Disappearing Trick..
(begun Friday 20th July at 7.35am)
My pain levels were suddenly increased a minute ago, here in the back room, so despite that the sun is peeking over the horizon, I hauled out the Panasonic and took some pictures, only to catch THIS telltale white sphere up on the wall.. *rictus grin...
Being as how it's the room closest to the author of my pain, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised at the results, and frankly I'm enchanted at further proof of his attentions...
We'd picked up a Card Reader yesterday, to send to the Rocket Scientist with the Panasonic memory card that I've chosen, should I stumble across someone going in that direction. On the off-chance he doesn't get it, or it won't read on his PC, (or it simply self-implodes on insertion), I'm backing up the shots on the Olympus and on my spare Panasonic card.. Just so as you know.. *winks... While there's no way my pictures are ever going to save our bacon so to speak, you've no idea of the comfort they bring to this embattled loon...
AFAIC, if Muller never gets to view the results of my endeavours, it makes little difference to me, for I have enough of a security blanket to keep me plodding on...
I've an idea THIS strange lichen-coloured disk that was strapped on near the bottom half of Balliram's streetlight pole, will also have done a vanishing trick without my noticing... I'll have to try and remember to check those two always-on green mercury vapour streetlights up by The Gatehouse, at the top end of Garbutt Road, to see if there's a similar disk on one of those poles..
That big property on the corner of Garbutt and Cullingworth has installed a metallic laser-attracting door par excellence, and any pictures I take, show the oddest results. Look HERE and HERE... *curtseys deeply... And that's during daylight hours.. Want to bet I'd catch a fat colony of spheres clustered about that shiny door after dark?
LATER at 9.45am
At the dog's insistence, I went and checked over the valley wall to find that a couple of rag-tag Park's wekkers were back and standing about idly... *curious..
LATER at 12.10am
Oops! Major error.. On closer inspection it appears that my Good Neighbour has only managed to attach one or two sheets of zinc to his 'toolshed', and not the entire roof after all. If just the one sheet slanting towards the Convent caused THIS hologram to appear in a previously empty area, I can't wait to see what the whole roof achieves once it's done.. Will this latest signal booster cause the levels of pain in ours to increase beyond my endurance? That's another wait and see... *shrugs...
Saturday 21st July at 3.55am
You have to appreciate the irony... The GW asked me last night if I could hear the extreme partying going on just the other side of the Freeway, and I couldn't, until I really concentrated...
He also pointed out that the telly volume is up louder than he needs it. This, from a chap with only one functioning ear...
When did my own personal wireless song get so loud that it's over-riding everything else? Hardly a day goes by without one or two instances of painful Jabs to the Ears that have me muttering aloud furiously, before they disappear.. I guess they've finally taken their toll, and though it's a pleasure not to have a heart-attack at any sudden noise, it's an irritation not being able to hear what people say unless they shout. Don't give me the old-age BS either, for even as I sit here, my hearing is thick with a steady shriek in the foreground, that will change dramatically soon enough..
Amazingly, I sat up on Cloud 9 at about 3.30am, and Millie chose to sleep on.. That was nearly an hour ago, and still she stays silent.. As difficult as it is for you to grasp that such an abomination shouldn't be painful, it's the bloody truth.. Once the Sadist realised which frequency it is that upsets her, it smartly became his favourite.. *gags.... As anticipated, the piercing shrillness has just jumped an octave higher before settling down again, but it's been sufficient to stir the monstrosity on my back into a slow burn.. A burn that will increase steadily until the monitoring levels in our home are where he likes them...
I've only ever caught one or two holograms when I point the camera up to that corner of my Good Neighbour's yard, but that's set to change dramatically...
Check out what I caught at twilight yesterday HERE, hanging about by their new 'toolshed'..*blinks.. Were those dull sheets of zinc a kind donation, and were they treated to a coat of the invisible-when-dry signal- boosting lumo paint, before they were handed over? Was the same substance applied to the wooden walls of the little shed before he took delivery? Far from the shiny silver appearance of the jondolo sardine cans, they're apparently good enough to attract the spheres in numbers...
To have a booster of such magnitude erected within spitting distance of his Labrats, must surely have caused my Controller unholy glee, but as always he'll trot out his eye-rolling innocence and you'll buy it willingly... *snorts...
I'd taken the dogs up the top yesterday at 2.30pm and had fallen into conversation with Missus B.Snr at my gates.. The overhead's cherry-picker was pulled in down by the stop street. The one with the extra-long arm HERE, and she said they'd been up fiddling with the lamps on the Mothership, earlier...
*It's now 4.30am and everything just went up a notch, including Millie, who's begun to whine loudly..*
Turns out Missus B has also been having some exquisite bouts of pain with the Burning Hands and Fingers frequency, and the two of us chuckled at how we're forced to hang over the side of our bed in the early hours, flapping frantically at the offending limb, in an effort to douse the flames...
What an achievement, hey Balliram? That after enduring all these years of your single-minded torture, your two guinea-pigs can still joke about your brutal attentions? Yeah, why don't you duck back under your rock and whine that it was never deliberate, and see who really believes you... *gags...
*A further dramatic change in frequency*
She also said she hardly ever sees Missus Courageous or the girls anymore.. Coincidence, or guilt? Would Missus C still have us believe she's unaware of her SO's concentrated wikkedness towards that family at No. 4? Surely not... Moving on...
Any of you paying attention to the latest electrical fires? In particular, the front page of the Highway Mail, 20th July, www.looklocal.co.za Toddler dies in blaze?
You know the Controller in Waterfall personally? He or she getting counselling since that 3year old was taken out on July 11th? Faulty electrical appliance? Anything like the popping sound and the lights dipping when I'd plugged in the hairdryer on Wednesday morning? *snarls...
You have to know there's no ways that child died due to anything other than a nearby Area Controller fumbling with the computerised access to that home, via their powerlines... *spews...
Deny, deny, deny.... Though he'll never come out and admit it, the Fireman knows I'm speaking the truth, and hopefully that good chap now lies awake at night questioning just how badly you've all been conned.. Or not. Inevitable casualties of war? An unfortunate means to an end? Se GAT!
The only part of me that so far remains undamaged by this fantabulous technology is my tongue, and a fat lot of use that's been to me... All my attempts to warn you have resulted in what? Rage and irritation at my interfering cheek? *nods...
Have Roy Hartley and Martin Welz given any thought to the possibility that they've been played like fish? That the Cato Manor Unit debacle was used in an elaborate scheme designed to result in their falling out? Will the two of them wake up and get together to discuss this very real possibility, somewhere out in the open, away from the Eavesdroppers? *fingers crossed...
The GW checked out one of the two ornamental wall mirrors and pointed out an almost invisible hairline scratch on the surface of one of them... They're both well over 30 years old, and as yet tarnish-free.. Could that horizontal scratch be causing the odd results I'm getting with the cameras, or is it simply their bevelled edges that have me misguidedly frothing with delight?
I used the same exercise to take pictures in the lounge, and while the basic light patterns and shapes occur, there was some additional weirdness in the corner of the lounge where I'm targeted so savagely.. Anyone care to explain what THIS rainbow streak of light is, that's on the wall behind my chair? or THIS one that runs down behind the sofa? Probably refracted light from the shiny bead curtain that hangs across the window, is all, but.....
I guess I'll have to settle for the one or two holograms I'm capturing each time my pain levels go through the roof... If indeed a sphere is formed where two laser beams intersect, what more proof do I need than those pretties hanging against my indoor walls?
LATER at 7.10am
See now, I just walked back in here from the bedroom, and was treated to some fierce Knives to the Back. That would be because the GW is now up and about, and our BigEars next door is hell-bent on picking up some subversive material in our conversations.. *eyeroll... I cursed aloud and he switched it to the Broken Wrists frequency with alacrity.. Should I be bloody grateful that the one pain is endured more easily than the other? Those are the options? The throat-closing, chest-tightening special, the Broken Hands and Wrists, or the BackFire?
Are the suddenly increased levels in our home affecting Sue the Book and her family, as well as those at No. 4, as I write here? When Balliram's mischief became too apparent he'd tried varying the frequencies to our three homes for a while, but I guess it was too much hassle, as the three of us are now back to sharing the identical symptoms again..
Until this dysfunctional Sadist and his thinly-disguised Druglord Boss are locked away, I shall continue to regard Messrs. Roux, Petruccione, and Groesbeek with the contempt they surely deserve.. Otherwise? Cast a genuine smile in my direction and I'm set for the day..
Saturday 21st July 2012 at 8.59am.