Pay per view...
(begun Wednesday 11th July at 4.05am..)
Who exactly are the other part-owners of the timeshare in Goa, frequented by our ex-City Manager, Sutcliffe? Did it occur to you that the answer might cause you to have a genuine light-bulb moment? I've no doubt the paper trail leading back to that sandy plot will have been carefully muddied, but a good investigative journalist should be able to jump those dongas, and for some reason I feel a poke-around could produce some startling results..
Maybe that's exactly what good old Tex Collins was up to, on his recent vacation? He says he was in Thailand, but I'm betting that Goa is just a boat ride away, and who knows but that the DA Caucus Leader in now included as a share-holder in that deliciously distant getaway... It's not like he has to pretend that Sutcliffe is the enemy any more, and besides, what Tex does, and where he goes in his private life, is nobody's business but his own..
You're joking me, right? Anyone care to tell the old guy there ain't no such thing as private any more? That privacy left the building back when Herr Sutcliffe shook hands with Roux, Petruccione, and Groesbeek, and signed on the dotted line?
Man, did the then-City Manager think he had it made, as he got his own personal IT Monkeys to ferret about in the personal lives of his Staff and Colleagues, avidly adding the juiciest finds to his growing pile of Leverage files.. Did he not realise that all the while, his own private life was under scrutiny, and that someone out there had a file with his name on it? A file that I'd bet at times reads like the script for a blue movie? *gags.. What about the Councillor for the Opposition? Squeaky-clean enough to have escaped the invasive ferret's attentions? Not a chance...
Thursday 12 July at 2.40am
Has Balliram been fielding many renewed calls for my head lately? It would be nice to think that was the reason behind the escalated physical assaults, but realistically, it's probably just his own cooked head doing the Dance of the Totally Offended... *grins... Once he'd gotten my attention at 12.45am this morning, with the Hand on Fire, I could tell he wasn't going to drop it any time soon, so I'd fetched my cellphone and put it handy, to send a text to his Missus if need be.. By 1.45am I needed cheering up, so I put on the bedside lamp and began going through my photos, and it's worked a treat... *beams...
I'd completely forgotten THIS stunner I'd caught in the passageway, and the hectic-shaped swirls of vapor up by the ceiling, before you pan down to that inexplicable bolt of coloured light by the kitchen door HERE.. *dances... I'd also forgotten about THIS dazzling apple-shaped light, presumably taken at the exact second a laser struck an enhancer, just a foot from my nose, and the smoky clouds that are right next to it... How's about THIS one, with the heavy white mist surrounding the avo tree, and that brilliant white moon just hanging there? Except of course, that ain't no moon..*winks..
Dumbo simply can't figure it out.. Why haven't I fallen over my feet to share my pictures with the Rocket Scientist? Are they the reason for the latest seriously increased attention? Is my Controller still so certain that I'll crack and attempt to load them onto a PC at some point?
You're a funny lot. As long as you've the means to take your own pictures, I won't be sharing mine with anyone, and that's the way I prefer it... *shrugs...
Since the advent of the heavy haze caused by all the laser activity, I have to wonder again about those three swimming pools that were emptied within such a short period of each other at No. 2, 6 and 12... How I'd been trying to connect the EMR fall-out as the reason for that expensive endeavour... Of course, that was speculation made well before I'd had any idea of the inclusion of Professor Roux's quantum laser system..
Is it the dense clouds of twisted light waves that could've somehow affected the chlorinated water in those pools, and rather than take a chance, they were emptied and re-filled?
Not an option that was ever suggested to B.Snr at No. 4, or my ex-CPF Treasurer up at No. 33, so let's hope the real reason behind that exercise was simply caution being employed, and nothing else much...
Water and lasers.. hmmm... Every tap, pipe, and even our hose, has been daubed liberally with the laser-attracting compounds, though it's quite possibly due simply to Vincent's enthusiasm for his task.. I do recall zooming in on my Area Controller's plumbing by his kitchen, and being pleasantly surprised to find that he's had much the same attention paid to his pipes... *curious...
A matter that also really intrigues me, is the quality of the stolen satellite images.. Is the indoor satellite feed as sharp and clear as if the thieving Monitor were right beside us? Often, as I sit in my corner of the lounge, happily going through my pictures, Millie will shriek that our Master has joined us, and is peering over our shoulder, to the point where I'll hold the camera out and away from me, so he can have a better look.. *chokes...
It certainly seems to me that there's no problem with detail, and PAGAD's reaction to having seen footage of me and Millie taking a bath, was confirmation of this...
How many other wives, mothers, and daughters, does Balliram join, while they're at their toilette? You think he'd tell you? Seriously? With a foot in several camps, he'll need material to entertain ALL the parties involved, and the Muslim community won't be excluded...
Your youngsters know their way around computers and smart-phones, and picked up the hacking lessons like pros? You really think they'd notice if Balliram slid into your power system and began recording audio visuals of your own intimate moments? *falls over laughing.... Denial and prevarication are second nature to my Controller, whether you like it or not, and chances are that while you're gasping in horror at the sight of
someone you perceive as your enemy, stolen data from your own home is whizzing it's way along Mr. Groesbeek's fibre optic cabling to entertain someone else... *yawns...
I'm talking rubbish, and that's technically impossible? Hey - If I get the finer details and tech terminology laughably wrong, what does it matter, as long as you get my basic drift?
Look at you.. Overwhelmed by the mere thought of a 2.5 terabit wirelessed data transmittor, when it's already been around for a decade or more.. *snorts..
Any durbanites see that star hanging low in the eastern sky yesterday morning? I was taking the trash up to the road after 5.30am, and it stopped me dead in my tracks.. Beautiful hey? This last ten to fifteen years has seen the world take an enormous leap forward technologically, and I guess these days there's a great deal of everyday things that aren't always what they seem to be... *winks...
Take your TV for example... The sooner you get used to the idea that it's a computer, the better, and with the arrival of the decoder boxes, Nasper's contribution to the Big Brother Surveillance project was confirmed...
Today? I'm not looking forward to persuading the GameWrecker to put his phones in the boot of the car, along with mine, but I'll give it a shot anyway, and see how we go.....
My Controller has more than crossed the line, and if there's even a remote (!) chance I can degrade his eavesdropping on our trip out, I'm going to try it...
I sent a mail to young Leon Chetty of durbanite yesterday, though I don't anticipate a reply any time soon.. People are fearful right now, and it's going to get worse.. By the time the Chosen wake up to the real premise behind the Monitoring technology, it's going to be way too late.. *sighs...
Have you tried volunteering an opinion lately? Would you even dare open your mouth if you disagreed with some aspect of the project? Probably not. I must go..
LATER at 4am
I'd staggered back onto Cloud 9 at 4am, and had been left to sleep fitfully until 5am, without so much as a flicker of pain or discomfort.. A merciful Master? Naa.. he was just catching some zz's himself, is all....
The realisation that more sickos than I'd originally thought have viewed this Circus Freak in her intimate moments doesn't particularly bother me, as pirates are a fact of life... The service to PAGAD however, isn't free, and there'll be a Pay per View until such time as his neighbours and colleagues come to recognize his bizarre and perverted tastes... Any idea how the drugs keep flooding into the country with such ease? Man, maybe we need a contact in the shipping business to give us some insight into how this is being achieved? *winks...
Friday 13th July 2012 at 8.57am...