Dream on...
(begun Monday 2nd July at 4.20pm)
*I've had to hastily drop the caps on my blog titles due to the fact that I'm now on Twitter, and the Aviator was right, it does make me look like an over-loud prat...*
It has to be one of god's miracles that you were chosen, along with so many of your blessed fellow community members here in the Zone, to trial this marvel of modern science?
2.5 terabits of wirelessed twisted light waves that create a speed that will have stolen images and audio of your private moments relayed instantaneously back to your Area Controller, via satellite. No ping, no lag, and as good as if he were sitting right next to you, filming you on wide-screen, surround-sound. *applauds wildly..
What's in it for you? Apart from diabetes, damaged joints and tissue, or some form of cancer? The thrill of watching the greedy FatCat city officials being taken down? That's it?
Did it not occur to you that once removed, they'd simply be replaced by a fresh set of Trough-Gobblers, ad infinitum? You can wait? I dunno about that, as your eyesight and hearing are deteriorating rapidly under the blanket of technological crud now covering Sydenham and Sherwood.
Did you manage to track down that recent piece on Cornelis Groesbeek proudly boasting of the plans he has for i3 Africa and H2O? Fibre optic cabling through the sewer and water lines? How marvellously innovative! This entire fantabulous Project appears to be peopled by a bunch of prevaricators as cunning as you'd find anywhere in the world...
How many years back was it that Corne fluffed the job and ended up poisoning Durban Harbour? What year was it that his team's efforts caused so much raw sewage to flood into the sea off the beachfront that we lost the Blue Flag status, and will never be in a position to reclaim it?
And now here he is, earnestly telling you of his wondrous NEW plans? Did any of these three champions of the Surveillance technology ever volunteer themselves as Labrats at any point?
Did Francesco have the balls to sit in his Howard College Lab daily, for a couple of months, while he was battered by the delightful bouquet of wireless frequencies that Balliram employs so freely on us here? Did Stef Roux ever say to his assistant, right, I'll just sit here while you hit me repeatedly in the eyes with the lasers? Were there printouts of the human form handed to many of the Controllers, so they could identify specific areas, such as the kidneys and the pancreas, which were to be targeted?
Was Cornelis Groesbeek daring enough to quaff a cup of tea made from sewage waste converted to potable water? My guess would be a resounding NO to all those questions, as those cowardly science wallahs have an entire country filled with guinea-pigs at their disposal, and would be unlikely to consider tainting their own sacred temples with so much as a touch of their own medicine... *vomits copiously...
Tuesday 3rd July at 5am..
Old money or new? Good guy or bad? From my vantage point it's the latter, more so as it appears he prefers not to be recognised.. My mistake? There's a clear shot of him where? *makes note to check...
Is Craig Carthy aware of the 'trials' that were set up here in Sherwood in 2004/5? The Zone Community's health problems have nothing whatsoever to do with Cornelis Groesbeek and his fibre optic cable laying? I suppose taken on it's own, Corne could get away with it, but combined with Roux and Petruccione's contributions, it's certainly doing it's share in the culling that's going on here.. In fact, put them all together and they spell Murder, IMO..
Here I sit at the desk at 5am of a winters morning, while my image and heavy breathing is transmitted wirelessly at 2.5 terabits via satellite back to der Bunker, without so much as a nano-second of lag.. Whoohoo!
In order to get a really sharp picture and to pick up even the smallest of sounds, I suspect that Balliram has to crank the system up to the max, thereby literally flooding this room with wireless, and Millie has already begun protesting irritably as a result...
A similar scenario is taking place right now at Sue the Book's, and at B.Snr's homes, and those battered guinea-pigs will be suffering different levels of pain as well...
Most of the males that are targeted like this, are totally oblivious until it's too late, unless they're diabetic like B.Jnr, and go through all manner of hell...
Wonderful, hey Craig? A really brilliant investment, never mind the corpses it's leaving strewn in it's wake?
I sent him a terse message last night, which will no doubt be directed straight to his spam box..
If the Roadrunner's thread on the Broadband Discussion forum was designed as bait, I took it, and posted a comment querying whether the almost unbelievable 2.5 terabits of data transmitted wirelessly could involve lasers, holograms, and twisted waves of light... A badly worded and stumbling question that will no doubt elicit a great deal of mirth among the Bright Sparks in the know... *sighs...
SmartXchange, Doktor Sutcliffe? Isn't that the system you used so effectively to thieve private information on your co-workers, and create your own set of Leverage Files? A euphamism for the stunning and invasive Surveillance technology, designed by Roux and Petruccione?
How cleverly the waters were muddied to throw any suddenly interested parties off the trail, by creating dozens and dozens of small contractors. Contractors who, if approached by a curious resident, would each cite a different employer... *winks...
If my sister over in Lichfield in the UK were blessed with total recall, would she recollect seeing a bunch of i3 Network contractors beavering away nearby to the Paddock area nearly a decade ago? You can bet on it.. I'll lay odds that their home back then and now, is flooded with wireless frequencies, though I've no idea whether Stef Roux's contribution is included in the Surveillance operation running in the UK, or whether it's unique to South Africa...
A Class Action? Hell, I don't even have a clue what that means, other than it sounds right.. A class action on behalf of the Zone Community against ... what, or whom? At that point you'd be totally spoiled for choice.. Telkom? Sutcliffe? Mo Shaik? Or the real biggie, lurking forever in the background - Vodafone? The mere idea that justice will ever be served has me rolling my bloodshot eyes in disbelief at my own wild imagination.. *snorts.. I've done the metaphorical dance of the 7 veils for more than a few of the perverted Watchers out there, only in my case no-one has stepped out and asked me what I wanted in return for the ongoing entertainment I've provided, and it's unlikely this bunch of cowardly voyeurs ever will... *gags..
Like that's gonna stop me from asking..
He must go.. I don't give a flying f**k how useful he is, he has to go.. There's no cure for the Omnipotence Disease that now pervades his entire being, and it doesn't matter what orders he's given, he's going to carry on doing his own thing after hours, until he's relocated.. How about a cosy set of rooms next door to Mo Shaik's over at Harvard, and a fake degree at the end of it?
Man, you can relocate our Area Controller to the outer wastes of Siberia, and I know for a fact he'd still be hopping into our PC to continue his brand of mischief.. That's not the point..
My point is that the guinea-pigs here in the Zone have earned themselves a break.. A break in the form of a new Area Controller, who as yet lacks the sadistic character that is part and parcel of Collin P. Balliram's make-up.
Whether it's too late to hope that such a person exists any more, I wouldn't know.. The feeling of power that comes with control of this technology is very evident, and I've no idea whether it can be prevented...
Is Craig Carthy on first name terms with Jannie van Zyl? Sutcliffe? Spence? The Druglord Barnabas, perhaps? Or does he carefully keep his distance, while tossing money at the Project where it's most needed? Will he himself escape being bitten by the very Monster he supports so avidly, and would he regard acquiring a terminal illness as some sort of badge of honour? *curious...
We're ordinary people down here.. People who were thrown unwittingly into an untenable situation that's lasted going on 8 years... It's time to consider that we deserve a change for the better. A change that can only be achieved by removing our seriously dysfunctional Area Controller once and for all...
Don't fat chance me...
Such a move would have little impact on the Project at this stage, and you know it... *whines on and on...
Would it shut me up, were Balliram to be relocated to the outer Hebrides tomorrow? Not bloody likely, though what a bonus it would be to be able to tell you here that my friend's health had suddenly and miraculously improved for the better... Dream on, toad?
Tuesday 3rd July 2012 at 9.26am.