Sunday, July 08, 2012

Injured Parties..?
(begun Saturday 7th July at 6.30am..)

*It sounds as though Balliram is frantically trying to access this PC, and in doing so, has set off his house alarm again... *cackles... Sure, his black-wheeled Beemer is sitting on the driveway, but what's the bet he snuck off with the family to take a break, and is already regretting it?*

Has Balliram ever admitted to anyone that the resident hadedas are a pain in the butt?  That his pitiful attempts at stealth are further undermined each time he increases the frequency output, by their immediate and noisy reaction?  *falls over choking.. I've mentioned it several times before, but it's always good for a laugh... An inside joke if you will, for it's highly unlikely to be noticed by anyone other than myself and my Controller...

LATER at 10.30am

I've just been trying to explain to young Vincent how priviliged I feel to be around to see all this scientific magic, despite the ruination of my home and garden, while he waxed on about how the trees should be preserved to protect us.. Is he for real? *eyeroll...
Yes, I'd replied, rather more waspishly than I'd intended, but only the trees chosen by the likes of Balliram and the Louts over at Barns Road Field.  (Louts who worship at the feet of that Born Again Philanthropist, Michael Barnabas.)

Well before the arrival of the Project here in the Zone, who could've seen it coming?  Tasking his network of information gatherers and eavesdroppers to find those dotted about the Community who were in dire financial straights, the Druglord would've gone on a concerted drive to convince many that he was a reformed character... A helping hand here, and a financial injection there, and by the time Spence and Groesbeek arrived on the scene in 2004/05, he had a key number of grateful devotees, all too willing to add the additional lighting to their properties, to promote the blessed signal...

Godknows how he'd seduced the Principal and the Director, but the promised Lotto-funded upgrade to St. Theresa's would've done it for me.. In return for what?  A perfectly safe quantum laser communications system that required a booster point suitably situated on a little hill..?  Hell, I would've signed like a shot, as it's not as if that establishment was being overwhelmed by funding...
The Principal?  Hey, maybe he and Barnabas have a history, who knows...*shrugs..  Hopefully he was sharp enough to know that while Earl may have changed his tailor, the guy was still the same callous purveyor of misery, despite the product change....

Fabian's passing wasn't some random stroke of fate, despite all the assurances you will have been given, and it's a tossup where he took the most damage - Mary Road or Rippon Road.. Only Balliram and his colleagues will ever know if Mr. Carey was deliberately treated to a few extras via his power supplies, or whether it was simply the blanket of technology covering the Zone that damaged his immune system so severely that it woke the cancer...
Despite that I had it on good authority that he'd done a great deal for the Community, he didn't merit so much as a mention in the local rags after all.. Just another dummy gone down in the line of fire, and easily replaceable, hey Earl?  *spews...
Have your kids put down their lasers long enough to take photos of the colonies of holograms surrounding your homes?  If you think they can step outside and net them on the first attempt, think again, but don't give up trying... 
The Community Hall over in St. Theresa Road, (preferably when there's a Meeting underway), should get you some success, as that place is wired to the hilt, and anyone working there full time should be put on a danger list.. Doomsayer? Moi?  Wait and see folks, wait and see... *sad...

Sunday 8th July at 3.40am

Listen.  If you're in the Injured Party queue, jumping up and down screaming for my head, chillax... He's doing the best he can under *coughs* difficult circumstances, I guarantee it... That nasty bite to the top of my  calf at midnight the night before?  Turns out that strike had been a tad off the mark, and he'd done better after I'd gone back to sleep.  By yesterday morning I was limping, and I could feel my knee-joint grinding, only I didn't connect the two until later in the day...*applauds.. 
Today?   As I'd staggered out into the passage twenty minutes ago, I was smacked by a mean little Knife to the Head, so bedaar julle, Balliram is doing the best he can.... *winks..
At bedtime last night I'd noticed he was running both THESE beauties across on the Convent outbuildings, and that's some power right there...
In fact, he'd had THIS one next to his kitchen windows, active and lit sometime after 3pm in the afternoon, and was clearly taking no chances... I'm guessing that's the only way he could avoid triggering his alarm each time he hopped into ours to do a routine checkup...

Did the Roadrunner get a long-distance smack about the head all the way from Alberquerqe?  I've checked his 2.5 terabit thread in the Broadband Discussion Forum several times since I replied to his post, but it remains cold and dead...
A little inside joke to see if I was awake and paying attention?  That there's not one among you who dares to revive that discussion, has it standing out like a sore thumb, dead or not...*shrugs..
Who was it that had referred to me snidely as Miss Marples, back when I used to stagger into Lagnet's #trivia channel?  The target of so much unkind, though often justified, mirth?
Back then you were still being groomed and encouraged in your savagery, and I bet by now you've gone on to reach the hard-hearted callous SOB status required of Monitors...?

Mr. van Zyl can spot them a mile off, and he would've been lurking on all the popular trivia channels, wearing his Recruitement Officer's gear... How he'd stroked and patted you, and fluffed up your egos, before quietly whispering that he'd noticed your talents, and felt you were worthy of enrolment to the Grand Scheme, and by golly, did you jump at the bait or what?  *falls over choking...
How many trips up to the Pretoria University did Michael Sutcliffe make, before he managed to convince the PTB that eThekwini would be the perfect area to manipulate?  Was it the ShaikBoyz who put forward the Druglord's name to be considered as Overseer of the Zone, or was Jannie van Zyl, given credit for that particular find?
Jannie and his private chats to Collin P. Balliram online?  Listening avidly to tales of how Sydenham Station had an excellent relationship with several employees at the Telkom Overport Depot, who would eavesdrop on the local's calls and report anything worthy of interest back to their contacts at Dodge City.. Officers who in turn, would feed the information on to the Druglord.. A cozy setup, and one that resulted in the Zone being deemed perfect for Stef Roux's 'trials' ...  Water under the bridge, hey Jannie, and pretty much your finest hour?

Any Good People left out there, who are up to finding Roux's survivors in Ottawa?  Does the University stand on a rise looking out over the city and suburbs, as does UKZN?  Do they too have a massive tower block, recruited by Professor Roux to run the enormous signal enhancing lights?
During what year did established cellmasts in Ottawa begin to sprout the standard satellite dishes, so vital to relay stolen images and audio back to the Eavesdroppers?  Were there many fatalities during the initial setup, and did Roux leave behind him an astonishing increase in diabetics and arthritic-related illnesses?  When, you ask?  I'd guess any time between the mid-nineties and the year 2000... 
Don't melodramatic me here.   I'm trying in my stumbling fashion to be objective... Though my time-line may be a bit out, those things happened, whether you like it or not..

The Unholy Trinity of Roux, Petruccione, and Groesbeek could be regarded by some as Mass Murderers, on a scale that dwarfs the most savage Dictator's actions... However, being as how they're at the forefront of modern technology, they'll be lauded as demi-gods, in this country at least, while their trained Monkeys like Balliram are given free rein to torture, kill, and maim innocent citizens... Ag, bollocks to objectivity!  You know I can't do it.... *sighs...
Not when I look at my friend over at No. 5, and the agonies this Foul Creature next door is putting her through deliberately...
Did someone actually tell our Area Controller that he and his Landscape Artist have between them, given away more secrets than were wise, and to suggest that he take his vitriol out on the Voiceless, at least until my fate is decided upon?
Going by my dodgy knee, he continues to hammer away at me while I sleep, but now he judiciously employs the worst of his savagery on my friends... *vomits... Did someone say justice will be served?  Are you kidding me?  Will that be before or after he's killed someone else off?

LATER at 5.30am

Since I cut back so much of the overgrown shrubs in the front garden, my Controller has seen fit to waken his wirelessed nunus from their hibernation, and their familiar noisy chirps start up as I enter my bedroom or step out onto the verandah... *yawns... Even as I scribble here now at the desk, a repetitive chirp sounds faintly nearby, and I cluck at it... A comfortable routine that I fall into from sheer habit... I can hear the rain falling steadily, and the curtains are still puffing out in the wind...
Can I sneak back on board Cloud 9 before it grows light?  Lemme give it a shot...

LATER at 7.35am

I was blessed to be allowed a deliciously slothful lie-in.. The GW came through five minutes ago to say that when he'd gone to fill the kettle before going to bed last night, the tap water was running a thick and solid brown colour.. *blinks..
Digging higher up the road?  Crap, you know that's not the case, and that it's merely more pathetic mischief created by Balliram and his control over the water lines...
Anything to tellus Neil? *studies the Muni's crooked Head of Water.. No?  I didn't think so..

Sunday 8th July 2012 at 9.23am..