Saturday, June 30, 2012

(begun Saturday 30th June at 7am..)

*The levels of the BackFire frequency are already way up, in anticipation of my visit here, and my eyes are so shot this morning, that it's going to be a test of will to finish this up-date...*

The Principal's home is constructed from the same face-bricks as those used on the giant Madressa/Mosque up at the Hall... *blinks.. They're pretty unusual, but it's probably just a coincidence, and I've yet to study the roof tiles next time we're in the area..
Their road-facing boundary wall has some seriously Project-friendly lighting adorning it, as does his immediate neighbour's property, and one has to wonder whether there are already symptoms of the effects of the fallout being experienced in those homes...
Has Heslop up in Raftery escaped the side-effects so far?  Is there a Missus Heslop who suffers agonies with her hands or feet? *curious... If this were so, Mistuh Heslop should be aware that his system is taking a similar battering, but without the early-warning system built in to the female of the species, he will be as oblivious to his danger as Mr. Carey was..
Hey - I haven't got any magical quick-fix solution to the problem, and you'd better just hope the next roll of the chamber doesn't produce a live one with your name on it...

LATER at 7.50am

Okay.  Now that's worth a mention.. As I stepped onto the front lawn ten minutes ago, to feed the birds, a different alarm sounded.  Just one beep of a cellphone?  *nods.. As I tipped the apple and seed onto the tray he then gave a single 'woop!' with his remote, and I was once again reminded of Pavlov's dog.. Some sort of trigger to set off the subliminal messaging he'd been thumping into my head while I slept?
I'll admit I'm more interested than offended by this latest turn of events, whether real or imagined, though it's a crying shame I'm stuck with this Rubbish as my 'manager', and I can only suppose that he's the level reserved for complete idiots... *sighs...

Since cutting back so much of the shrubbery, I've once again got a fairly decent view of my Master's front deck and the trees that have so far been permitted to survive his culling efforts... Would you check out the mock Physcia Grisea coating THESE branches that face up the valley to the Convent and Grindrod?
After dark they actually appear to have literally been painted white, just as the towering support pole for the overheads was painted HERE, but of course in the case of the trees, it's the mock lichen that's been manually applied to start with, before it takes over and covers the entire limb..  Neato..
Whoever painted that rectangle of white onto his wooden decking sought to mimic the lichen as well, as it's been deliberately thinly applied, to almost show the brush strokes... I'd have to bet that it's a joint effort between der Bunker's signal enhancer, the painted rectangle, and the tree branches, that are the reason for THIS enormous flock of holograms hanging over the area...

All this at no risk to your own family, Your Shiftyness?  You're supremely confident you're all 100% safe from any fall-out?  The Used-Car Saleswoman chose to label me a Liar as part of their concentrated smear campaign, though to this day I've no clue on what she based her claims... By now, maybe she's worked out that I'm partial to the truth, and that I continue to bring it, warts and all, to the table... I'd be only too happy to sit down with Missus Courageous and show her the visible proof of just what surrounds their home, and she has only to call me.... *waves...

Sunday 1st July at 4.55am..

Will I have to purchase his memoirs to find out the little details that intrigue me so?  He's been in the Business long enough, surely?  The Importance of Monitoring a Target's Bowel Movements may have been added to the Spy Manual only once microwaves had begun to be used in surveillance technology.. After all, the PTB would've wanted to know in advance whether the radiation from the spying techniques was set to kill off the subversive/terrorist, before they were actually arrested and sent to chookie, and where better to monitor the target's health than in the toilet or bathroom?
Check the hologram hanging above the cistern HERE, to see that I'm not kidding...

If asked, would Mo Shaik concede that toilets and bathrooms play a vital role in the Information Theft Project, or would he grudgingly admit that those areas were included merely to tittilate the Operators in an otherwise often boring job?  *teeth...
Did Mo actually have a clue what he was doing when he arranged to have the country signed up for this culling experiment?  When he was first approached in the what, nineties? and given the Sales Pitch, did he canter off enthusiastically to his powerful Party friends, to spread the word?
Snug in his cozy rooms at Harvard, you can bet your bottom dollar the CIA have his res. wired to the max, and it's not like he can pick up a phone and have a Sweeper come round regularly to check...  Hell, the Big Boys will have promised him immunity as part of the reward for his role in initiating the Project's inception, and for hoodwinking his own Community into getting on board...
It's interesting to speculate whether the CIA will keep their word, or whether Mr. Shaik is now prone to headaches and all manner of aches and pains, as he reclines in his over-stuffed easy chair before the fire, due to the levels of monitoring running through his quarters...
I'm betting our Mo will be regarded as a loose-end for the rest of his days, and that would certainly include his siblings..

Schabir really got the thin end of the wedge, and I only hope that someone advised him of the risks he's exposed to down at the Papwa Sewgolum (sp) golf course.. Why?  Those greens are in the Zone, and as such you can rest assured the sky overhead is now filled by a blanket of fall-out from the Surveillance project technology, just as ours is....
I used to say the only place one could go to hold a private conversation was to one's nearest golf club and the greens, but that no longer includes the course in Reservoir Hills.. You could trot about those open spaces briskly, kidding yourself you're getting both exercise and fresh air, when in fact your immune system is taking a silent beating, and the air above is dense with the invisible holograms..*shrugs...

The youngsters arrived yesterday morning from Rosetta, and Balliram took it upon himself to increase the levels of monitoring to what, even for him, were exquisite levels of the BackFire frequency... To this day I know diddly squat about the details of the system he operates, but once I'd hauled the Olympus out in an attempt to catch evidence of his torture, I would guess he resorted to simply increasing the EMR levels into our home..
Several times during the day my internal body temperature had suddenly rocketed, to the point where I felt I might spontaneously combust, and the cherry on top of that horrific cake had come as I sat before the monitor here in the early evening, and I was treated to a wave of heat coming off the screen.. Dragging out old tricks, Master?
What could I have possibly said in yesterday's update, that could have warranted a backlash of those proportions?  *interested...

If you produce enough smoke you should be able to actually see the laser beams?  I don't think so... Maybe that was then, but this is now, and Stef Roux's version of the beams appear to create their own smoke or vapour, and are (I'm taking a wild stab here), ultra-violet, and totally invisible to both the naked eye and my cameras...
Balliram will have heard me ask the Aviator last night, whether there are special spectcles or a device that allows you to pick up ultra-violet objects.. He didn't know, and suggested I ask google, but typically, I forgot...

Way back in the late nineties, there'd been a heavyweight lurker who could often be found sitting silently on Mweb's Studio 54 #trivia channel.. His nick?  UltraViolet... It would be too much to assume the wearer was Collin P. Balliram, though not inconceivable... I prefer to think that it was Jannie van Zyl, starting out on his recruitment drive for the Project, by sitting in IRC and studying the Users characters, before approaching them as likely candidates...
Feeding them with tales of a technology so awesome they would have been overwhelmed into compliance, and fallen over their own feet to sign up...

Was it Mistuh van Zyl who arranged for Balliram's NIA clearance, or had the Druglord Michael Barnabas already been made a part of Mo. Shaik's inner circle, and claimed such clearance for his Protege?  The change-over had occurred with blistering speed, and Gary Alexander and the Gupta Boys had disappeared from our computer almost overnight, to be replaced by the Would-Be Agent Next door, and all the malice he could muster...
A spy who'd recruited his own Missus to head the dedicated smear campaign that ensued, and by golly, she knew her job...As an ingrained Idiot of the first order, they would hardly have had to break sweat in their efforts to nail me, and to this day my name is mud out there on the local interwebz... *grins...

My petrified grovelling pleas elicited no mercy, and my life-long affair with self-loathing and deprecation appeared to make matters worse.. Barnabas and Balliram had plans for me.. Plans that would begin to materialise in 2004/5 with the arrival of Allen Spence and Cornelis Groesbeek.   The rest you pretty much know...


Sunday 1st July 2012 at 9.07am.