(begun Tuesday 29th May at 5.30am...)
*The tech's been and gone and here we are again, though somewhat bolt-eyed at the new system.. Bear with me and the inevitable errors that follow....Internet Explorer 9 appears to be blogger.com unfriendly to a degree, or it's just me again.. Unsurprisingly, the tech says that his iBurst was down totally yesterday, and I suspect that his powerline's access has been activated and that everything he did to upgrade our computer was monitored... That's about right Balliram?*
I suspect that there was a fair amount of the Chronic Fatigue frequency flooding into our home the night before last... Administer heavy enough doses of that baby, and the Suckers will slumber through all but the very loudest of noises....
As did Sue the Book and her kid, when Nayager and Balliram demonstrated the technology's abilities so masterfully, by cutting the chain on her gate and removing her ancient car successfully from under their bedroom windows... Her big dog will have barked, and then outnumbered, retreated onto the verandah, as her mistress slept on...
While the horrendous din that our two animals made, as the bits of broken ceiling board scattered down onto the sideboard below, had me wide awake in seconds, the GameWrecker had snored though the entire episode....
He hadn't heard their hysterical barking as they tore around the lounge impatiently, while I fumbled with the front door lock before flinging it open..
He hadn't heard them as they raced around the yard yapping crazily, or the noisy sound of the little pellet gun as I'd fired randomly into the acalypha hedge between me and No. 10, and the wonderfully dense thunbergia below that...
Only once they'd calmed down and come back indoors, had I gone back down the passage and had had to wake him and tell him what had happened...*blinks...
The usefulness of this particular frequency to the Organised Crime teams working on behalf of the Project to terrorise suburbs across the country, goes without saying, hey Earl?
Have you ever woken of a morning to find your home has been cleaned out around you, and you never heard a thing? Are you linked up to the wireless/laser surveillance and theft technology? The lemon-coloured light-sensor atop your streetlight cowling, trenches been dug repeatedly to lay the fibre cabling, constant waterline breaks, and flooding in the street? Powercuts and burned out appliances? Long-established trees being drastically pruned, or removed altogether?
The CIA, much like the telecom's Strategist, were lying by omission when they announced they'd be controlling the population via their appliances.. They judiciously left out the fact that with the use of the correct radio frequencies they can control way more than just your car or your kettle... Far be it for them to admit that their designated Area Controllers can now, in a very short space of time, take you out permanently, cause you to fall terminally ill, or at the very least, cripple you physically...
An army of potential killers, who have been led to believe they are the frontline heroes of the New Age... *eyeroll....
Are you keeping up with Paul Doyon's The Microwave Factor site? I seldom read beyond the latest title, but even then I get the sense that there's a growing panic out there, as the realisation begins to hit home of the disastrous affects the wireless technology is having on the world's population...
Our lot are sadly still too freshly brainwashed to do more than shrug and roll their eyes at what they will tell you at length, are no more than scare-mongering fantasies invented by crazies.. Nice job there, Jannie...
To see how willingly the zombied intellectuals over at mybroadband are prepared to rubbish many of the scientific studies that are only now coming to light publicly, is frankly astonishing...
If I hadn't seen for myself how blindly so many here in the Zone had taken the bait and happily set themselves up to be irradiated on high, I wouldn't have believed it.... Do you not see that for a Druglord to be successful, his basic character traits would have to include an extreme and callous disregard for his fellow-man? Did you seriously consider that one as successful as Michael Barnabas could ever encounter a Road-to-Damascus moment, that could change his character for the better? *falls over choking... It's a foregone conclusion that many of the Seriously Devout here in the Zone would've given this Monster the benefit of the doubt, and welcomed him and his telecom's-created Sales Pitch with open and forgiving arms....
Who was it that first opened the gates and let this wolf into the fold? Father 'Gangsta' Denker? The Arms Dealer? It's pretty pointless apportioning blame right now, as what's done is done..*shrugs...
You may recall that over two weeks back, I'd arrived early up at the Hall for a CPF Meeting, and had switched off the lights in that little room before snapping a whole bunch of photos.. The results were fairly predictable, though I admit to being taken aback by the sheer amount of the laser-friendly compounds applied in that limited space...
I'd checked the room again last night, only to find the section of THIS wooden dais at the far end, that wasn't covered by carpetting, showed signs of having been painted long ago with a non-descript dull blue colour...
The photo I'd taken randomly in the dark a fortnight ago, tells a very different story, and I give you Exhibit A HERE.. The dull faded blue has, in my pictures, become the prettiest of bright turquoise, and matches exactly THIS smear of paint that I discovered in similar stumbling fashion on my courtyard wall, and on several screw-heads indoors...
It should also be noted how THIS carefully applied blob of ochre-coloured substance stands out against the turquoise applied to the wooden planks that make up the dais... THIS standard metal chair, with it's seat covered from corner to corner with minute specks of silver, and THESE battered metal cupboards daubed about with so many different, but now familiar applications...
There are two light-fittings in that room, each consisting of three neon strips.. It had only been towards the end of last night's Meeting that I'd noticed that the middle strip of the fitting nearest me was flickering almost imperceptibly.... I guess the Watchers saw my interest fairly quickly, as Millie had taken a few seriously spiteful jabs soon afterwards... *winks...
I'd not even bothered to pack my camera, as it was hardly likely the Eavesdroppers would run a repeat of the blue rain for my benefit...
Our PC is currently away for a bit of an upgrade.. Though I can ill-afford it, I guess I'm gatvol of the GW laying so many of our online problems down to the age of our computer, and I figure that an upgrade will close that particular door for a while at least....
Will a chunk more RAM and a new harddrive change our interwebz experience for the better? We'll just have to wait and see, won't we Balliram, though I guess we both know the answer to that one already...?
It's now 7.25am and light outside, while the exhausted GW sleeps on regardless... It's not escaped me that while I suffer the physical attacks made on me day and night by the Sadist next door, it's my old man that's showing the worst results of these systematic assaults, as he ages before my eyes at a rate that has my nose running....
Both of our hearing and eyesight have, as you may imagine, been badly affected by the amount of lasers and EMR operating in our home, and in the GW's case, he only had one 'good' ear, to begin with...Even as I scribble here now, I feel the tremendous pressure in my own ears, due directly to our Controller's attentions... *yawns.. I'm off....
Wednesday 30th May at 2.20am
All it took was one bark from Sophie in the lounge, and my old man was off down the passage and out of the front door.. The dog meanwhile, hadn't even budged from the sofa... Jumpy? Yeah - I guess that's exactly how this nasty game is supposed to work....
On Monday evening when I'd headed up the stairs to wait for my lift, all the usual suspects had kicked in noisily as he'd activated each wirelessed nunu I passed.. Nothing the matter with that monitoring then, despite that fact that I'd discovered the Roof Climber had been on our front verandah as well, during his midnight visit, and had himself crossed several alarm beams....
My VC had called yesterday morning to say I'd been given a reprieve, and could continue attending the Motherbody Meetings after all.. *blinks... I've a fairly good idea who pulled that one off, though not how or why he did it... It was easy when Nayager had ruled the roost, and the Crumb had followed him, licking his bootsteps, with the Rotten Apples close behind... The current hierarchy isn't quite so obvious, despite the Crumb's elevation to Holder of the Fort, and I find that fascinating...
Man, what I'd give for a chat with Ahmet of holoforum.org right now... Would he tell me the name of that pretty blue application, were I to ask? That's some seriously weird chemical compound fosho... You'll remember how I'd discovered it applied to the screw-heads in the door locks in my bedroom and several other rooms? How I'd plastered a covering of white insulation tape over the one lock, in an attempt to prevent Miss Piggy from using it as a bounce-off point to attack me in my bed? I'd been taking yet more pictures down the passage a few days later, and had discovered that the insulation tape was a fail, as those photographic results had shown that the entire square of white tape now glowed a pale blue... *chokes..
Gotta take some seriously powerful stuff to work that kind of magic, hey Ahmet? Compared to the screw-head, the amount that's been applied to that wooden dais right next to where I sit at our Sector Policing forum meetings, has to be seen to be believed.. Overkill, anyone?
With only a few breaks in between, I'd say I've been treated to almost the entire bouquet of wireless weaponry since my VC's call yesterday morning, including a brief dose of the Burning Feet as I sat watching the telly.. Mistuh TLC running through the repertoire, or his Host showing off as usual? Are Balliram's house-guest's plates customised, or a fluke? The dark blue Hyundai 4x4 bears a TLC120GP registration, and could at a stretch, refer to an Area Controller's warped idea of his job description... Tender loving care se GAT!
Enough. Peace..
Friday 1st June 2012 at 11.13am.