Monday, July 16, 2012

A Great Deal About Nothing...
(begun Tuesday 17th July at 2.45am..)

I didn't hear the little dog fussing to go out the first time.. shame... Accidents happen...*shrugs.. I heard him the next time at 2am, as he flapped his ears frantically before leaping off the bed onto the floor.. I was clearing up in the lounge shortly afterwards, when the unplugged computer creaked, and the BackFire arrived..*yawns...
I'd tried going back to bed, but after a couple of really unnecessary Jabs to the Back, just before 2.30am, I gave up and got up...

I'd noticed last night at bedtime that he was running the light in THIS shark-cage balcony over at the orphanage, at maximum output, and it's still astonishingly bright as I scribble here... At this rate he's going to go the blackout route again soon, to recoup the losses, or overstep his quota...
Was I ever coherent enough to get through to you on that score?  That simply due to the enormous additional levels of power a Controller runs through so many of the individual lights, powercuts are vital to make up the losses.. Fact.

As much as I'd like to give you the low-down on why Sue the Book had to come home from work yesterday on a sickie, I can't.. What goes around, comes around?  Gimme a break... It appears that the Wikked are indeed the current heirs of the earth...*gags... No matter.  I ended up inviting myself over to hers for a brief visit last night, and most rewarding it was, too...  Balliram was uncharacteristically cautious with his eavesdropping efforts, but he slipped up a couple of times indoors, and Millie had reported his added interest faithfully... Not enough for me to catch more than THIS odd effect in her bathroom, and HERE in her kitchen, as that little hologram knocks at the window...
As she was never silly enough to give No. 11 the run of her home as I had done, it's doubtful she has more than the very basic amount of laser attractors applied indoors...  They'll be there for sure, but it'll take more than one flying visit after dark to track them down.. *shrugs..

Outdoors was a different kettle of fish however, and I give you Exhibit A HERE.. Standing in the narrow concreted passageway that runs past her kitchen, is where copious amounts of the cloned Physcia Grisea have been applied to the brickwork of the retaining wall..  I'd turned around in the dark and aimed at the satellite dish stuck on the wall to achieve THIS stunning result... Easily as dense a throng of the orbs as down by der Bunker...*blinks.. And HERE, taken on the front lawn, roughly aiming towards the giant unlit overheads and that pale blue box on the pole by the stop street..(Pale blue, only in my photos, and ordinary white to the naked eye) Another huge swarm of the pretties...
So ja - When I carp on about the blanket of crud that covers the Zone, I mean just that, as it's certainly not restricted to the air above ours... Bloody rhetoric, as you knew that already *mutters... Random shots around her yard netted at least two or three holograms each time, and with the concentrated and deliberate assaults that Balliram carries out on the occupants via their powerlines, it's no wonder those two women are in a bad way..
Not to fret, as his actions are going to come back to bite him somewhere down the line?  Really?  More bullshit we no longer believe in...

NOW 3.45am

I've just been going through the shots I took after light's out, last night, and this morning again after 2am, and I guess I'm getting somewhere at last...
Swopping the wall mirrors around hadn't changed that rectangular tic-tac-toe pattern of light much, in last night's pictures... I was ever so much luckier with the ones taken after 2am, and that pattern has suddenly changed quite dramatically HERE.
Will you check out the reflection of the plastic fern hanging next to my bed, and that giant rainbow coloured halo above it?  Pretty...

Obviously I have to face the mirrors at an angle or the flash would ruin everything, but I took a chance and used the big flat rectangular mirror that's bolted to the wall, to get THIS frankly spectacular result.. Will you check out the smoke that's hanging above the little hand-mirror lying on the windowsill?  And the orange ball up by the curtain rail.. Could that brilliant ping pong ball of light behind the curtain be that enormously powerful light running out of the shark-cage?  That's just the reflection in the mirror folks.. Imagine if I could capture those wonders without resorting to second-hand views... I might even have my own piece in Popular Mechanics one day, hey Stef?  *winks...

Having read Karl Muller's updated posts in the Shameel Joosub thread at mybroadband, most, if not all of you, will know that our little house hums with radiation 24/7, and that you expect one if not both of us, to go down any day now...
There's no guilt whatsoever involved, just some sort of detached fascination, as you wait for the inevitable outcome?  Why, if you were to express so much as a modicum of sympathy for these hapless Labrats, you'd only have to be shown a re-run of the stolen satellite feeds of this Circus Freak sprawled outside in the summer sun, or revealing the fruits of those sojourns as she bathes, to be reminded that I'm not worthy of any compassion at all.. *winks..  What stolen satellite images does the Sadist have on my fellow guinea-pigs, that have you include them in your callous and judgemental attitude?

While I'm all too ready to accept that I've earned your contempt, the ease with which you've included my innocent family and friends in this ongoing chamber of horrors, has the word 'brainwashed' flashing up on the wall...
I've also got the feeling that right now, that me and the Educator are a part of a theatrical exercise encouraged by the Project Authors to demonstrate just how futile it is, to struggle against the tightening ropes...? That Jannie van Zyl was in fact tasked to come on in to the Joosub thread and poke the Rocket Scientist with a sharp stick, deliberately, to reassure his fanbois that nothing can come of Karl's threats, as those loopholes have already been taken care of by Damage Control...
Ain't that the truth Janneman?  You can drop the carefully cultivated veneer of patronising derision when it's just the two of us...  You know I see you, and that I recognize you for the smooth-talking marionette that you are...*sighs..

I can't fault your Superiors for their attention to detail, and I'm betting that every Physics major in the country, worth his/her salt, will at some point have been invited to sit in on the laser/wireless technology 'tests' being run at their local University...
Once they agree and participate, there's no turning back, and they're OWNED 100%.  Just as young Leonard Els was lured into the trap at UKZN.. He would've been flattered by the invite, and only too happy to be a part of what was sold to him as ground-breaking scientific research, just like his peers dotted about the country...
Beautifully done, and with the result that the one or two scientists that the Authors knew for sure couldn't be converted to the Cause and would likely ask some seriously awkward questions, would be left twisting in the wind, without any help or input from their colleagues...
Again - you'll have to forgive my stilted english, but I figure you get my drift?
Should Muller contact Professor Els and enquire after Stef Roux's involvement in the wireless project at UKZN, what are the chances he will hear the truth?   Slim to none, would be my guess... Although having met young Leonard personally, I won't back down on my assertion that he's a really nice guy caught in an appalling situation...

It's now 4.40am and the pressure has just increased in my ears, while Millie prickles in anticipation of an assault... I'm going to throw myself back on Cloud 9 for a bit, and see what happens.. Cheers...

LATER at 6.30am

Balliram was hard-pressed to leave me alone long enough to allow me to sleep, but sleep I did, eventually... I dreamed for a while of water, and a place I'd been before.. There'd been a small portable radio lying on the steps leading down into the dark murkyness, and the tide was washing over it, but I rememered thinking it's water-proof, so that's okay, before I submerged and swam the short distance in the darkness across to the rocks, where I'd gingerly clambered out.. I'd wrung my cardigan out and remember being thankful I'd worn takkies, for fear of stepping on fishing hooks.. There'd been several people I knew, hanging about the crowded restaurant, but I guess that was when Chi woke me as he tried to get under the blankets, and here I am... *eyeroll...

My Good Neighbour erected his garden shed yesterday evening, with a speed that resembled a video on Fast Forward, though it has yet to be roofed... I'm waiting with interest to see whether said roof will consist of the ubiquitous corrugated silver zinc, so beloved by the laser showers... Should this be so, will it increase the hologram activity in that corner of my garden?  Will it raise the risk of exposure to the young man and his family?   I'd thought that the odd silver 'lid' that had been placed on the toddler's dormitory roof at the orphanage HERE was to create the impression that safety measures were being taken to protect the little ones inside...
Since I've come to include Stef Roux's contribution to my tale, I'd have to guess that any silver metal would encourage the lasers, and not repel them after all... But hey, what do I know?  A great deal about nothing, apparently... *waves...


Tuesday 17th July 2012 at 8.49am..