Baying for blood...
(begun Thursday 19th July at 4.10am..)
*Anyone else in touch with Karl Muller? He seems to think his whereabouts is unknown... You might like to contact him and tell him to look up and wave, whether indoors or out? That he's as much on a live-satellite feed as I am? That's the plain truth of it, is it not Mr. van Zyl? *
It's interesting ja, but I'm starting to think it's just something that happens when you combine a flash and a mirror, and that those strange light patterns aren't related to Mr. Roux's fantabulous technology after all...
The two ornamental wall mirrors have bevelled (sp) edges, which may or may not confuse both my trusty camera's as well.. *sighs... I suppose I could ask google, but I can't figure out how to phrase the darned question, so for the moment I'm stymied...
My double-posts in the Broadband Discussions Forum at mybroadband on the 2.5terabit thread, sit unanswered and silent, and I doubt there'll be any change there soon, as the intellectuals collectively rear back and away from this simpleton.... *grins...
Was I right when I said to the Rocket Scientist that me and my friends and family are all part of a massive Demonstration? An ongoing Presentation designed to show that no matter what is done to us, there's no escape from this invasive technology?
That my Controller has shown it's now a simple matter to track us on our days out, by hopping from mast to streetlight to base station, and ultimately into the power supply that feeds our destination, and that if you think to thwart your Handler's eavesdropping pleasure by dumping your cellphones in the trunk of your vehicle, you'll pay for your cheek... *eyeroll...
Temporarily draining the tiny battery in the Polo's remote would've had those so-called Law enforcement officers who were watching the satellite feed of the Hillcrest parking lot, in stitches...
While I've no doubt that Balliram would've preferred to go after the car's battery itself, taking that route so soon after his success at Makro some months ago, would've been pushing his luck, and besides, that's quite a biggie to achieve in a relatively short period of time.. No, hacking the vehicle's remote was a much quicker and more effective means of getting the message across to the old crone that you don't mess with the Intelligence officers in this town... Intelligence officers? A bunch of yobs who thrive on causing mischief and misery more like, but hey, I would say that, wouldn't I... *winks...
Let's fact it, the ones I've come across haven't been much to write home about....
The two youngsters who finally delivered the GW's Samsung washing machine a day late, were charming, but overly tickled by their own cleverness...
As was our Colonel Groenewald, who was so enchanted by his brilliance that he ended up blowing his cover in a big way...
And of course last but by no means least, I'm blessed to have the Project Author's idea of a modern major general of a Special Operative living right next door... *chokes...
Forget your boot-spikes, your razor sharp bowlers and your poisoned umbrella tips, folks.. Today's finest can whack you silently and terminally over your own powerlines... They can access your vehicle's computer system as you cruise along a highway at 120kph, and cause you to lose control of your car.
In addition to the technological weaponry at their fingertips, they're backed up by a ground-force army of equally moral-free puppets, who are willing to obey orders at the sound of a ring-tone...
You want someone's medication tampered with? No problemo, we've got so-and-so placed at the dispensary at wherever and I'll just give him/her a quick call.. Job done.. *shrugs..
That sort of thing has been going on since way before the introduction of Stef Roux's 'communications' system.. ? Sure it has, but what you hadn't realised is the sheer scale of the current operation, and just how many are now numbered as aides to this massive exercise in Control... It's been the steady and deliberate dumbing down of basic honesty and integrity over the past decade, that's created this army of otherwise ordinary people, who will now happily break the so-called law, to obey these 'intelligence' officer's orders.. *blinks... It's late and I must go.. cheers.
LATER at 6.35am
Has the Crackerboy and his 'Nobody's the Boss of me' mantra woken to the ghastly truth of the matter, or is he simply having too much fun to care? That he's in a box only a fraction bigger than mine, and as much under the Project Author's microscope as this pathetic specimen herself?
I'd been out on the verandah at dusk yesterday, and had noticed that while the freeway lights had come on, the overheads hadn't.. Even as I watched, those six huge lamps glowed a pale white that grew stronger until it shone a golden yellow, before they were all suddenly extinguished again... I guess they came on properly a few seconds later, but by then I'd gone back indoors, more than a little non-plussed that Balliram felt it necessary to show me something I already knew...
I could never figure out why, before der Bunker was built, but after our powerlines had been given to the Chop to manage, they would throw open the Chickencoop's lounge windows and hook their curtains back, at least once a day... I recall blogging that it was probably to clear out the stench of his cigarettes as he lurked in the corner of their lounge nearest us, with his laptop on the go... With hindsight, I have to now wonder whether it was the clouds of invisible vapour left by the lasers that he was trying to banish from the room..
LATER at 10.45pm
There's a certain amount of payback being exacted right now, hence the odd hour. It's also possible that we have more than just the one injured party baying for our blood tonight.. *grins...
Something offended you more than usual, Balliram? My continued hysterical efforts at communicating with the Rocket Scientist? The two little notes that I mailed? One to I-Q-Tel and the other to Genia Photonics? Or the pretty pictures I took while hanging the camera out of the side window overlooking your kitchen? Stunning results BTW, and I'll have to do a re-think about the possibility that the Chickencoop's kitted out in any sort of EMR repellant paint. Even the ochre/clay coloured walls have got spheres snuggling right up to them, never mind above the roof HERE... *chokes...
Whether it's got any bearing on anything, someone's thrown the switch on that eye-watering stunner in the orphanage's upstairs shark cage/balcony, again... The BackFire is flooding ours, and the dogs are constantly flapping their ears.. Yep. I'd have to say someone's dander is up, and it ain't mine...
I had a really great day out, though I'd had to resort to putting the phones in the boot after all, as our Tracker was being way too heavy-handed with his monitoring... Long before that,at 9.45am, I'd been on my own and heading home past the Sherwood Hall, when I'd spied a young guy taking pictures of the big double-door what? DSLAM? Switchbox? Anyways, I'd pulled over and had a chat to him, and it turned out he's a Data Capturer for NETgroup (now a part of Aurecon) and he'd been tasked to photograph as much of the technology in the area as possible...
A really pleasant youngster who didn't have a clue who the crazy old woman was, and I'm happy to say I left him laughing by the roadside...
I drove on down and arrived at my gates at pretty much the same time as THESE two big Muni Electricity lorries, and I stopped and asked the one dude if we were going to have our power switched off... Have you paid? he asked.. Ja, of course, I'd chirped.. OK, well then, we're just working at No. 16 today.. *startled.. Say what? I watched the two youngsters in the front seat of the other lorry, as one pulled a hoodie over his head and the other one, earring and all, tugged on his Muni blue outfit over his civvies.. Man, if those kids were genuine Muni droogs I must be Madame Curie.. *snorts...
WTF is going on up there? The Good Man looks bloody exhausted, though the last time I enquired he'd said he was well, and they've just gotten a new landline number as well, whether it's significant or not...
My Good Neighbour at No. 10 put his silver zinc roof onto his new toolshed with astonishing speed yesterday evening HERE (will you check the hologram sitting right next to it!) so maybe changes had to be made to the whole system today, as a result? Whatever they were busy doing yesterday, it was a big job, as they were only packing up when I finally returned home with the GW around 2pm... *blinks.. That's a lot of manpower for just one residence, not to mention that Balliram's Beemer stayed on his driveway at least until after the Muni trucks had left...
I'd gone downstairs to find at least 8 to 10 Muni Parks droogs hanging about down in the valley, and I'm guessing they'd finished whatever task they'd been set and were waiting for their lift... There'd been no visible signs of clearing been done down by the stormwater drains, or of any work being achieved at all, for that matter...
But whatever it was they'd been set to do, tied in with the two lorries at No. 16, the new 'toolshed' next door, and my Master hanging about the Chickencoop for much longer than usual... *waves to A.......
Will you check out my Handler's streetlight HERE? It could've been undressed over a month ago, and I simply haven't been paying attention properly.. Compare it to THIS picture in album No. 9, as it groans under the weight of so much technology, and you have to wonder who he thinks he's kidding... *snorts... Would he like to fool you into believing he's no longer running the power circuits? What a crock that would be... See the brilliant tiny red light activated on his pole up THERE? It's the same one that's always on and facing the convent, and nothing's changed at all, except that his pole has been stripped of most of the visible evidence of his control... *yawns...
Hands up those of you who've read the 'Lasers could keep drones flying forever' thread in Current Affairs over at mybroadband? Are any of those posters deliberately poking me with a stick, or what? I confess I was reduced to chortling at Greylor, though his humorous graphic looked startlingly similar to the various light shapes and patterns I'm catching in the mirrors...
Why did I suddenly decide to add mirrors to my efforts FFS? Is this the Mind-Control side of all this fantabulous technology?
Does Balliram first knock me out with an overdose of the Chronic Fatigue frequency before feeding stuff into my boiled brain? *mutters on and on....
It's 11.45pm and I'm gonna give Cloud 9 another try, payback or no bloody payback... G'nite..
Friday 20th July at 6.30am
Despite the continued interference, I'd finally managed to nod off, and the GW woke me at 6am when he let the dogs out for a pee.. It's taken the BackFire frequency over half an hour to reach the levels my Controller currently prefers, and it's pretty amazing how I'm adjusting to it... If dishing out so much pain makes him feel better about himself, who am I to argue? *eyeroll...
Friday 20th July 2012 at 9.35am