Pick a card..
(begun Tuesday 17th July at 7.35am)
This morning my eyes resemble those of Allen Spence, back when he visited me on my verge to trot out his lies.. Arc-eye Al? Really? Working regularly up a ladder among a shower of lasers would probably get the same results, don't you think? Eyesight going downhill fast? Just keep reminding yourself of Stef Roux's insistance that the technology is perfectly safe, when next you visit your eye-doctor...
My bloodshot eyes could be due to too much scribbling by candlelight, too many fags, or even the amount of home strikes I take from the lasers..
I'd gone out to pee the dogs at bedtime and found the BushDweller up against a roaring fire in his usual place by the smaller gap onto the Playing field. I'd fetched the Porta spotlight and played it on him till he'd doused the bigger flames. He was just packing away his bedding when I checked a minute ago...
If I asked him, would he say he'd had a headache last night? For in the early hours this morning there'd been another enormously powerful light operating from just across the field at Grindrod/Michan Roads, and he's camped directly in it's path...
I've not forgotten how it is with a young family, as they struggle to survive on today's jaw-dropping cost of living.. We were fortunate, and our folks repeatedly bailed us out of our worst crises... Not something that today's pensioners can do, as they eat into their own life-savings just to survive...
If the Druglord were to send one of his minions by way of say, a fellow church-goer, with an offer of no-strings assistance, in your hour of need, would you see it coming? Unlikely.. The fee, in return for this largesse, would seem so insignificant as to be laughable.. Simply support the laser/wireless system by adding lights to your property, and removing trees and branches that obstruct the blessed signal.. How simple is that FFS?
While it's too late for many of you to have second thoughts, those that haven't yet fallen for this innocent-appearing ruse should think deeply before accepting the offer.. Although it may save your lights and water from being cut off, or humiliating problems with your children's school fees, the generous bail-out will cost you your privacy, and quite possibly your health along with it... *yawns...
Young Roid-rage Rajiv has enough contacts on board the Surveillance Project to have arranged for the Gauteng Court's electricity to be cut, on a date he was due to appear.. Why would his dear Mama not have access to the same contacts? What is her interest in the Cato Manor squad? Is there indeed a mafia-related faction operating among the good officers down there, that has caused our Roseanne to support them so openly, or does the publicity given to the T-shirts simply make good business sense?
Is Martin Welz aware of how this town is run, and just who the heavyweights are, behind the scenes? *waves to the Royal Security owner..
Wednesday 18th July at 2.05am
I'd gone up top with my old man after 3pm yesterday, and found the Muni's cherry-picker parked down by the stop street. I've no way of knowing how long they'd been there, and what they'd been up to, but the overheads were lit last night for the first time in many weeks...
That's actually reminded me of something I wanted to ask you.. When the Microwave Boffin had studied the Panasonic's screen briefly and had seen the fiery blue rain running down the pole at the Hall, he'd shrugged and simply said my camera couldn't cope with the amount of power coming off that pole...
An understatement if I ever heard one, and hopefully if there are any qualified Electrical Engineers paying attention, they'll also wonder why quite so much power is running through just the one pole..
While I've not been fortunate enough to see that particular phenomenon anywhere else, it occurred to me how often I hold the camera up to the wall lights here in the lounge, and the little monitor shows a huge amount of dazzling energy coming from the light next to the TV, to the point where you can't see the fitting itself...*blinks..
Once I've taken the picture it shows nothing untoward, only on the screen, just like the blue rain effect up the road... I figure I could probably regard the camera as some sort of measuring device to judge the levels of EMR that Balliram is pumping into our home.. *interested...
I'd headed into the bedroom after 8pm last night, to find my Handler was waiting for me, and Millie had protested in outrage, so I hauled the Panasonic out and took a few quick shots in the little ornamental mirror on the wall at the foot of my bed.. While the results continue to show those disturbing patterns of light in the reflection, I was delighted to find that in one of the pictures a perfect hologram hung on the wall next to the mirror...
Did I not say that when Millie yells, the chances of getting visible evidence of the assault are that much greater? IMHO, capturing so many of the orbs indoors, is proof enough that we're being treated to way more than the standard power supply good for us... So what would do it for me? A sharp attorney with degrees in both IT security and Physics? As if... *chokes...
I can sense the smug amusement as I battle to explain my misgivings to Karl Muller on the relatively simple matter of showing him my photos. There's so much magic in them, would the weirdness even show up on a computer, once the cards were removed from the cameras? Were I to courier even one of my cards to him as requested, what are the odds it would be intercepted with ease, and contaminated or destroyed? You think I'm kidding? When you've heard repeatedly of the lengths this Knob and his equally corrupt chommies have gone to, in the past? There are pictures on each of the three cards that I will never be lucky enough to catch again, so you'll maybe understand my extreme reluctance to part with them..
Pick a card, kiss it goodbye and move on FFS? Yeah, you're probably right...
My kid has tried several times in the past to get us to take zinc tablets on a regular basis, because 'it's good for us'.. You see where I'm going with this?
If the laser showers are so partial to the zinc sardine cans that the PTB are steadly placing in the jondolos, would our taking additional zinc affect us for the better or worse? No, don't laugh, it's a fair question.. Maybe it's got nothing at all to do with the make-up of the metal, and everything to do with it's shiny silver finish, right?
The Wall Jumper had tucked an empty crisp packet between some wire gridding, just where I toss Nobby his treat over the wall... The camera picked it up in the dark, straight away, as it glittered behind the shrubs, and I'd thought it to be a new laser attractor application until I'd investigated and found that shiny packet...
So basically any metallic appearing item will encourage the beams to saturate the air, including the zinc sardine cans in the jondolos? Looking back I recall how often there'd been an ancient white plastic chair lying about over under the gumtrees, or a white plastic packet tied to the boundary wall at the Senior Boys Hostel.. I'd figured out they were some sort of direction marker, but had no idea it was for lasers, and I'm still mystified by the Hardyboys practise of sweeping a spotlight onto the gumtrees after dark..
Is that just some sort of signal to the operators at the Mini base Station and nothing else?
Does say, Prameeth up at No. 16, shine a spotlight over there at a pre-arranged hour to let someone know he's activating his own lasers? Ai carumba, but the finer pieces of this puzzle will probably elude me forever..
LATER at 8.20am
I'd washed my hair as usual and plugged in the dryer.. As I did so, the adaptor made a popping sound and the lights all dipped... Did the Zealot next door make a genuine error at that moment, or do I smell a threat out there? Whatever it was, I ignored it and carried on as usual..
There was nothing wrong with our wiring prior to the Chop's home invasion, and any major problem will have me texting Spence at the speed of light (!) so he may arrange for Raw Power or Howards Electrical to come round and fix it at Sutcliffe's expense...
One of the wall lights in the lounge blew sometime yesterday, and if in some oblique way it was due to the cherry-picker's activities yesterday afternoon, down at the pole by the stopstreet, I feel fully justified in contacting the Superintendent of Electricity and screaming blue bloody murder...
Does my Area Controller make a tidy little sum on the side, selling stolen images and satellite footage to interested parties? Has he ever been rewarded in any way for passing on pictures he's thieved via the Wireless/Laser communications technology?
A valid question, when you consider that a few years ago he arranged for his own red Rodeo to be 'stolen,' and I'm damned sure he would've collected the insurance.. He certainly has all the qualities that are prized by the Project Authors, has he not, Jannie?
Wednesday 18th July 2012 at 9.39am.