Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Cards to my Chest...
(begun Tuesday 3rd July at 7.45am..)

I'd headed up the stairs after 7am, and as always had leaned over the low wall and tossed a couple of biscuits to Nobby.. As I did so, the Show-Off chose that precise moment to send me a neat Knife to the Back.. The second time in three days that he couldn't resist exploiting his skills, and it's becoming clearer by the day that he subscribes to the 'any publicity is good publicity' school of thought... *gags...
As I'm more than aware of the precision that Stef Roux's system grants my Controller, why should he feel the need to constantly demonstrate it's properties?  Does he indeed harbour a malicious spite on a scale more usually associated with the female of the species?  Hell, yes... *nods..

Wednesday 4th July at 3.15am.

I woke at 2.45am and lay there, enjoying my cozy warm nest.. I took myself for a pee, and then climbed right back on board Cloud 9 without much thought at all... Luckily my alter-ego next door had other ideas, and 'blam!' the BackFire rocketed from zero to a hundred, instantaneously, and I was sitting on the edge of the bed pulling my clothes on, quicker than you could mutter Area Controller... *wipes eyes...
I'd briefly forgotten that it was the Wednesday ritual, and that I cook for B.Snr's dogs and then go on to wash my increasingly unmanageable thatch of hair, but Balliram hadn't..
A kinder reminder would've been great, but it's not in his nature, and besides, half an hour later, and he's dropped the levels of pain to bearable... *shrugs...

There'd been a mail from the Educator last night, asking me what I meant by the term Area Controller, and I confess my heart sank..
To have to admit to a pukka scientist that all I have is seven plus years of guesswork and speculation to back my claims is, as you may imagine, pretty depressing...
Were he to call Stef Roux personally, how far would he get?  Jannie?  Any ideas?  Was Roux persuaded to sign some sort of classified information act to ensure his silence on the finer details of the communications system he helped set up here in eThekwini?
Would he admit to working alongside Francesco Petruccione, who'd created the biggest wireless base station in the country, over at Howard College?  Would he concede that Cornelis Groesbeek of i3 Africa sat in on their Meetings?

When I'd squealed like a stuck pig at the white plastic boxes strapped to our streetlights, and the little red pilot light that was facing ours, it had been the Muni's own Allen Spence (long before he'd graduated to his Superintendent of Electricity for Durban title), who'd rushed to reassure me that the technology on the poles was simply a trial for a highly technical computerised anti-cable theft system.. Liar.
Only years later did I come to discover that those devices belonged to Telkom, and were wireless boxes.
For the purposes of the REAL trials however, my immediate neighbour and Area Controller-to-be, had been given just the one power circuit to begin with, AFAIK, and his attempts to coordinate between the Barnard Rd. cellmast with it's newly acquired satellite dish, and the massive overheads on Jan Smuts, and our circuit, had resulted in a near tragedy... My friend and neighbour down at No. 4 had apparently walked into a rogue beam on 15th November 2005, and had been felled like an ox..  They'd drained the fluid from his brain, only to have him down again, one month later, while working in his garden in the exact same spot...Once again, guesswork on my part and nothing provable..

Needless to say, he'd survived, no thanks to Allen Spence and his pupil, Collin P. Balliram.. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to me at the time, Missus B.Snr and her equally diabetic adult son, and Sue the Book over at No. 5, had begun to take massive strain as well... Turns out we were all suffering inexplicable bouts of nausea, and pins and needles and burning hands.  Little did we know that that was just for starters, hey Rezah?
How we survived those years is a mystery to me, though several didn't.. Young Gary, up at No. 17, with his advanced diabetes, and his tendency to sit out on their verandah in the early hours, facing onto the mast, the overheads, the mini-base station at the Convent, the microwave tower beyond that, and even the wireless base station at Howard College, had him paying for that stupendous view with his life...

I'm told that fair Carol has acquired the cancer, though I've not confirmed it, and of course we lost kind Mr. Essay to lung cancer, though it's said he never smoked... If other tragedies occurred to the residents on our circuit I wouldn't necessarily have known about it, but you can guarantee the technology was affecting everyone to some degree...
The maid at No. 10, whose quarters faced on to the main sources of the emissions, also suffered mightily with the burning hands and aching jaw, and my 'tinnitis' had arrived to stay, as had Sue the Book's, and the eldest boy At No. 11...
The powerful signal-enhancing lights were already being employed from out of the toddler's upstairs dorm windows over at the Convent orphanage, and from the windows at the Senior Boys Hostel facing the cellmast just the other side of the Freeway.  They'd been recruited early on, as an ideal site for a mini base station for Stef Roux's quantum laser communications system, though I had no idea in those days of the exact technology that was being used...

It's now 4.20am, and I find my spirit flagging.. HowTF do I condense going on eight years of fascination for this murderous technology, into a plausible enough tale to have the Rocket Scientist figure out how it works?
Would it help if I were to tell him of how the bigger dogs in the area would howl desperately as Balliram unleashed the wireless frequencies up towards Michan and Grindrod in the early hours of the morning, or at dusk?
Would it make any difference if I told him that once the ex-Sentech Wireless Specialist had arrived from Joburg in 2010, with his laser-operating expertise and his Pandora's box of tried and tested frequencies, that the physical assaults via the powerlines began to increase, only now with a frightening precision?
Our Controller had taken to his lessons like a duck to water, and the agonies we endured as a result were indescribable...

He learned how to pinpoint a specific area and hammer it until we were all beating regular paths to our doctors, with remarkably similar symptoms... The diabetics among us were of course the hardest hit, although both my elbows had swollen up enormously at some stage, and the concentrated attack on my left wrist in March 2011 had a scan showing that I'd lost all the cartilage surrounding my thumb joint.. The next bit of brutality engineered by our Area Controller had been the attack on the soft tissue at the top of my leg in December 2011, which had crippled me for nearly three months.. All this, while my friends and neighbours were experiencing their own forms of hell...

The telecoms giants remain supremely confident that no-one in their right mind would take my story seriously, least of all a physicist... There's only one catch here, Mistuh van Zyl...
I'm betting you never counted on crossing the path of a Rocket Scientist who genuinely appears to care nothing for his reputation, when it comes to exposing the truth.. A fact that has already caused no little damage to your own carefully created image, not so?
Up until Karl Muller's arrival, all the Boffins involved in this horrendous experiment have been easily manipulated by their own enormous egos...
A bit of shock then, to come across one that doesn't fit the mold?  Alas, your dedicated attempts on the mybroadband.co.za site to discredit him, were an astonishing failure, and though the majority remain judiciously silent, you know that when he speaks, they listen...

It's not within my power to suggest what route Muller takes to confirm my claims.. You and I both know that I've got it nailed, but that there's simply no way of proving it... That it's this laser-related technology that has the CIA trumpeting that they can control the population via their appliances, and that showing Mr. Muller the substances daubed onto my electric mower and weed whacker wouldn't prove anything...
Were he to take some of the samples I've gathered, who could he trust to test them, and to give him an honest answer as to which chemical compounds and emulsions have been used to attract the laser beams?
Were he to take the memory cards from both the Panasonic and the Olympus, and attempt to install the pictures on his own computer, would they begin to suddenly degrade and disappear, as so many have done in the past?

A more than good enough reason for me to insist that he view them on my Panasonic, before he takes the cards, and due to the great distance between us, I'd hazard that Jannie and his Superiors are confident such a meeting will never take place..
Has Balliram assured Mr. van Zyl that the bug he managed to place in the core of my Panasonic at Budget Photo will ensure that each and every card I use, will self-destruct when placed in a computer?  Farked if I know, but it's certainly made me cautious enough to keep my cards close to my withered chest, has it not?


Wednesday 4th July 2012 at 9.39am..