Sunday, July 15, 2012

Fanning the flames..
(begun Sunday 15th July at 7am.)

When I'd reached the terrace in LOS to the overheads, on my way up to fetch the Sunday Times, Millie had insisted that the brief gale-force wind had done little to clear the air of the BackFire frequency... *gags..
Whether it was as I'd crossed the path of the invisible booster device/application hidden in the rockery, or whether I was lined up to my Good Neighbour's wall light, I took a single nasty jab to the right of my chest as I passed by...*yawns...

Last night I'd moved the oval mirror from it's place on the wall next to my bed and had hung it instead, facing out of the window at the foot of the bed.. The results of the pictures I took are odd to say the least, and had me at first thinking there might be a permanent twisted light wave in that one spot, simply due to it's easy accessibility from the mini base station... Or not..
I'm quite a way off being convinced, and will clean that shiny oval thoroughly before trying again tomorrow night..  I'm already trying to figure out how to move those wall mirrors to all the so-called hotspots in our home, in an effort to catch what's causing me such pain..

Are you chortling at my stumbling attempts to figure it out?  Have I got it totally wong, and mirrors won't help me at all?  You'll pardon me if I'm forced to find out the hard way, by plodding trial and error..
The skies above are clear, and there's no sign of rain in the offing after all, though the wind has turned sharply cold...
Several Knives to the Back announce my Controller's increased attentions, and I must go and attend to a few domestic chores before I can return to batter your ears further.. *waves...

Monday 16th July at 4.25am

Rocks sounds angry.. She'd said he seldom barks unless there's good reason, and he clearly thinks there is one.. A cat, or an upright, passing by?
The Sadist had been particularly vicious at some point after 2am this morning, and had switched from frequency to frequency like the pro that he is, as I'd tossed and turned under his ministrations, muttering aloud..
Back in the early days, when the pain would overwhelm me, I would egg him on to throw the switch and finish me off, and I feel he's been tempted to do just that on more than one occasion since then.  It's probably the reason why I seldom if ever bathe without him present, as he can see for himself the reminder that my end will be unpleasant, with or without his interference...

I see the cruel drubbing he hands out to his victims in the early hours as some sort of rage release, without which he'd probably spontaneously combust.. Make any sense to you?  *studies the armchair shrinks nearby...
Admit it - Balliram's psychological make-up is what keeps you coming back for more, and not my gibbering pontifications at all... *grins...

I'd not bothered to click on the Shameel Joosub, New Vodacom CEO thread at mybroadband until yesterday evening.. Mr. Muller uses the little time he has very effectively, and if you've not yet visited that thread you should do so...
From my point of view it's great to have more confirmation that the Telecoms Industry is so clearly in bed with Organised Crime on a grand scale, and I'm beginning to think that the Rocket Scientist sees the bigger picture after all... *relief..
Is the Telecoms Strategist hoping that once Muller grasps his dead-end situation fully, he'll go away and concentrate on his book?  Judging by the smug post that Jannie van Zyl made, that's exactly what he thinks will happen, though I'm betting he's underestimated the Educator badly...

Is it just me, or was there an air of almost incoherent babbling to our Janneman's words?  Is the Omnipotence Disease beginning to cloud his judgement, as it inevitably does in the end?  All those who are heavily involved in this technological slaughter of innocents have come to see themselves as gods, have they not, and van Zyl is certainly no exception..  From the lowest of the low, living next door at No. 6, right up to the powerful telecoms Agent, they are now literally bringers of life or death, and that knowledge alone, will ultimately cook their heads...
Those shadowy manipulators at the top of the heap care less who goes down, as long as the job gets done along the way... *shrugs...

My fumbling experiments have so far been a dismal failure..  I'd scrubbed down the bigger of the two wall mirrors, and with it in it's new position at the foot of my bed, I'd tried again... The results still show that odd formation of light, no matter which side of the bedroom I stand to take the photo.. It's always in the same place, hanging against the curtain.. No more than a reflection of something?  I found a length of darker fabric and pegged it to the curtain rail before taking more shots, thinking to block out that strange shape.  It may be that it's the mirror itself causing that peculiar effect, so I'll swop it later on for the one at the end of the passage, and see whether that produces any change at all... Does my overwhelming ignorance continue to convulse you?

I confess that without my burning interest in these scientific matters so far beyond my abilities to understand, I would probably curl up and allow despair to drown me once and for all...  I tend to torture myself (move over Chop), with the thought that those three pictures I have, of what I like to think are the twisted light waves, are merely the result of a cigarette left burning in the ashtray on the arm of my chair.. A cigarette that I somehow wiped from my memory banks in all my excitement...
As a result, I've taken to shooting endless pictures of the smoke patterns formed by my fags, with some pretty amazing results...
Though nowhere near the combination of coils and swooping shapes I caught that Saturday, it has unsettled me to the point where I now doubt myself... I'll carry on trying to debunk my own theory, and if indeed I can recreate those shapes, you'll be the first to know...

It certainly wasn't cigarette smoke that caused THIS most recent and startling result, taken down the passage after dark.  That fat squashed up coil of white light sort of resembles a piece of concertina'd pasta, does it not?  Since the Sadist (*a message has just bobbed up to the effect that an error has occurred, and I should begin typing again.  Tsk tsk...*) has chosen to viciously upgrade the BackFire levels for hours at a stretch, I've been able to put another of my theories to the test repeatedly, and yes, in nearly all instances when the pain levels are running at their top end, you will find a hologram or two in the pictures I've taken... I figure my Handler can't have it both ways, as the holograms have a mind of their own, and his savage jab and retreat modus have the little buggers refusing to leave after an attack, however quick he thinks he is...

I also re-tried my experiment out of the bedroom window last night, and once again, the first shot only gave me a couple of spheres far off in the murky darkness, while moving the camera a few inches lower, netted me THIS pleasing result, and has them swarming outside the window... I must go..

LATER at 7.05am

Is Martin Welz aware that Roseanne is claiming much of the credit for the T-shirts supporting the Cato Manor Unit that's in the dwang?  Hopefully Mr. Welz' contacts here in Durban will fill him in as to why this seemingly innocuous side bar could affect his credibility even further..
Though I'm willing to concede that there will be excellent cops in that Unit, who are being cleverly tarred with the same brush as their guilty colleagues, those T-shirts now carry more than a whiff of the Curry Mafia about them, and the introduction of this new Player is set to muddy the waters even further..

If neither Hartley nor Welz can see how elaborately they've been set up to divide their followers, they each need a brick shoved up their noses.  Is one of them big enough to set aside the differences and call the other?  Can these two Editors find a stretch of green to discuss the problem?  A stretch that doesn't have a wirelessed ornamental light within 100 yards, and without their precious cellphones?
If they seriously wish to deliver a slap to the face of the Corrupt, nothing would achieve this more spectacularly than mending the fences between them...

LATER at 7.30am

Happiness?  It never took much effort for me to be happy.. After a long break, I'd fetched out the Kindle a couple of days ago, and had discovered a set of Stephen King short stories I'd previously missed... You've read The Death Room? Each story is exceptional, and as always, it's as if he's sitting right next to me, telling me the tale..  A skill that so many authors lack... Stay safe julle, and


Monday 16th July 2012 at 8.43am.