Sunday, July 01, 2012

(begun Sunday 1st July6 at 7.30am.)

I'm no pre-cog, but just sometimes I seem to hit some sort of time warp that produces fairly remarkable coincidences..  A few nights ago, in my ongoing struggles to communicate with google search, I'd typed in Who owns Telkom?  All this time I'd been under the misguided impression that it belonged 100% to the Government, and the GW had tried to put me straight on the matter and failed..
Those search results have to be where I first stumbled across his name..  A name that had me studying his portrait with no little surprise, as there's no way he could be a part of the Brotherhood that riddles the Telkom ranks..

When I'd opened the newspaper over half an hour ago, to find the same fellow had made the front page of the Sunday Times, you'll maybe understand why I got that eerie deja-vu feeling...
It's a given that Jannie van Zyl would've encouraged and promoted the derision expressed at my wild claims.. Claims that he's known all along to be the truth...
Was he aware that Gianfranco was to be eliminated, and of the reasons why?  If the Telecom's Agent wasn't directly involved himself, you can guarantee that by now he has the details...

A more murderous lot than the telecom's giant's employees would be hard to imagine, and with their carefully nurtured relationships with the likes of Druglords and Crime Bosses, how hard would it have been to have Cicogna's plane tampered with, shortly before take-off?  With the wonders of wireless, it's also possible the deed could've been achieved remotely, as was the case in Glen Nayager's termination..  Some sort of DOS attack on the jet's computerised control system and *boom!* whatever threat Gianfranco had posed, was gone forever...
Did he know too much about the Project and didn't like what he'd heard, or was it something as trifling as a personal altercation that led to his demise at such a relatively young age?
As arrogant as it may sound, you have to know there was a reason I saw his picture on the Telkom website last week, only to find it again in the Press this morning, and to actually connect the dots...*shudders...
Does it amuse you Mistuh van Zyl, or are you yourself beginning to find me creepier than most?

Monday 2nd July at 3.25am

I'd blogged about that piece in the Tribune on June 24th by Martin Welz, on Mdluli, and the games being played with the Cato Manor Unit, it was that odd... Remember how confused I was, and that I'd said I could smell the whiff of greasepaint?   There'd been a rebuttal published yesterday by the Editor of the Sunday Times, and for once I'd read the whole thing carefully, and almost wished I hadn't...
Will it spell out the end for Noseweek?  Was Welz set up in an elaborate sting operation designed to discredit both him and his publication?
Do both Editors unknowingly share the same sources of stolen information?  An Operator ordered step by step to lead Welz down the garden path, and to persuade him against his better judgement to speak out in the local press, thereby neatly setting himself up for a fall?

You all know I regard Martin Welz as a hero for daring to speak the truth, though I've speculated for ages on whether he's aware of the Surveillance technology or not...
The events over the last week would have me believe that's a not, and that the Project Authors wish to pull his teeth before he gets wind of the devastation caused by the Project's technology, both in your Right to Privacy and your Right to Good Health....
Am I reading too much into the situation, or am I correct in thinking that Welz and Noseweek have been dealt a death-blow from which he's going to battle to recover?

How are my fellow fag-puffers feeling, as the net closes tighter around them each day?  You don't think it's kind of weird that the authorities are going after us with such determined dedication, while the liquor laws remain untouched?  While I fully accept that it's a disgusting habit, that can kill you in the long term, along with anyone forced to inhale your smoke for hours on end, do the PTB intend to apply the same Draconian laws to alcohol imbibers, once they've dealt with the smokers?
I've an odd feeling that's a yes, as more and more control is gradually exerted over the population, one way or another, until we're just a heaving flock of sheep, with no will of our own at all...
The Aviator insists they're going after smokers, not through concern for their health or well-being, but simply due to the damage caused by the nicotine fall-out, to computers and laptops... A crazy assertion, or the truth?

I'd gone up to the first terrace with my kid yesterday morning, to fix an extra piece of chicken wire to the gap between our garage and Balliram's.. I initially closed that space, as Nobby could easily jump down into ours, and I wanted to avoid my two ageing cats having a heart-attack... One section of wire had been enough to keep the dog out, but wouldn't have deterred a Wall-Jumper, hence our mission to raise the flimsy blockage..
It's right there at the wall where for years, I've tossed treats over to my Controller's animals, and even now I lean over once a day with a couple of biscuits and a word for the Nobster...
When was that blob of the magical blue emulsion/compound applied to the wall in the exact spot where I lean over?  Three weeks ago, on V's last visit, and I simply hadn't seen it, or by one of Balliram's nocturnal Wall-Jumpers, who access our property on a regular basis?  I saw it and fogot about it briefly as I handed the staple gun up to my kid, along with the wire..  *Wham!* and I took a nasty hit to the kidney area and cursed aloud, immediately realising the purpose of that fairly recent application... In my total ignorance, I'm still inclined to believe that of all the many compounds/emulsions daubed about our property both inside and out, that the pretty blue application holds the most magical properties..

Would the Goblins at Cobalt AG whisper it's name to me, and is it something the man in the street has easy access to?
Sure, I'll sand it off as soon as I get the opportunity, but I've little doubt it'll be reapplied before long, only next time it will be somewhere that I won't notice it..*shrugs..  I've made no effort to remove that particular substance from where it's been applied to the courtyard walls and door handle, but the one placed just where I speak to Nobby, was put there with more than a touch of malice, and the smack I took yesterday confirmed it...

Last night as I'd sat in front of the telly, my hand had alternated between burning and pins and needles.. A treat usually reserved for the many and varied tortures that Balliram employs in the wee hours of darkness.. WTF was that about?  Something to add to the BackFire frequency he insists he can't do without?
Despite the overwhelming evidence I give you, to prove that our Area Controller is a pathological Liar, you continue to look the other way and allow him to carry on with these sadistic practises....
You have bigger fish to fry, and our plight is of only fleeting interest to you?  Our 7+ years of enduring these concentrated assaults is still not sufficient to warrant your making changes?  Obviously not... *sighs...

LATER at 6am

I've been sitting in the lounge, catching up on the newspapers, while comfortably settled in Harry's old chair next to the computer.. My eyes were burning, so I turned off the table lamp and sat quite still, enjoying the near dark... Less than a minute passed before Curious George arrived noisily in the DSTV decoder, followed amost immediately by a series of slightly less careless creaks from the PC tower right next to me..*blinks..
You want to try that little exercise if you suspect you have a regular intruder visiting your home?  I've never been able to pinpoint the exact source of the sound that the unplugged-to-the-wall TV set makes as he enters, but I figure it's safe to say that it's coming from the DSTV decoder box sitting on top of the television, and that Nasper's relationship with the Project Authors is as close as ever I'd imagined it to be.. *beams..

Can I persuade the GW to unplug the decoder itself, along with the TV, when he heads off to bed each night?  I doubt it, as he's already convinced I'm deranged... Would it make a difference to Balliram's monitoring anyway, being as how he sits within a few hundred yards of ours? Probably not...
And while I'm at it, do any of you care to admit whether you've ever chirped that I'm getting my just desserts for poking my nose into business that doesn't concern me?  You bet you have, and I'd lay odds you're oblivious to your own hypocrisy...
No worries folks, the Killing (oops, I mean Playing) fields will soon be levelled, and you'll all be sharing your most intimate secrets with your nearest Area Controller soon enough... Have a good one, and
PS: I'd appreciate it if the huge gaps between my blog updates became a thing of the past.  It's nothing I can fix, but you know YOU can.... ta...


Monday 2nd July 2012 at 8.36am.