Sunday, July 08, 2012

Heavy Metal...
(begun Sunday 8th July at 8.05am..)

For someone who had such painfully sensitive hearing prior to the deliberate damage caused by our Area Controller, it's really quite remarkable... It appears he'd set up his alarm to go off just as I leaned over and tossed Nobby's biscuits onto the ground, and though I was aware that it's really loud, I didn't blink an eye, nor did my heart-rate miss a beat....  Like everything else he does, he's seriously overused his alarms to make mischief, with the result that nobody pays them much attention at all anymore...
The black-wheeled Beemer sat on the driveway as usual, but hopefully his Missus and kids at least, are spending the weekend in a safer area than ours....

Monday 9th July at 4.05am

Ja, it sounds crazy, but you'd better get used to it and learn to recognize the sounds your house makes after dark... There's been this seriously high-pitched whine in the kitchen for the last few days.. Rather like the neon strip-light makes, except it does it when the light is ostensibly switched off... *winks.. The fridge then?  I can't pin it down, but it's interesting...
Maybe I didn't connect my grinding knee-cap with the 'cramp' attack at midnight, because I was pre-occupied with the metal taste in my mouth?   Should I search my own blog for the last time that happened, some years ago?
One of my many fillings was leaking?  Lately, my teeth and ears are featuring pretty high on my Controller's choice of menu, and yesterday was his piece de resistance....

So bad was the taste of metal, that saliva kept filling my mouth, and that sensation lasted the entire day.. *blinks..
You'll therefore appreciate my surprise when, at about 6pm, the unpleasantness suddenly stopped.. (Hey Balliram, if I've got the exact time wrong, sue me..) Yep, it was there, and then it wasn't... 
WTF had the Sadist pumped into our home for the day, to cause that seriously unpleasant and weird phenomenon?   Something I remember well from the early days of torture, only back then the metal taste had been a daily occurrence, and had lasted for weeks, if not longer...  If someone had actually measured the EMR levels in our house yesterday, would they have been shocked by the results? *interested...

Are you bored witless by the seemingly endless litany of aches and pains endured by a 67 year-old whinger? More fool you, for your Area Controller can achieve these unpleasant effects on any age group at all, and you could be next....
The gift he gave me overnight, has this morning resulted in a dull and thumping ache at the base of my spine, and with each step, I'm reminded of his genius... NOT... *spews....

The mini mystery of whether he'd set up some sort of beam that was triggered to kick off his raucous house-alarm yesterday morning as I tossed Nobby his treat, or whether he was sitting in der Bunker watching me closely and hit the switch himself, was solved at precisely 9.45am, when I'd stepped out onto the verandah to speak to the GW and a single carefully muffled 'woop!' had sounded from der Bunker, as he hastily attempted to enhance our words... *collapses snorting... 
Disturbing?  What?  The heavy metal mouth that seemed to get worse as the day wore on, or the fact that it was the weekend and his obsession had him pinned in der Bunker, plying his mischief in ours?
Is his behaviour a normal progression of the Omnipotence Disease?  Are all of the Project Author's designated Controllers/Monitors doomed to become fixated on one particular victim, and burn themselves out as a result?  What on earth is going on in the Poor Creature's head that's causing him to go overboard on the assaults lately?  All the extra precautions he's been taking, and yesterday's clearly upgraded attack are due to.... WHAT, FFS?
Hell, I've sung the same pathetic song for eight years, and it's not changed a thing, so why do I get the impression that there are beads of sweat on Balliram's brow, right now?  
Moving on...

Want to guess the book value of my little 1985 Nissan Langley?  Taking into account the odd ding, and all the spiteful key marks, and of course the dents on the roof and the boot?  About 2ks, if I'm lucky?  In fact, she's probably worth ten times that amount, if only due to the fact that she's pre the computerised control systems in newer models... So sure, he can still drain her battery remotely, and I'm fairly certain she'd had minute additions made to her, prior to my wake-up call, but on the whole I figure I'm a darned sight better off than you in your larnie Beemers and Mercs...
Anyone interested enough to go through the Road Accident stats and weed out the 'vehicle went out of control' incidents from among the rest?  Just as I'd lay odds that the ex-Telkom employee Gianfranco C died as the result of a remote hit to his jet's computerised control system, would I suggest that 90% of the fatalities caused by cars inexplicably going out of control, are due now to the ease with which their controls may be remotely accessed by wireless, and all manner of mischief caused...
Something that may or may not come to light in the years ahead..*yawns...

You have an ancient Anglia or Toyota sitting in your garage, rusting away?  It might be an idea to have a trusted and capable friend do her up and keep her road-worthy, just in case... *winks.. Without the on-board computer that's installed in all the newer vehicles, you're at least in with a chance, and I kid you not...
I can't believe you're blind enough to think that simply because you're a Project supporter, your fancy Beemer can go in to the Agents for it's service and NOT have covert additions made to it, without your knowledge?
Would you even recognise the tiny blobs of laser-friendly compounds dotted surreptitiously about your car if you saw them?  I doubt it... *shrugs..

LATER at 5.20am

The Creature next door is stirring, and the BackFire frequency just went up a notch as a result...  I'd reared up in bed last night at 11pm, to see the huge yellow moon hanging low over the north end of the orphanage building.. A sight that was easily outshone by the light coming from THIS shark-cage/balcony that's fixed to the upper story of the toddler's dormitories....  No, not one of the blinding white outdoor lights that run the length of that building since the Lotto upgrade, but a golden-yellow eye-watering stunner, instead....
Has my Controller officially been advised to go the whole hog, so to speak?  To push the envelope as far as he can, and see what happens?

Did you ever stop to wonder why the CIA went public with their 'we will control the population via their appliances' announcement?  Could it have been to distract you from the real premise of this shocking world-wide experiment?  That while the quantum laser communications system's set-up allows a nearby Controller to cut off the power supply to a specific appliance remotely, rendering it useless, that's by no means the target these bastards are really after?
Nope.  I'm (barely) living proof that it's mankind that will ultimately be controlled physically via this technological miracle, and not your bloody cars, fridges and stoves...  

Tellus halicon, if you would.. Was that fact made quite clear in the fine print of the Sales Pitch, or was it carefully omitted?  Were you left to figure out the darker purpose of this technology for yourself, or was your Recruitement Officer up front about it from the outset?
Man, I still struggle to accept how easily so many of you gifted individuals bought the 'for the greater good of mankind' bullshit that trips so lightly off Jannie van Zyl's forked tongue..
If my incoherent ramblings here have given just one of you the ability to recognize how neatly you've all been conned, then it's all been worth it... 
Can you change your mind and opt out of the Project?  If your head isn't already cooked beyond redemption, you'll know there's no such thing as opting out, once you've been enrolled.

You've signed up for life, and it's up to you whether you keep your wits about you, or allow even your innermost thoughts to be manipulated by the PuppetMasters running this show.... 
Sadly, I guess it's only due to my sheer ignorant stupidity that I've escaped so far, and that as intellectuals, you're far more vulnerable than me... Crazy - But dems da breaks... *shrugs...
That was a waffle of some magnitude, and if you've managed to stay awake to the end, may I wish you a happy day and


Monday 9th July 2012 at 9.01am.