it's a laser communications system that's been causing their health to deteriorate over the last ten years or so, and nothing much else... *shrugs...
I'd leaped as usual to the assumption that the few readers my stats insist I have in Germany, would've been connected to Cobalt AG, for obvious reasons... re-reading that article now has the field widening to include the University of Freiburg.. Any South Africans attending that establishment to further their studies in laser technology, on a nice fat bursary from the telecoms industry? Just asking....
A collaboration with the UKZN group, Stef? Boy, would I like to know exactly who made up that group, other than Petruccione and Groesbeek, and where the millions are coming from to back this killing machine.. The Vox satellite or something that Beeuwyn Gerrits and Denel are involved with?
The illustration on page 75 of Popular Mechanics appears to be a mock-up, but I'm darned if it doesn't look exactly like so many of my photos, sans the laser tails attached to the holograms.. *blinks...
There's a likelihood that I'm gagging on your dust, and that many of you have been taking your own photos of the holograms for years, and if you haven't, now's your chance...
Collin P Balliram is one of only a handful of Controllers currently au fait with the use of this fantastic technology and as such his character flaws must be overlooked? An argument that would've been put forward by the likes of Jannie van Zyl, and backed 100% by his slavering fanbois...
Can you still say with any truth at all, that you're an Individual Thinker, or were you simply overwhelmed early on, by the prospect of participating in such an advanced technological system? Would you even be aware if your egos were to have collectively dumbed down your morals and ethics to the point of non-existence? My english, she is shocking, but you get my drift...
So why do I even bother to attempt to get your attention? Who knows, but that there are some of you left who haven't been totally swallowed up by their own self-importance, and by the careful Bullshit Baffles Brains Sales pitch you were sold...
If indeed I were a paranoid schizophrenic, would I not be out there right now in the bright moonlight, scrubbing/sanding away dementedly at the myriad laser-attracting substances daubed about our property.. Feverishly trying to remove what I perceive to be the cause of my pain and discomfort?
You can't stop progress, and let's fact it, I'm more than a little enchanted by all this magic.. My beef is with the 'quality' of the Hired Help chosen to operate the technology, and the fact that they've been allowed to run their own agendas from the getgo...
Tough titty, hey Janneman, as using the dregs of society as your Main Men so to speak, is the quickest way to saturate the country before the wake-up call rings out and the Suckers see how neatly they've been trapped, along with the victims they've been encouraged to torture.. *winks..
I must go... I've a set of Before photos to take as soon as it's light outside, and it must be done prior to Vincent's arrival... Stay safe and
Saturday 7th July 2012 at 2.20pm.