Friday, July 13, 2012

Full of it...
(begun Friday 13th July at 7.05am.)

Was the stunt pulled on the Polo's remote up in Hillcrest yesterday, the result of my Handler's irritation? An irritation brought about by the possible degradation of the audio monitoring that's operated inside the vehicle?  I've long claimed that cellphones may now be kick-started remotely, to enhance your spoken conversations and relay them back to the Eavesdroppers, even when they're safely tucked in your pants pockets, or sitting on the dash in your car, unused.

Was it the fact that the GameWrecker had put all three phones in the boot at my request, that had led to that spiteful bit of payback in the parking lot?  Wouldn't it be absolutely spiffing if this were so?  Proof that I was right, and that if you wish to hold a genuinely private discussion, it has to be done face to face, sans ANY cellphones within 50 meters, or jotted down on a pad in your own fair hand.. (No, not a bloody iPad FFS, keep UP! *chokes)
It was simply the unnecessarily painful levels of monitoring being flooded into the Polo on our Thursday outings that led to my request to move the phones in the first place...

If our banal onboard chit-chat and bickering is worthy of the Intelligence (!) Department's interest, who am I to demur?  Keep the monitoring at respectable levels, and the phones can stay in our pockets.. Whack them up till Millie shrieks, and they're relegated to the trunk, it's as simple as that...*shrugs... We'll give it a shot, shall we?  Next Thursday I'll see to it our phones stay on us, and the minute those pain levels increase, I'll ask him to stop the car and put them in the boot...

I've an idea that Balliram is still swanning about wearing his Tutor's hat, and that no amount of petitions to have him removed before he contaminates your young adult children forever, will change that modus operandi... In fact, were you to dare to speak out, chances are you'd acquire your own agonising joint pains overnight, so mum's the word.. *winks...
Is that what he's been feeding you in response to my outraged protests at the increased levels of shyte in our home?  That it's his students efforts that are leading to these 'errors' being incurred, and that it's unavoidable? Bullshit, and you know it.

LATER at 7.45am

I'd been dealing with a couple of whiskers that had sprouted on my chin, causing a veritable flurry of excited 'woops!' to come from der Bunker... *falls over.. Yeah, I'm aware that that remote enhances his enjoyment of whatever is on offer at ours, but I confess I find the woops! now inject some much needed levity into an otherwise intolerable situation.. A single woop! in fact, has the ability to have me seeing Balliram as no more than a self-gratifying and seriously disturbed clown, whatever the results of that noise produce... *grins...
And ja, even as I scribble here now at the desk, Millie is being rudely woken to begin her painful protests.. Cest la vie....

LATER at 10.15am

I'm taking a break out on the verandah, as the clouds begin to roll in from the South... I've just replanted the big bird's nest fern that lives in the flower bed outside the lounge windows.. The poor thing must have toppled over due to too much mole activity under it's roots, and it's leaves had begun to curl over towards the path.. I've given it a good stomping in, and a load of water, and it looks good to go.. *fingers crossed..
Before that, I'd gone up and swept out the garage and washed down my little Nissan, and discovered that the ubiquitous blue compound has been applied to my back bumper... Not exactly something that could get there by accident...
What's with the farking overkill FFS?   I mean, just check out the results of V's endeavours when he'd created the dents in my car's roof and bonnet HERE.. Have some garage rafters with your white laser attracting substance, why don't you? *snarls...

Basically another demonstration of how easily your Puppets are manipulated?  In this case, my own trusted gardener, in his role as Landscape Artist for the Louts who hang out on the Barns Road Field and worship the Druglord... While I'd been watering in the fern, I'd noticed that the laser-friendly green moss had been applied to the foot of the stone seat by the braai, and it almost covered the whole area, hidden as it was under the ferns growing there... I'm delighted to say we had a bit of pressure in the hose for a change, and that the moss fell off those stones with relative ease, revealing all the little lumps of white laser-attracting substance hidden in the earth beneath..
I'll wait for a sunny day before I wire brush the rest of it off easily...

If I were to invite myself up to say, No. 14, would I find their outdoor socialising area groaning under the equivalent weight of so many substances?  If not, why not?  I was of the opinion that their son had been introduced to the delights of the laser shows held regularly in the nearby homes?  If this were so, would they be excluded from having all these 'extras' daubed about their property, or not?
At this point, I hear van Zyl unctuously claiming that without sufficient cellmasts they're forced to increase the signal strength, and if you're too blind to hear the threat hidden in there, I'm not.
If every property in this street had the same amount of laser enhancers applied to their homes and about their yards, I wouldn't have a leg to stand on, but I suspect that isn't the case at all...  So when that arch-prevaricator Balliram says he's forced to up the emissions/levels due to the fact that the target has scrubbed off one or two of the attractors, I'd be obliged if you'd tell him to pull the other one...
Add to that the possiblity that this Sadist is quite capable of blaming my agonies on the attempts of his students at mastering the program, and you may get an idea of how low this scum will sink....

It's now 11.15am, and as I sit here my pain levels have just rocketed.. Mr. Spence?  Not an area you're involved in, or would concern yourself over?  This crap is taking place all across the country, thanks to you and your colleague's willingness to relinquish control of the powerlines into the hands of criminals...  Just when did YOUR values fly out of the window?  When you began hyperventilating with excitement at the thought of being a part of this (what's by now probably redundant) technology?  *eyeroll...
Too good an opportunity to pass up, and to hell with sparing a thought for the consequences?  Bummer for us, right?   *mutters and froths...

Saturday 14th July at 4.15am

It sounds sort of like a muffled ceiling fan, only the fans aren't on and there's a lot of pressure in my ears, along with the regular tinnitis... Something's altered, and though I can't put my finger on it, you know it won't be to our benefit in any way...
Anyone care to mention to Allen Spence that our lights have been dipping for at least three or four days?  The smallest of flashes I grant you, but visible several times during the evenings, and I get the impression that Balliram thinks/hopes I don't notice them.

I'd watched the Polo roll onto the driveway at dusk yesterday, and that tiny bright light in the front headlamp winked and went out, before coming back on to stay.. Looking up at the car from the kitchen windows now, it's astonishingly bright, and you can see the grille beyond it, glowing that lumo green...  Does our Controller flaunt it's inclusion in his operations?  I don't think so, and I've watched him try and dim that brilliant pinpoint of light down, even as I'm trying to get the GW interested, but for some reason once it's on, Balliram can't simply switch it off... I took a couple more pics last night, with that slow exposure thingie, and no flash, and ja, though it's a long way off, up the top of the stairs, I'd bet you can't explain the results HERE... If you were to head up top for a closer look, you'd see nada, no lights, no glow, no nothing.. Magic...

How do the lasers get inside my home?  Do they piggyback in on some of the fiercer frequencies and simply sail straight through the bricks and mortar, or do they flood in over our power supply?  Let's say they originate from the mini base station/Convent orphanage across the valley, and from the towering overheads down by No. 2, but when they get here, what happens?  Ahmet?  You want to draw me some pictures?
If I were to plaster my inside walls with mirrors, would I be even more successful with my photo taking?
Can we talk about THIS one, taken yesterday after 5pm, before I'd put the indoor lights on?  I've just been and tried to recreate the shot down the passage, and come up with nothing... *blinks...

Will you check out that fat pasta-shaped coil of light on the left?  Awfully similar to the spiral created by those spooky vapour trails in the lounge HERE, only this one is solid light, and there's even a white hologram on the wall beside it...
Is there a private gallery on where members may post their shots of the twisted light waves and holograms?  Is that the reason my membership request was denied? *mutters....
Would your site implode if I were allowed to join, FFS?  Oh hang on, ja, it probably would, if it went against my Controller's wishes.. You do get that you're being manipulated right?  That your decision has been taken away from you, and that's just for starters?  No worries young man, and I only hope the plugs I give you, lead to a huge increase in both visitors and membership... *waves..
With this latest mention, Balliram will no doubt amuse himself by regurgitating your Auto-Response requesting my details before registration can be confirmed.. Round and round and going nowhere, so I just delete them. *sighs...

I'd looked down at my Controller's front deck from our garage window, and found that an attempt has been made to diminish that dry-brushed rectangle of laser-attracting white substance... It's still there, and maybe it was the rain that's washed it out to a paler hue, though I guess it still serves it's purpose admirably...
I'd hung out of my bedroom window after dark, a few nights back, and pointed the Panasonic in the direction of that rectangle, and will you look at the results HERE...
It's almost as if I could reach out and touch those pretty orbs as they hang just a few feet from me... *delighted...
What I'd most like to do however, is to use the winning shots that I've taken indoors, to prove beyond reasonable doubt that we're being subjected to an ongoing barrage of technological GBH, with intent to murder...
That those stunning twisted light waves and holograms don't really have any business in our home at all, and that ultimately they could do us a serious mischief...  Fat chance?
See, I'll not argue that Millie is a stomach-churning abomination, but I'd lay you odds she's even more reliable than Balliram's noisy chirping wirelessed alarm system, and those pictures were all taken while my cancer screamed with outrage at the increased intrusions to ours...

Can we stand him in some International dock, sweaty and pale, and have him try to whine his way out of several attempted murder charges, while he blusters to lay the blame for his actions on his Handler's in turn? Dream on....


Saturday 14th July 2012 at 9.03am.